GPA Newsletter 6 September 2018
Events & Reminders
Term 3: Tuesday 17 July – Friday 21 September
Tuesday 11 September: 2018 Cabaret
Friday 14 September: Next GPA meeting – 2.15-3.30pm
Friday 21 September: Pie lunch – Footy Day
Chocolate Drive
Thank you to those families who have returned all money or unsold stock to the school. If you haven’t already done so, it’s not too late – please keep your money coming in together with any stock that you have been unable to sell. If you are able to sell another box, please see Julie in the office. All profits will be earmarked towards the construction of a new bike shelter on the West site and refurbishment of the bike shelter on the East site.
Financial Update
We hope to raise another $8,000 by the end of the year for 2 additional air-conditioners on the West Site. In addition, we are exploring ways to support the Buildings and Grounds Committee in building a bike shed for the West Site. GPA funds are also used for running various specialist programs.
The GPA have raised over $8,500 so far this year – amazing effort!
The Father’s Day Stall raised $1,316 – a great result! The combined profit from the 2018 Mother’s Day & Father’s Day Stalls reached $2,650 – so these stalls are certainly great fundraisers for our school as well as providing the students a wonderful opportunity to buy that special gift for the special people in their lives!
Sunsational Sunscreen Drive
The GPA are running a sunscreen drive using “Sunsational Sunscreen”. “Sunsational Body Care” products comply with Australian standards, are SPF 50+ and are also very reasonably priced. Use of high factor sunscreen is a vital aspect of being SunSmart. Now GHPS families have the opportunity to support our wonderful school while being SunSmart.
An order form was sent home last week – please return all completed forms with payment to the Office by Monday 10 September.
Father’s Day Stall – Friday 31st August
We hope all the Dads enjoyed Father’s Day and the lovely gifts their children carefully and lovingly selected for them.
Thank you to Andrea Carveth who did an amazing job curating the stock and co-ordinating our Father’s Day stall for one last time this year. We will miss her next year.
Thank you to Alison Tildesley, Caitilin Hawkins, Hayley Kringas, Yoko Muta, Helen Matthews, Ally Stuart, Janaki Ananth, Maria Simmons for signing up to bake and to anyone else who baked for our stall – the baked items looked amazing and sold like hot cakes…
Thank you to Andrea Carveth, Tharana Surireddy, Sahithi N, Jillian Williams, Harisri, Anees Fathima, Aarti Dave, Payal, Pratiksha, Monika Agrawal, Sally Parrish, Kathryn Dench, Ally Stuart, Shira Roth, Donna Gardiner, Anjali Jain, Annessa Conquest, Archana Mallik, Yoko Muta, Kei Sonoda and Maria Simmons for signing up to volunteer on the day, and to anyone else who volunteered on the day.
And finally, thank you to Botanical Creations (124 Grange Road, Glen Hunty) for generously supporting our Father’s Day stall again by providing a lovely selection of cacti and succulents at cost price.
Special thank you from GPA
Thank you to Jody Tighe (Josh, 6P) and family (and their business, Card and Caboodle) for donating such beautiful cards for our Father’s Day (and Mother’s Day) stalls each year.
Thank you to Sarah Davis (Emily, Prep R) and family for their generous donation of water and soft drinks earlier this year.
Cake Raffle – Fridays – Tickets $1
Thank you to Roxanne Conquest for preparing two different varieties of delicious biscuits in week 6 and Margo White for whipping up some rocky road in week 7. Congratulations to Stephanie Verginis and J.P. for winning these baked offerings.
Coming up this fortnight we have Hayley Kringas (this week) and Lena Wilson (next week). You’re in for a treat – so don’t forget to support this fundraising for our school by buying tickets for $1 each.
Friday Lunchtime Snacks
Our children have been enjoying the hot chocolates and frozen Berri Quelch Fruit Juice Sticks from our Friday Lunchtime Snacks Stall. The Friday snacks are a great fundraiser for our school – we raised over $5,600 during 2017. We hope that you will continue to support us by volunteering to help fill the 4 weekly spots and by purchasing snacks.
Students who have not pre ordered can still purchase their snack on the day for $1. Students who bring along their own cup/mug from home receive a free marshmallow in their hot chocolate!
Thank you to Venmani Sasikumar, Jeyanthi, Sangeetha Venkatesh, Archana Mallik, Deepti, Sally Parrish, Caitilin Hawkins, Raphi Bloch (6P) and Arusha (6P) for signing up to help at our Friday Snacks Stall in the past fortnight, to Cassandra David and Heidi Powell for doing the milk and icypole run – and to anyone else who helped out.
At time of writing this, we still need volunteers this week and in coming weeks. If you can spare an hour on a Friday lunchtime, please sign up for one or more spots here:
“ROCKTOBER” – Saturday 27th October
Planning is well underway for an action-packed, musical trivia night with a spin – “Rocktober”, an event not to be missed! Shan Jayaweera (our very own “Rocktober” Co-Ordinator) and a group of musically talented GHPS parents and teachers are busily working up trivia questions and live performances for the night. Do yourself a favour and book your baby-sitters for Saturday 27th October!
“Rocktober” will be held at the Wendy Wilson Hall at GHPS. More details will be available during Term 3 … watch this space.
Kids Disco – (new date being finalised)
Planning is also underway for our Kids Disco – held every year and a highlight of our calendar. We are still determining a suitable alternative date (due to the State Election being held on 24 November with our school used as an election booth).
Thanks to Cassandra David who is co-ordinating this event and to Shan Jayaweera for signing up as our DJ!
Our Kids Disco will also be held at the Wendy Wilson Hall at GHPS. More details will be available before the end of Term … watch this space.
Election Day – Saturday 24 November – Sausage Sizzle and more
On Saturday 24 November, Glen Huntly Primary School’s Wendy Wilson Hall will once again become a polling place for the Victorian State Election. In past years we have run a BBQ, Cake Stall, Book Stall and Crafty Mums Stall – raising much needed funds for our school. What will 2018 Election Day hold? If you would like to be involved in the coordination of our Election Day 2018 stalls, please let us know by sending an email to or by coming along to our next GPA meeting.
Next GPA Meeting: Fri 14th September (note change of time)
2.15pm – 3.30 pm, WW Hall, West Site