GPA Newsletter September 4 2024

Saturday 16th November 2pm – 7.30pm – Mark your calendar NOW.
Obviously, we would love to see as many of our GHPS community attending on the day and we will also need as many volunteers as possible. “Many hands make light work” and that’s certainly true for a Spring Fair. If every family can volunteer an hour or two on the day, that will still leave plenty of time to enjoy the delights of the Fair.
Friday 6th September 9am – Planning meeting Japanese/STEM room east site
Planning is well underway, but we still have room for ideas and Stall leaders. The bigger the variety of ideas and activities, the better the event! If you would like to be involved, please come along to Friday’s meeting or drop an email to ghpsgpa@gmail.com
Thursday 12th September Grandparents/Special Person morning tea
If you haven’t managed to get the mixing bowl out in Term 3, there is one more chance with the Grandparents / Special Friends event on the school calendar for Thursday 12th September. The GPA will host the morning tea as part of this event, and we need savoury and sweet delights to serve our valued guests.
We ask that every family who is expecting Grandparents / Special Friends to attend, to kindly bring along a food donation (home baked or store bought) to enable us to cater for this event.
We need volunteers on the day to set-up, serve and pack up 9am-11am. Any time you can contribute is appreciated. SignUp Here
Uniform Shop – Week 9
The Uniform Shop selling new items (old logo, valid uniform until the end of 2025) and 2nd hand uniform items (predominantly also old logo) will be operating in Week 9 inside the Gym on the East site, at the following times:
Tuesday 10th September 8.15am – 9.15am
Wednesday 11th September 3.15pm – 4pm
Thursday 12th September 8.15am – 9.15am
Friday 20th September School Pie Lunch
Celebrating footy finals and the end of term 3 there will be a special lunch on offer with pies and sausage rolls (veg or meat).
Look out for the order form in Week 9.
Term 4 Cake Raffle
Good news for those of you who no longer have cash (especially coins) to hand and thus have been missing out on the fabulous cakes raffled on Fridays. For term 4 we will provide the option to purchase in advance a weekly raffle ticket (or 2,3, 4 tickets) for all 10 weeks of Term 4. So, for $10 you can get 1 ticket for each Friday cake raffle of the term.
Look out for this option on the Icy Pole/Cake Raffle Order form distributed in Week 1 of Term 4. Note, this payment will still be cash only – so save your small notes and coins over the school holidays!
Importantly, it will still be possible to buy tickets on a Friday, as usual.
Next GPA Meeting
Friday 13th September 9.15am Library, West site
Even if you are unable to attend the meetings you are welcome to become a member, just email ghpsgpa@gmail.com or complete the form within the GPA Constitution
Anyone is welcome to volunteer for GPA events, GPA membership is not a requirement.