GPA Newsletter 19 May 2023

Sign Up & Help Out
Term 2 icy pole duty – https://signup.com/go/jjkzXeZ
Term 2 cake raffle – https://signup.com/go/xDJRttL
Upcoming events:
Important Dates
Friday 16th June – Homemade Baked goods and Snacks required for Grandparents & Special Persons Morning Tea
Sunday 16th July – Save the Date! Bunnings BBQ Moorabbin
Mother’s Day Stall
Thanks to the volunteers who provided baked goods (popular sellers) and/or their time to manning the Mother’s Day stall on the 11th/12th May.
A special thanks to Abbi Gilbert and Sarah Howell for a huge effort in coordination and organising the items for sale.
It was clearly an exciting opportunity for the students, and some were clearly putting in a lot of thought to their purchases.
Upcoming GPA Events
Friday 16th June – Grandparents & Special Persons Morning Tea
Another popular event on the GPA calendar is the Grandparents and Special Persons Morning Tea.
The GPA host the morning tea so a great opportunity to get out the mixing bowl and conjure up your speciality sweet treat or snack.
A list of ingredients will need to accompany your contribution. Thanks in advance!
In addition, we will need volunteers on the day for serving and preparation.
Friday Icy Poles/Hot chocolates
Icy poles or a cup of hot chocolate are available Friday lunchtimes during Term 2 and continue to be very popular.
If you haven’t signed up for the term, your child can still participate by bringing $1 on the day.
Remember, BYO mug for a bonus marshmallow.
Friday cake raffle
Remember to get your ticket(s) each Friday! Tickets are $1 from the office.
Thanks to the bakers. Can’t have a cake raffle without the cake!
Sunday 16th July – GPHS Bunnings Fundraiser BBQ at Moorabbin
Bunnings BBQ slots are in high demand and a great opportunity to raise funds from the wider community.
This is an opportunity to volunteer outside standard business hours.
We will be looking for people to fill 1 or 2 hour slots on the day or just come along and buy a sausage or two!