Newsletter #12 August 27, 2021
Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Principal’s Report
Remote and flexible learning
As students continue to engage with their learning remotely, our vision remains that we have a deep commitment to inspire our students to be respectful, caring and resilient citizens of the local and global community and our continued belief: Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
There is so much to feel proud, positive and grateful for in what we can all learn together- both the planned and surprising gems that we are noticing about our students and ourselves. I have also been reflecting on a quote from Albert Einstein: “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.”
GHPS School Strategic Plan (SSP) 2020-2024
This week there is much to celebrate with the endorsement of the GHPS 2020 – 2024 School Strategic Plan. Acting Senior Education Improvement Leader (SEIL) Steve Capp, and Ross Donnan School Council President have endorsed the SSP 2020-2024.
This work as you may recall, commenced when we started the process to undertake the School Review earlier this year to describe the achievements of the students, staff and families over the preceding four years. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding contribution made by everyone in working relentlessly towards meeting our goals and targets. During this year, progress reports for parents have been included in newsletters 25 February, 26 March, 7 May, 30 July and at School Council meetings.
The Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Leadership team, Staff and SEIL have been collaborating on the School Vison and School Values, Context challenges, Intent, rationale and focus. The goals and targets have been agreed using the recommendations made in the Reviewer’s report against the achievements 2017 until 2019 -2020.
The 2020- 2024 Goals will build on improving student outcomes in Writing, Reading, Numeracy and Enhancing student voice and agency in learning. As per the DET’s recommendation, all Literacy, including English as an Additional Language (EAL) targets and Numeracy targets are to hinge from NAPLAN achievements and growth from years 3-5.
With regards to the Enhancing student voice and agency, this is a DET priority and the target hinges from the Year 4-6 Attitudes to our School Survey Report (2020) and the information gathered in the focus group with students.
In the focus group with students, the term of reference question asked:
To what extent does the school activate student voice and agency in their learning?
The starting point for this goal is informed by the panel’s reflection after listening to the responses of the students:
- In focus groups, students spoke positively about daily school life – one student described it as a ‘second home’
- They talked about caring friends, having fun, appreciating the multicultural profile of the school, and learning.
- They liked their teachers, whom they described as kind, helpful and welcoming.
- The Panel found that a range of strategies were used to build student agency, to differing degrees of efficacy
- Students were able to use subject specific language to describe their learning.
- Students would like to be able to increase the opportunity to go through a process of co-designing Learning Intentions and Success Criteria with their teachers to inform them about their learning progress and to self-assess their understanding of a learning task
- Teachers conducted one-on-one and small group conferences to provide feedback
It is a milestone moment after all the tremendous work by everyone!
Please follow this link to the school website to read the SSP for GHPS and the specific targets.
Capital Works Update
During the fortnightly on site meetings with VSBA, Interface and AOA architects it can be noted the following has commenced:
- Interface Construction now has control of Building B (East Site) and entry is permitted only through Interface
- Demolition of the internal walls throughout the main office areas including the sick bay and photocopy room
- Stripping out of ground floor rooms 1 & 2
- Stripping out of Level 1 Staff room and areas off the staff room
- Boarding off of corridor upstairs and downstairs so that access is via the stairs near room 3 & 4 for these rooms and upstairs for rooms 5-8
- Completion of the DDA ramp to the temporary offices in the MOD 5- permanent railings still to be installed
- All Onsite learning is in the Hall
- The Main Office has move to Mod 5 and is now fully operational
- The GHPS School Map Capital Works 2021 has been sent out on Compass and is included in this newsletter
Although we are all disappointed about not being able to have the Cabaret at Robert Blackwood Hall, Mr Jenkins is working very hard to plan for what we would like to do instead. Together with the staff and Music Captains Arnaud and Nefeli we will investigate possibilities.
We will keep you informed, and, in the meantime, we hope all students and staff are enjoying the online practices through STOMP and hope it is keeping you excited about learning your classes’ dance routine.
Congratulations Ms Amy Tinetti
As announced on Compass on Tuesday, it is with very mixed emotions that I feel happy but also very sad that Amy has been appointed the role of acting Assistant Principal at Malvern Valley Primary School from 6 September until the end of the year.
Amy has been at GHPS since 2009 and is choosing this pathway in order to experience another school and build on her professional learning, her practice and expand her working knowledge. By taking this opportunity to work in a new school it will enable her to grow her skills and see her impact in a new community.
Amy is an amazing support and key driver of much at GHPS so it goes without saying that she will be missed very much. I wish Amy all the very best with the new challenge which she is looking forward to and am confident that she will enjoy her next steps enormously.
Libby Alessi Principal
A Message From Your Assistant Principal
Resilience Project
In light of everything happening across our nation currently, I thought it would be beneficial to share a clip of Hugh appearing on Channel 10’s ‘The Project’ last week.
Hugh discusses strategies to support our mental health during this difficult time.
