Newsletter #10 28 July 2023


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow.

Pride and Teamwork in our School 

At the Principal Network meeting on Thursday 27 July, together with one other school, our school was acknowledged for having the highest NAPLAN across our network and although we don’t chase after seeking this affirmation, it was with much pride that we accepted this congratulations on behalf of our students, staff, and parents. It is very much grounded in our teamwork and learning together with optimism and enthusiasm to achieve.

This coincided with the very exciting announcement in the Herald Sun on Monday earlier this week, with a feature article that has Glen Huntly Primary named amongst the best primary schools in Victoria, including being one of the top 20 government schools listed. The Better Education analysis shows GHPS has scored 99 out of 100 and has taken the number 30 spot out of the top 50.

To make the announcement even more amazing, the article and picture included has captured the wonderful energy and feeling of our wonderful school community. As well as high NAPLAN scores, the report from the journalist that I spoke to was that we have been recognised for our fabulous Science and Art programs as well!

In seeing Ivy, Sriram, Yasmin and Advik representing our school, we can feel so heartened and inspired that our students love learning and our teachers and staff provide incredible experiences every day to enhance their lives. Congratulations everyone! If you have missed the picture and article, here it is:

(Of course, in our eyes we are Number 1!)

Three Way Interviews

This week, students, teachers, and parents have been able to make time to meet with their child’s class teacher. All teachers, students and parents have had the opportunity to share information or ask questions about the first semester of learning, including anything about the Semester 1 Report. We greatly appreciate the time and effort everyone has put in to make this happen and hope all our students feel supported to reset goals and further their learning in Semester 2.

School Assembly

This week, the school came together for an Assembly on Tuesday 25 July. The student hosts for the week were Zoya and Aditya who provided us with an update on the week, including that the Grade 5/6s had prepared their SMART goals for the Three-way conferences. They informed us about the learning in all Grades.

Here is an excerpt:

The Year 2s have been learning about persuasive writing and have just finished their 3D and 2D shape unit in Maths. The Year 1s have finished their fractions unit, learning about the 6+1 traits of writing and in Inquiry, the past and present. The Preps have been focusing on fairytales, and number patterns and length. And they will be celebrating 100 days of Prep on Thursday.

The Year 3s have been learning about number patterns and algebra and they have been looking at poetry. Meanwhile, the Year 4s have just finished their multiplication and division unit. In Inquiry they are learning about the First Nations people and in writing, narratives.

We heard from our Wellbeing captains, Adishree and Atharva, Tech captains T and Anisha, Sports Captains, Harshitha and Rory, Sustainability Captains, Elka and Aditya, Art Captain, Keshav with Aliyah as an assistant today, who provided excellent and informative tips and updates.

Celebrating Preps 100 Days

Congratulations to all our Prep students, families, Ms Draper and Mr Bowden and all staff who have been teaching our Prep students throughout their first 100 Days! We are very, very proud of you all!

A fun 100 Days of Prep celebration took place on Thursday this week and it was delightful to see everyone dressed up to celebrate 100.

Special guests, “100-year-olds Janice and Bruce” dressed the part and treated us all to their special talents and experiences gathered over their lives, making the occasion even more special for our Preps.

A great pic of the Prep community in marking their first 100 days of school.


NAPLAN was undertaken by students in Years 3 and 5 in March earlier this year. Students’ results were highly impressive once again with results reported to parents and the school last week. This year the results show how they performed in each of the NAPLAN assessment areas against 4 new proficiency levels: exceeding expectations, strong, developing and needs additional support. As parent of these students have been advised, the proficiency standards are reported on a new NAPLAN measurement scale that makes better use of adaptive tests. This will be used in national reporting, as well as on the individual reports received by parents and carers. The proficiency standards were set by expert panels of subject areas specialists. The panels classified NAPLAN questions into proficiency levels based on their judgement of what students in each level could achieve and the knowledge and skills that students would have been expected to have been taught in previous years. NAPLAN helps:

  • teachers to better identify students who need greater challenges or extra support.
  • schools to identify strengths and areas of need on teaching programs.
  • schools to set goals in literacy and numeracy.
  • school systems to review programs and support offered to schools.

Prep Enrolments for 2024

It’s hard to believe that we are already preparing and planning for the 2024 Prep transition.

Thank you to our current families who have already dropped in or emailed their child’s 2024 enrolment form. As families may be aware Department of Education has implemented a new enrolment timeline whereby enrolment application to a government primary school is due in by TODAY – Friday 28 July 

As we are starting to plan for Transition which will take place during October and November next term, this will greatly assist us with workforce planning as well. Please contact the school office on 9571 2933 if you require any further information or visit our website for an enrolment form.

Continued focus on teaching Mathematics: Measurement & Capacity

Using manipulatives and representations to build on students’ existing knowledge and understanding provides teachers with information about what students do and don’t know. It can help students engage with mathematical ideas when used as a scaffold until independence is achieved.

This has been excellent to see taking place in Grade 3 this week where we can see that students have been encouraged to play an active role in their own learning and we can see their enjoyment in maths. Thank you to Ms Roth and the year 3’s for their pics.

Certificate of Recognition

Congratulations to Mr David Jenkins on your valuable contribution to government education: 35 years of service.

David attended an awards ceremony and was congratulated for his incredible milestone, and of these 35 years in education, 10 of those have been invested in teaching students, on school council and leading a broad range of initiatives and committees at GHPS.

Thank you David and we hope that you felt proud and enjoyed the night.

