GPA Newsletter #2 – 28 February 2019
Events & Reminders
Term 1: Thursday 31 January – Friday 5 April
Friday 1 March: 1st GPA Meeting (9.45am after assembly, Wendy Wilson Hall)
Tuesday 5 March: 2019 Twilight Fete Meeting (9.15am or 7.30pm – Wendy Wilson Hall)
Friday 15 March: Family Fun Night (5.00 – 7.00pm, West Site)
Wednesday 27 March: Harmony Day – Sushi Lunch
Please do join the Glen Huntly Parent’s Association (GPA) – a dynamic team of parents and friends of the Glen Huntly Primary School Community. The GPA fundraise for our school to improve the facilities and experiences for our children. We also organise fun social events that bring our wonderful school community together and build strong links between our school and the wider community.
The GPA usually meet on the 2nd Friday of every month and everyone is welcome. Even if you are not able to attend meetings, we welcome everyone to join our mailing list and volunteer to help with any of the events/drives we co-ordinate. The GPA use SignUp to coordinate rosters – all of our current rosters can be found on the GPA Signups Group Page:
Our first GPA meeting is on Friday 1 March at 9.45am after assembly in the Wendy Wilson Hall.
The next Fete meeting is planned for Tuesday 5 March at 9.15am or 7.30pm (Wendy Wilson Hall). Please come along to one!
If you wish to join the mailing list or have any suggestions please contact:
The GPA welcomes all of the new families to our school and hope that you will become involved!
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icypole stall, or to help with readers, in class rooms, and at many more events held throughout the year.
It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking:
Chocolate Drive
There are still some boxes of Fundraising chocolates available from the office – if you would like some more to sell then please see Julie in the office.
Cake Raffle – Fridays – Tickets $1
The GPA co-ordinate a weekly cake raffle every Friday.
One family signs up each week to showcase their baking skills with something sweet – such as a cake, a batch of cupcakes, biscuits or slice, etc.
Students can buy tickets for $1 each to be in with a chance to win the coveted prize. And if it is your week to bake, your child or children get their chance to take to the stage at assembly to show off what’s on offer and invite students to buy a ticket.
Please sign up here:
Thanks to Caitilin Hawkins’ for her Ultimate Fudge and to Briana Price-Robertson for the delicious cupcakes.
Next up is Nicole Verginis on 1st March.
Don’t forget to support this fundraising for our school by buying tickets for $1 each.
Friday Lunchtime Snacks
The GPA sell Quelch frozen fruit juice sticks every Friday lunchtime out of the kitchen attached to Wendy Wilson Hall on the Senior (East) Site and the Art Room on the Junior (West) Site. We need 4 helpers every Friday lunchtime from 12.45pm for about an hour to sell icy-poles.
To volunteer, please sign up here:
If students didn’t pre-order they don’t miss out – you can still purchase them on the day for $1 each. Don’t forget your money!
Family Fun Night (Friday 15 March, 5-7pm, West Site)
Come along and join us in a night of fun.
Pizzas will be available on the night thanks to “3 Lil Monsters and a Pizza Truck”. Delicious Jude’s Lemonade Icy-poles will also be available.
Feel free to BYO picnic basket, drinks and rugs or chairs to sit back, relax and enjoy!
Harmony Day Sushi Lunch (Wednesday, 27 March, lunchtime)
We will be having a Sushi Lunch to celebrate Harmony Day on Wednesday 27th March.
Volunteers are needed to coordinate and host this much loved event! A roster will be available soon but in the meantime please register your interest by emailing us on
Order forms will also be sent home in the next couple of weeks so keep your eye out for these!
2019 Twilight Fete (Saturday 26 October 2-8pm) Meeting Report
Next Meeting : Tuesday 5 March*
Planning for the Fete is underway! We are still looking for an Activities Coordinator and a Food & Drinks Coordinator as well as coordinators for individual stalls. If you are interested in being a coordinator, have suggestions for stalls or activities, are able to offer any special skills or would just like further information, please email or come along to the meeting.
*If you can’t make it to our 9.15am meeting you can hopefully come to our evening meeting at 7.30pm.
We are looking forward to another amazing Fete!