GPA Newsletter #10 – 25 July 2019
Events & Reminders
Term 3: Monday 15 July – Friday 20 September
Wednesday 31 July: House Points Winner BBQ (vegetarians also catered for)
Friday 23 August: GPA Meeting (9.30am – straight after school assembly – in the Wendy Wilson Hall)
Friday 30 August: Father’s Day Stall (Wendy Wilson Hall)
Tuesday 10 September: GPA Meeting (9.10am, Wendy Wilson Hall)
Friday 20 September: Pie Lunch and Last Day of School (early finish 2.30pm)
The GPA would like to welcome you back to Term 3 as we bed down the final details for our Twilight Fete and throw in a few additional social events for good measure.
We would also like to thank:
- Nicole Verginis for opening the baking order for our Term 3 Cake Raffle
- Heidi Powell and Gajalkshmi Ramalingam for signing up to coordinate our icy poles and hot chocolates service again this term
- John Tinetti for volunteering to cook at our House Points Winner BBQ on Wednesday 31 July. CONGRATULATIONS HUME HOUSE!
- Nicole Verginis and Ruth Smyth-Kinyua for coordianting our Father’s Day Stall on Friday 30 August
- Ally Stuart for volunteering to coordinate our Kids Disco this year. The Kids Disco is a highlight in the kids’ calendar and we look forward its return in Term 3. WATCH THIS SPACE for more information.
- Hayley Clift for volunteering to coordinate our Pie Lunch on the last day of term 3 Friday 20 September
Please sign up
Friday Lunchtime Snacks
(Quelch frozen fruit sticks & hot chocolates)
During the cooler months we will offer Quelch frozen fruit sticks every week, but will ONLY offer hot chocolate service if we have a full roster (ie 6 volunteers serving) by Thursday 12 noon (the day before). We cannot make hot chocolates happen on two sides of the school without a full roster.
Thank you to those who have signed up over the coming weeks, however we still need:
- 2 more volunteers this week;
- 4 more volunteers next week; and
- anywhere between 4-7 extra volunteers for the remaining weeks of term.
If you can help from 12.30/12.45pm for about an hour, please sign up here: WWCC required.
For children who have not pre-purchased for Term 3, icy-poles and hot chocolates can be purchased on the day for $1. Remember to bring your own cup and we’ll throw in a free marshmallow!
Weekly Cake Raffle
Fiona Davey is the next baker up this week, followed by Heidi Powell next week. We don’t have any bakers signed up after Heidi bakes on 2 August until she bakes again on 6 September – do it for the kids, do it for our sugar industry, we implore you… please sign up to bake or make something sweet! Why not road-test a few old-school favourites ahead of our Twilight Fete next term? We have even provided a little inspiration to get your creative juices flowing. Sign up here:
Don’t forget to buy your tickets!
Find all of our GPA rosters here
The GPA use SignUp rosters to coordinate all of our fundraising events – a list of our current rosters (and links) are listed below. Simply click the relevant event link (or copy it into your browser) and sign up for the spot(s) which suit you:
- Term 3 – Cake Raffle – 2019 –
- Term 3 – Icy-pole and hot chocolates – 2019 –
- 2019 Twilight Fete Coordinators –
- 2019 GPA Event Coordinators –
Alternatively, please email and let us know how you can help.
All of our GPA rosters can also be found on the GPA SignUps group page by following this link:
Support our fundraising
Families can support the GPA’s fundraising efforts by:
- purchasing Quelch frozen fruit sticks or hot chocolates for your child on Friday lunchtimes for $1 each
- taking home a box of Cadbury Fundraising chocolates to sell – please see Julie in the office if you can help
- purchasing tickets for $1 each in our weekly cake raffle each Friday
- purchasing an Entertainment Book
- considering 1stenergy as their energy supplier. 1st energy will donate $50 to GHPS for every school family who signs up – contact 1st Energy on 1300 426 594 and quote GHPS
All money raised directly benefits the school.
2019 Twilight Fete
Fiona Davey and the Fete Committee are working hard preparing for this year’s Fete! We still have plenty of events and stalls that need coordinators to make them happen. Please consider signing up to become a 2019 Twilight Fete Coordinator here. If you are interested in discussing the coordinator roles, have suggestions for stalls or activities, are able to offer any special skills or would just like further information, please email or come along to the next meeting on Tuesday, 30th July, from 7.30pm – 9pm in the Wendy Wilson Hall.
If you would like to come along but require transport, please contact
Please contact to let us know if you plan to attend our meeting.
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers during school hours will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icypole stall, or to help with readers, in class rooms, and at many more events held throughout the year.
It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking:
Communications Officer
The GPA will be looking for new blood to take on the role of preparing the fortnightly GPA newsletters and other communications when Caitilin Hawkins steps down from this role at the end of October after the Fete. This job can be owned by one person or shared by more than one person and Caitilin is more than happy to hold your hand until you get the hang of it all. If you are interested in taking on this role or would like to find out more information about it, please contact