July Finance and School Council Meeting

The Finance Sub Committees and School Council will meet next Monday 31 July at 6.15pm respectively in the East Site Staff Lounge.

Student Council

The next meeting for the Student Council will be on Tuesday 1 August at 1.45pm -2.15pm.

House Athletics Carnival Grades 3-6

This favourite event, led by Ms Kasambalis, staff and our Sport and House Captains will be on Friday 11 August at Duncan McKinnon Reserve, commencing at 9.30am and finishing at 2. 30pm.

Please ensure that you pay and provide permission on compass by Tuesday 8 August.

All students will be involved, and spectators are most welcome to come down and join us.

GPA and Student Disco

We are really looking forward to the Student Disco which will take place on Friday 11 August. Thank you to Fiona Davey, GPA and members of our school community who have planned to get everything organised.

Time:    Junior Disco Prep – Grade 2 will take to the dance floor from 5pm to 6:15pm

Senior Disco Grade 3 – Grade 6 will party from 6:30pm to 7:45pm

Please see notice in Compass: Cost per child is $12.50 prepaid by Friday 4th August which includes – Entry fee, a hot dog, bottled water and a goodie bag.

If tickets are purchased at the door, your child WILL NOT receive the goodie bag as we need to organise this in advance. Also, NO CHANGE WILL BE GIVEN ON DOOR SALES.

Please pay and give consent or decline on Compass.

For the GPA to run fun events like this for our children, we need parent helpers. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up on the return slip below or online using

Also, the DJ did a great job last year so we can’t wait for him to play the music again!

Come along, have some fun and dance at the GHPS Gymnasium (entrance from the laneway).

Libby Alessi         Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Eddie FB – For your awesome efforts in our numeracy lessons this week. You worked so hard to learn our skip counting songs and created a fantastic counting by 2s paper chain. Keep it up you Skip Counting Superstar!

Anuj FB – For showing awesome active listening skills when completing learning activities! You have worked so hard this week to follow instructions with precision and it has helped you become more organised with your learning. Keep being a legendary listener!

Lucas FD – For your dedication and focus while learning about the /ch/ sound this week. While making your chip craft you took initiative by bringing your whiteboard to the floor to copy lots of CH words. You are a champion!

Asaha FD – For your quick and effortless transition into prep at G.H.P.S. You have made new friends, learned routines and have completed tasks to a high standard. Thank you for being such a wonderful addition to our class. Keep it up!

Pavneet 2M – For moving up a reading level. You have been putting so much effort into improving your reading skills and you should be so proud of your progress. Keep it up super star!

Ahil 2M – For achieving your personal goal to be more organised. You have been starting your work faster because you are more organised with your belongings. I am proud of you! Keep it up.

Tasha in 2S – For consistently demonstrating empathy, generosity and kindness towards your classmates by sharing and offering to help others. This sets an excellent example of our value to always be respectful. Well done Tasha!

Archit 2S – working hard to learn and remember new words and for improving his organisation skills.

Eklavya 3C – For your efforts in contributing to class discussions, especially during Literacy tasks. Your confidence to raise your hand and share your thinking is growing. Keep up the great work!

Advaith 3C – For your friendly attitude and good manners! Your actions are not only a reflection of your character but also demonstrate your dedication to creating a respectful and kind learning environment. Great work!

Aarohi 3C– For your exceptional organisation skills during learning tasks. You are one of the first to have your workbook ready with a margin and heading, and always keep your belongings cared for. Especially your tub! Great work 🙂

Nial 3RK – For confidently writing his own algebraic rule, creating a function machine and then thoroughly checking his answers in Numeracy this week. Fantastic work!

Charlie 3RK – For being an excellent Word Wizard during Literature Circles this week, and for your impressive result on Essential Assessment. Go Charlie!

Sadra 4A – for your excellent reading and contributing during Literacy Circles this week. You did a superb job at being the Vocabulary Enricher! Keep up the great work!

Winston 4SJ – For always being a sharp, focused, accurate and thus very effective listener.

Hazel 4SJ – For settling into your new school happily, smoothly and comfortably.

Johan 5/6J – For consistently intelligent contributions to class discussions throughout the week. This demonstrates active listening and a willingness to take risks in sharing knowledge and understanding. A mighty fine role model you are to the rest of 5/6J. Congratulations!

Sanjeev 5/6K – For outstanding work ethic, leadership, maturity and care for others. You are a star! Congratulations.

Vritti 5/6R – For her efforts displayed this week while exploring time. Well done for working hard, especially when converting between 12 and 24 hour time!

Aarush 5/6R – For his reflective and achievable goals created this week. I really enjoyed reading your goals and look forward to seeing you make the appropriate adjustments needed to grow in your learning. Well done!

TheirCare News

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Mon 31     School Council Meeting


Fri 11        Yr 3-6 House Athletics

Fri 11        School Disco

Mon 21     Yr 3-6 Astronomy Night

Thu 24      Book Week Parade

Mon 28    School Council Meeting


Wed 6      Junior House Athletics

Thu 14      R U OK Day

Fri 15        Footy Pie Lunch

Fri 15        Final Day Term 3 Early dismissal 2.30pm

Buddies Early Learning Centre, adjacent to Glen Huntly Primary School invites applicants seeking casual, part-time or full-time roles as educators.

We will offer free training while working on the job in order for successful applicants to obtain the relevant qualification required in the role.

If you are interested in finding out more and following up this opportunity, please visit us between 9 and 4 during the week or phone Danya on 9563-6581 to set up an appointment.

You can also register your interest by email on


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.