Please feel free to copy the link below and share it in any way, shape or form you think would benefit others in your community.
The Resilience Project on “The Project”
Remote Learning
I could not be more proud of all of our students, staff and parents during remote learning. I know some days are more challenging than other and please remember that you can always reach out to me if you need support or even for a chat.
Here are some links for you which have advice with parents supporting students at home during the coronavirus pandemic:
- Department of Education and Training – Talking to your child during coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Raising Children Network Coronavirus – Coronavirus (COVID-19) and children in Australia
- KidsHealth – Coronavirus (COVID-19): How to Talk to Your Child
- eSafety Office – COVID-19: an online safety kit for parents and carers
- Headspace – For friends and family
In addition, the following external counselling services are available to you:
Parentline: 13 22 89
Lifeline: 13 11 14 or
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36 or
Prep to Year 2 Families – Little Learners Love Literacy (LLLL)
FREE readers for your iPad’s
LLLL have made their decodable books FREE to download on iPad’s along with some of the Little Learners apps. It is also available on android.
What an amazing example of an act of kindness the Little Learners team are giving!
Since Mrs Alessi announced during the week that I will be taking the Acting Assistant Principal position at Malvern Valley Primary School, I have received many lovely emails, phone calls and messages of congratulations.
I am remaining hopeful that students and staff will be returning on site next Friday so that I will be able to say goodbye in person.
If this is not possible then I will be joining class meetings on Friday to see all of the students and I will send out a message to the GHPS community via Compass.
“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I’M POSSIBLE!”
Audrey Hepburn
Amy Tinetti Assistant Principal
Notification of changes to Fee payments and
Excursion Permissions and Payments.
Due to the current situation of lockdown, and the upcoming Capital Works, we are making some amendments on how we will communicate regarding Excursion Permissions and Payments.
Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
EFT will still be available in the office and, if no other method is possible, correct cash only (no change will be given).
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Science at Glen Huntly PS in 2021
The study of Science has been a major focus this year, with all year levels exploring areas of Biological or Chemical Science in their Inquiry Units. Topics covered so far by Grades Prep to 6 have included: Living and NonLiving, Climate Change, Native Australian Animals, Nutrition, Biodiversity, Natural and Processed Materials and Chemical Change.
Students have questioned, predicted, researched, explored and shared their quality understandings through nature walks, diagrams, posters, dioramas, powerpoints, presentations and even an interactive Expo.
To highlight the importance of Science, our school additionally celebrated National Science Week, (14th – 22nd August), with a multitude of online science focuses, lessons and experiments. The theme this year was Food: Different by Design, which honoured the United Nations International Year of Fruits and Vegetables and Creative Economy for Sustainable Development.
Students in Prep and their families conducted a live experiment exploring chemical reactions. They combined milk, food dye and dish soap to create something magical!
The Year 1 students conducted a dazzling, glittering sugar crystal experiment which focused on chemical change.
Year 2 students conducted 3 science tasks – an apple oxidation experiment, an apple tower building activity and finally a moving paper caterpillar investigation. They had daily science facts, science riddles and had a scientist dress up day.
Year 3 students created their own recipe. They wrote a procedure about their chosen savory food or dessert, made the dish, photographed and published it remotely.
Year 4 students explored modern and traditional bread making techniques through a slide show and participated in creating picture recipes.
The Year 5 and 6 students continued their weekly science sessions by exploring the contents of Cells (both plant and animal), DNA and also researched Glen Eira Biodiversity Maps.
Congratulations to all the students and teachers for their incredible learnings in this vital area of discovery – science is all about trying to help make the world a better place through questioning and exploration!
Kamila Krauze
Science and Sustainability Coordinator Science/Sustainability PLC Team
Sport News
Achieving a goal is a great way to get motivated! GHPS has set some new challenges for you all!
Film and submit yourself completing a challenge and earn 50 house points for each challenge completed!
Submit your video to Miss K at or share with me on compass or google classroom!
Wear your house colours! Parents, grandparents/carers, teachers, ES staff, principals….LET’S GET ACTIVE!
The house that collects the MOST house points before the end of Term 3 will be rewarded with a BBQ when we are back on-site!
I can’t wait to see you completing your challenges!
Miss Kasambalis
Right Click Here to Download Video
Library News
Thank you to all the students who joined us on Wednesday the 25th of August to celebrate Book Week online for our ‘parade’! We had an amazing turn out and it was so fantastic to see all your smiling faces.
All the costumes were amazing, and there were lots of creative handmade masks and outfits. There were a lot of characters from Harry Potter, heaps of amazing superheroes and even Willy Wonka and Geronimo Stilton joined us!
All of the teachers are very impressed with your dedication and would like to thank you for sharing your wonderful costumes and dress ups with your friends. A big thank you also goes out to all the families for helping your children dress up to celebrate reading and Book Week.
Well done everyone and we hope you are reading a lot at home!
Kind regards,
Miss Lucas-Lely and Miss Kasambalis