Newsletter #13 August 23rd 2024

Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
A school event can be a great opportunity for the whole community to come together and celebrate, and the goal is to foster a sense of unity and belonging. The past two weeks have really highlighted the strong sense of community that we have at GHPS. This makes our school very special and is what I dearly treasure.
Last Friday’s school disco was a huge success. A big than you to Abbi and her team of volunteers. We want to extend our gratitude to all of the parents who took time out of their busy schedules to lend their time, skills, and experience. They made sure each session ran smoothly, and everyone was having heaps of fun. And a shout out to our pop-up photographer Lilliana for capturing the happiness and excitement of the night.
Then on Sunday a lot of families volunteered their time to run the sausage sizzle fundraiser at Bunnings Oakleigh. There was a sense of connection and purpose knowing that this fundraising event was for our students. Thank you to Sally and her team for their time and commitment.
Encouraged by the success, GPA is now looking forward to the Spring Fair planned for Saturday November 16. The recent events have proven that when a school community comes together with passion and purpose, extraordinary things can happen.
Please speak to members of the GPA or, send an email to ghpsgpa@gmail.com and find out what you can do to help in the planning and what you can do on the day of Spring Fair.
I know anything is possible when our community come together to make our school great.
Book Week
Book week was celebrated today at GHPS. This year’s theme is ‘Reading is Magic’ and what a magical array of costumes were paraded at school today.
Classes engaged in fun activities about their favourite books and loved the incursion by master of hocus pocus Elio Simonetti. His magical tricks were captivating and enjoyed by students and staff.
Students and staff are buzzing with excitement as they practice their dance moves and organise costumes for the upcoming school musical showcase.
The event will be held at Monash University’s Robert Blackwood Hall on Monday, 2nd September.
The whole school is working hard to prepare for this special evening, with each class perfecting their performances. It promises to be a night filled with creativity, energy, and fun, showcasing the talents of our students and staff.
Please ensure you have booked your tickets.
All students performing will sit with their class and teacher on the night. More details on the logistics of the evening will be sent out next week.
All students will have the opportunity to buy a gift at the Annul Father’s Day and Special Friends stall on Friday 30 August.
There will also be a breakfast and Kids v Dads Soccer Match in the gym on that morning.
House Athletics
On August 7th, students from Grades 2 to 6 gathered at Duncan McKinnon Reserve for our annual School House Athletics Competition. The day was filled with excitement and fierce competition as students participated in various track and field events. The energy was high as each house cheered on their teammates, striving to earn points for their house.
A big thank you to Sarah for her exceptional organisation of the event, ensuring everything ran smoothly. We also extend our gratitude to the teachers and parents who volunteered their time to help run the different events.
Congratulations to Kurwan House, who emerged victorious and took home the trophy this year! Well done to all the students for their enthusiasm and sportsmanship throughout the day. We look forward to another fantastic athletics competition next year!
The Prep and Grade 1 students will have the opportunity to compete and represent their House at the Junior House Athletics planned for Thursday 19th of September.
Grand Parent’s Day
Grand Parent’s Day will be held on Thursday 12th of September from 9.15am and 11am.
Grand Parents, parents or special persons of students are invited to come and visit the school and their child’s classroom at 9.15am.
The Choir and school band will perform for our visitors in the gym at 10am
Following this there will be a special morning tea for all the visitors in the gym, put on by the Glen Huntly Parents Association.
Nerida Burns Principal Cameron White Assistant Principal
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.
Rose 0A – For her insightful and detailed oral retell of the fairy tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. Well done Rose!
Alice 1A – For completing number patterns that leap forwards by 2, 3, 5 and 10. You are a marvellous mathematician, creating awesome sequences and cracking codes like a pro. You make those patterns pop and sparkle!
Navya 1B – For your exceptional pride and effort in our STOMP dance. Your dedication to learning the moves and making them look so cool truly stands out!
Ananya 2A – For your outstanding effort and enthusiasm in our STOMP class this week. You embraced the rhythm, showed great teamwork, and inspired your classmates with your energy. Keep up the fantastic work and continue to let your passion for dance light up the room!
Ivan 3C – For your extraordinary participation this week. You were engaged during our Science incursion, worked as a team in cooking and played respectfully with your classmates. Keep up your outstanding efforts, Ivan!
Shreyan 4A – For your enthusiasm during our STOMP sessions. Thank you for bringing your fun energy to the group. You’re a star!
Luluo 4B – For her exceptional efforts when completing literacy activities this week! Your hard work and perseverance in reading and writing tasks have not gone unnoticed! A special mention for your love for STOMP sessions. Well done Luluo!
Gordon 5B – For his efforts and dedication towards STOMP sessions this term. Well done for trying your best and participating with the rest of the class. Thank you Gordon!
Aoi 6A – For your infectious attitude and positive approach to everything you do. You always come to school with a smile on your face and you consistently complete work to a high standard. Keep it up Aoi!
Sport News
Henry Gracey with former Australian Test Cricketer and BBL Star Rob Quiney
Henry’s pre-season at Washington Park Cricket Club has started with a bang, with Club Juniors offered coaching from Victoria’s own Rob Quiney.
Rob started his own Junior’s career with Washington Park, located nearby at Packer Park. Henry, a leftie, has especially enjoyed the batting coaching from one of cricket’s great left-handed batters.
Most importantly of all, Henry said training with Rob is ‘heaps of fun!’
If you would like to know more about the junior program at Washington Park CC, which has teams for girls as well as boys, please feel free to chat to our own, Lara O’Grady (Henry’s mum) or Ros Batson, Junior Coordinator WPCC – wpccjuniors@gmail.com or 0411 047 206
Science News
Art News
Thank you so much to all the families that supported our school in the recent Crazy Camel fundraiser!
We raised almost $600, which is going towards the cost of our concrete planters being painted by the amazing Indigenous artist Aimee from Luruk-In.
I hope you enjoy your quality products!
Miss de Bruyn
TheirCare News
GHPS Facebook
Tue 27 Curriculum Day
Fri 30 Father’s Day Stall
Mon 2 School Music Showcase – Robert Blackwood Hall
Tue 3 Family Life Education Yr 4-6
Thu 5 Yr 6 Graduation Photos
Fri 6 Responsible Pet Ownership
Fri 6 District Athletics
Tue 10 Family Life Education Yr 4-6
Tue 17 Family Life Education Yr 4-6
Fri 20 End of Term 3 (Early Dismissal 2.30pm)
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.