GPA Newsletter #8 – 6 June 2019

Events & Reminders
Term 2: Tuesday 23 April – Friday 28 June
Friday 7 June: GPA Meeting (9.30am after assembly, Wendy Wilson Hall)
Tuesday 11 June: State Schools Relief Winter Warmer Hot Dog Lunch (please SignUp to help)
Tuesday 25 June: Fete Meeting (7.30pm, venue to be advised on RSVP to ghpsfete@gmail.com)
The GPA would like to thank Nicole Verginis and Fiona Davey for coordinating another delightful Grandparent’s morning tea. Thank you also to our:
- Bakers: Helen Matthews, Caitilin Hawkins, Ally Stuart, Janaki Ananth, Cassandra David, Nicole Verginis, Briana Price-Robertson, Aarti Dave, Heidi Powell, Fiona Davey and anyone else who baked but did not SignUp…; and
- Volunteers setting up / in the kitchen / packing up: Dean Anderson, Shan Jayaweera, Tharana Surireddy, Gajalakshmi K Ramalingam, Nicole Verginis, Fiona Davey, Vasumithra Taikella, Heidi Powell, Janaki Ananth, Pranjali Autane, Banu Priva Manoy, Hayley Clift, Sashi Dulala, Jacqui Wright & Irene Gianellis
The GPA would also like to thank:
- Cassandra David and Nicole Verginis for SigningUp to be our State School Relief Winter Warmer Hot Dog Lunch coordinators
- Heidi Powell, for coordinating our icy poles and hot chocolates service for the entire term and being there every week!
- Gajalakshmi K Ramalingam, Rashmi, Anjali Jain, Rohini Kulkarni, Kathryn Dench, Jenny Anderson and Hayley Clift for volunteering to serve icy-poles and hot chocolates over the past two weeks
- Caitilin Hawkins and Fiona Davey for baking for the last two cake raffles;
- our SignUp users – thank you, you make the coordination of GPA events so much easier
- everyone who holds a WWCC to volunteer at our school – we cannot do it without your help
State School Relief – Winter Warmer Hot Dog Lunch
Notices have gone home and orders have closed for our Winter Warmer Hot Dog Lunch next Tuesday 11 June. For those who have placed orders, enjoy your day off sandwich detail next Tuesday and thank you for supporting State Schools’ Relief.
State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that supports the needs of underprivileged Victorian government school students by assisting them with new school uniforms, footwear and educational resources during times of vulnerability. You can find out more about State Schools’ Relief or support them by making a separate donation at https://www.givenow.com.au/stateschoolsrelief
State Schools’ Relief – Winter Warmer Hot Dog Lunch
If you can help with serving on Tuesday 11 June, please sign up here.
Friday Lunchtime Snacks
(Quelch frozen fruit sticks & hot chocolates)
This term we will offer Quelch frozen fruit sticks every week, but will ONLY offer hot chocolate service if we have a full roster by Thursday 12 noon (the day before). We simply cannot make hot chocolates happen on two sides of the school without 6 volunteers signed up to serve in the 12.45-1.45 slot every week.
At the date of writing we need:
- 5 more volunteers this week (Friday 7 June); and
- 2 more volunteers next week (Friday 14 June).
If you can help, please sign up here – WWCC required.
For children who have not pre-purchased for Term 2, icy-poles and hot chocolates can be purchased on the day for $1. Remember to bring your own cup and we’ll throw in a free marshmallow!
Weekly Cake Raffle
Our Term 2 Cake Raffle roster is full – hooray! The next baker up is Christine Short, followed by Kate Taylor, Angela Natalier and a team combo of Perry and Annessa to round out the Term. To coin the phrase of just about every kid who has stepped onto the stage to spruik their family’s offering – “Don’t forget to buy your tickets!”
GPA Event Coordinator rosters
If you would like to help us make GPA events happen this year, please sign up to be a 2019 GPA Event Coordinator.
