GPA Newsletter #5 June 3rd, 2024
SignUp Manager(s) Required.
A straight-forward but essential role with GPA that can all be done out of school hours and off-site.
Cathy (Liam 6) has been our SignUp coordinator for the past 12 months, but her involvement with GHPS will finish at the end of the year. We are looking for 1 or 2 people to learn the Sign Up process.
For each GPA event the coordinator asks the SignUp Manager to prepare the SignUp link with details of the required roles. Familiarity with computer programs is required but high level computing skills are not required.
If this is something you would be interested in, speak to any of the GPA Committee or email
Sign Up & Help Out
Term 2 icy pole/hot chocolate duty – Sign Up Here
Friday 28th June – State Schools Relief Lunch
A special lunch will be available to order for Friday 28th June (last day of Term 2). This is a fundraiser for State Schools Relief, an organisation that provides assistance with school costs, for students facing financial hardship.
Order forms will be coming home this week.
WEEK 4 in Review
Mother’s Day Stall Thurs 9th – Fri 10th May
Arya (Sarang, 1) and Kamala (Jasritha, 1) preparing seed envelopes
After an unusually frenetic start to the Mother’s Day Stall, with Grade 6 and all the District runners arriving at 8.45 am to shop before their scheduled activities, the event settled into its usual pattern.
Special thanks to those parents who spontaneously pitched in to get the early shoppers through.
Huge thanks to the bakers, for ensuring a diverse array of goodies were available, and to the “sales staff” for patiently helping the students with their important decisions!
Great work Sarah (Rachel, 3) in putting together a very successful Mother’s Day Stall.
Thank you to the SignUp volunteers and those who contributed food and/or time but didn’t use SignUp so remain anonymous.
Sarah & David (Rachel 3), Arya (Sarang 1), Briana (Sahara 6, Uma 2), Cecylia (Winston 5, Olympia 2, Coco 0), Gayle & Chris (Alice 1), Claire & Lorenz (Freddie 0), Fasna (Fadi 1), Gajalakshmi (Akhilesh 5), Hayley (Harvey 5, Adam 3), Jennifer (Peter 0), Jyothsna (Tanmayee 4), Kamala (Jaasritha 1), Kanmani (Adhiyamaan 1), Kavitha (Nabila 1), Lilian Chew (Sofia 2, Abigail 0), Abbi (James 6, Lewis 4, Eden 3), Ruth (Sully 5), Salisa (Henry 0), Sue (Thalia 0)
Japan Children’s Day Sushi Lunch Tuesday 7th May
The students enjoyed a yummy sushi lunch provided as a part of the Japanese Children’s Day celebrations at the school. Many THANKS to our parent helpers who make it possible to run these events: Jen (Peter 0), Briana (Sahara 6, Uma 2), Karen (Christian 0), CC (Winston 5, Olympia 2, Coco 0) Hayley (Harvey 5, Adam 3), Sue (Thalia 0)
Thanks to coordinator Abbi (James 6, Lewis 4, Eden 3) for this enjoyable event.
A Great Opportunity
We are still looking for a volunteer to coordinate the Term 3 Pie Lunch
Friday 20th September. A well-established event and a great “entry level” GPA activity.
If you are interested in this roles, please email or speak to someone from the GPA Committee.
Advance Notice
Bunnings BBQ Sunday 18th August – save the date
GPA has secured a valued Bunnings BBQ slot for Sunday 18th August. This is a great opportunity to raise funds from the wider community while volunteering a few hours of our time.
A SignUp link will be available soon.
Next GPA Meeting
Friday 14th June 9.15am Library, West site
Even if you are unable to attend the meetings you are welcome to become a member, just email or complete the form within GPA Constitution
Anyone is welcome to volunteer for GPA events, GPA membership is not a requirement.