We still need 2019 GPA Event coordinators for
- the Pie Lunch (Friday 20 September) and
- the Kids Disco (coordinator can choose either Friday 15 or Friday 22 November).
If we do not get coordinators to run these events we simply may not be able to run them. If you are able to coordinate any of these events, please sign up. If you have any questions about the roles or would like to suggest other fundraising or social events that you are happy to coordinate this year, please contact us.
Find all of our GPA rosters here
The GPA use SignUp rosters to coordinate all of our fundraising events – a list of our current rosters (and links) are listed below. Simply click the relevant event link (or copy it into your browser) and sign up for the spot(s) which suit you:
- Term 2 – Cake Raffle – 2019 – https://signup.com/go/NRUYRGk – FULL (Yay team!) Term 3 Roster coming soon
- Term 2 – Icy-pole and hot chocolates – https://signup.com/go/vBdDiON
- State Schools’ Relief – Hot Dog Lunch – https://signup.com/go/fsiLANM
- 2019 Twilight Fete Coordinators – https://signup.com/go/mcoGvZW
- 2019 GPA Event Coordinators – https://signup.com/go/aNyByJp
Alternatively, please email gpacommunicationsofficer@gmail.com and let us know how you can help.
By signing up using our SignUp rosters you help the GPA to efficiently coordinate events, avoid double-ups and acknowledge your contributions.
All of our GPA rosters can also be found on the GPA SignUps group page by following this link: https://signup.com/go/yXrBiwN
Support our fundraising
Families can support the GPA’s fundraising efforts to benefit the school by:
- purchasing Quelch frozen fruit sticks or hot chocolates for your child on Friday lunchtimes for $1 each
- taking home a box of Cadbury Fundraising chocolates to sell – please see Julie in the office if you can help
- purchasing tickets for $1 each in our weekly cake raffle held each Friday
- purchasing an Entertainment Book
- considering 1stenergy as their energy supplier. 1st energy is donating $500 toward our Fete and will donate a further $50 to GHPS for every school family who signs up.
Contact 1st Energy on 1300 426 594 and quote GHPS.
NOTE: the Fodens are a GHPS family!
2019 Twilight Fete
We just had another Fete Meeting on Tuesday 4 June at 9.15am with much discussed and planning coming along very well! We still have events and stalls that need coordinators to make them happen. Please consider signing up to become a 2019 Twilight Fete Coordinator here. If you are interested in discussing the coordinator roles, have suggestions for stalls or activities, are able to offer any special skills or would just like further information, please email ghpsfete@gmail.com or come along to the next meeting on Tuesday 25 June at 7.30pm
Please contact ghpsfete@gmail.com to let us know if you plan to attend our meeting and to obtain the meeting address.
Cooking Program Term 2 – Welcome to Japan
Our term 2 cooking sessions have been so popular I thought I would share our recipes earlier than usual. I look forward to hearing how they go at home.
The children have loved making their Gyoza (Japanese dumplings). These are the recipes we have been using:
We have chopped and mixed our fillings, learnt how to assemble them and ended up with many, many beautifully folded dumplings which tasted as great as they looked. Some children have enjoyed such a feast I’d be surprised if they ate anything else before dinnertime!
To enable our Prep and Grade 1 students to achieve the same fantastic results I would really appreciate some extra helpers over the next three weeks. Come along for one session or two, just to wash dishes, just for your child’s class, whatever suits. The only requirement is that you have your Working with Children Check, a little patience and a willingness to let the students shine.
These are the remaining class dates:
TUESDAY 11th June Prep N at 9am Prep F at 11:10am
Monday 17th June 1E at 9am 1M at 11:10am
TUESDAY 18th June 1A at 9am –
Monday 24th June Prep R at 9am Prep S at 11:10am
Fiona Davey (Cooking Teacher, GHPS)
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers during school hours will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icypole stall, or to help with readers, in class rooms, and at many more events held throughout the year.
It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au