Newsletter #2 – 21 February 2019

Principals Report
2019 Student Council Members and School Captains
Congratulations to the 2019 Student Councillors who will represent their classes at monthly meetings with me. The presentation of badges will be made at tomorrow’s Friday Assembly.
Year 6 | School Captains
Imogen Matthews Veer Vyas |
Hasini Teddu Param Dave |
Emma Blair Aksh Ajbani |
Year 5 | 5O
Ivory Sermon Asher Bloch |
Isabelle Rodriguez Daksha Menariya |
Year 4 | 4J
Nefeli Tsimpralidou Serafim Trushkin |
Sharannya Chakravorty Vishnu Vijay |
Year 3 | 3F
Brody Smith Diya Patel |
Emma Gracey Luke Davey |
Stephanie Verginis Harper Kringas |
At our first meeting, we will be discussing how each class and teacher has consulted to create and share each class’s Mission Statement. The Student Councillors from 6P and 6J will read the Mission Statements during assembly and I am sure you will be very impressed by each of them. The mission statements from all classes will be shared by the Student Councillors 3-6 and representatives in Prep – 2 as follows:
5O & 5S | 1 March |
4R & 4J | 8 March |
3F, 3K & 3S | 15 March |
2M, 2C & 2L | 22 March |
1M, 1E, 1A | 29 March |
Prep F, N, S, R | 5 April |
An election is to be conducted for members of the school council of:
School Council of Glen Huntly Primary School
Nomination forms may be obtained from the school and must be lodged by:
4.00 pm on Friday 8 March 2019. If a ballot is required, it will close at 4.00 pm on Friday 15 March 2019.
Following the closing of nominations a list of the nominations received will be posted at the school. The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:
Parent member
2 year vacancy |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2021 | 6 |
DET employee member
2 year vacancy |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll in 2019 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2021 | 2 |
If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted in a prominent position at the school.
Terms of office will conclude for the following members of school council and we thank them very much for their energy, enthusiasm, valued contributions and vision on council:
Parents: Ross Donnan, Nola Woo, Nicole Verginis, Kon Mentis, Shan Jayaweera, Tony Carveth
Staff: Mrs Emma Murnane and Mr David Jenkins
Nomination Forms may be found with the newsletter online or collected from the school office or from West Site in the corridor.
Please complete the self-nomination form or have a member of the school community nominate you. If you would like a form sent home with your child please contact us at school and we can arrange it for you.
I look forward to receiving your nomination and having a rewarding partnership with all of you. Please contact me if you require any other advice or information.
The School Council met for the first time this year on Monday 18 February and I thank, Craig Matthews, the School President for his report which is in this newsletter.
Whole school Walkathon- fundraising for more readers Friday 22 February
We look forward to participating in the annual walkathon and thankyou in anticipation for your support. A notice has gone home to families and we hope it’s a great success in getting some wonderful exercise and raising money for new readers that the students will borrow for home reading.
Three Way Parent – Teacher Information Sharing
Parents have been invited to attend the three way parent, student and teacher 10 minute discussion meetings for classes in Grades 1-2 on Monday 25 February and for Grades 3-6 on Tuesday 26 February.The Getting to Know You Questionnaire, which we ask parents to complete before-hand will assist in the preparation and provided a platform for discussions. This has been sent home on Wednesday 20 February and teachers would like this returned preferably before your meeting next week.
School Uniform
Wearing our school uniform is like a badge of pride, creates an identity for our school and is an important part of being a member of our school community. At GHPS we promote a smart dress code, believe that school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and neatly and take pride in their appearance.
How are you helping our school?
Can you self- assess how you are sending your child to school?
Is it:
- Extremely well – my child wears the correct uniform every day
- Very good – my child wears the correct uniform most days
- Good – but I need to change 1 thing
- Fair – there is more than one thing I need to change.
So do you need to change something? I would ask each parent to look closely at what their child is wearing and make sure they do not wear:
- colored or black long sleeved tops or t shirts that show under the polo shirt
- colored or black leggings or pants.
If your child needs another layer, wear a white singlet under the polo shirt that does not show outwardly.
If so, we would like you to make the necessary change/s. Our aim is for all parents to be able to self-assess as a one by the end of next week – Friday, 1 March.
The uniform shop is open Wednesday morning from 9.00 – 10.00am. If you can’t make it to the uniform shop, please contact the office for assistance.
The school uniform is:
Navy Blue or Maroon Track pants/Bootleg pants
Maroon Long Sleeve Polo
Maroon or White Short Sleeve Polo
Maroon Bomber Jacket/Polar Fleece Jacket
Navy (Grade 6 only) Bomber Jacket – Grade 6 names
Maroon or Navy Shorts / Skorts / Cullottes
Girls Summer Dress
Leggings may only be navy blue or maroon. Thank you in anticipation for your support.
Libby Alessi – Principal
A message from your Assistant Principal
Working Bee Term 1:
The Term 1 Working Bee will be on Sunday 3rd March 9am-12pm. A notice went home yesterday inviting all families to attend. The jobs we will be working on are:
West Site:
- Building our new sandpit
- removal of old sandpit
- general tidy up
- tidy up / prune carpark area
- tending to garden beds
- spread new soft fall on playgrounds
- spread soft fall over carpark
East Site:
- general tidy up of all garden beds
- spread new soft fall
We hope to see many families there enjoying getting to know each other, lending a hand and helping make our school look beautiful! You will be rewarded with a BBQ lunch cooked by ME!! So I hope to see you all there.
Curriculum Days 2019:
Please mark these dates in your diary, our Curriculum Days for 2019 are:
Term 1: Tuesday 12th March
Term 2: Friday 10th May
Students DO NOT attend on Curriculum days, this enables all the staff to get together to collaborate and learn. Staff will be receiving professional development in Numeracy and Literacy over these two days. Their Care will be running a day program for those families who wish to book their child in for the day. Their Care will provide families with information on activities and cost.
Parent Teacher Interviews:
Please make sure you have handed in your preferred 10 minute time slot to your child’s teacher. This interview time allows teachers, students and parents to share successes and to set goals for the semester.
Monday 25th February: Year 1 – Year 2
Tuesday 26th February: Year 3 to Year 6
Please visit the office if you require a new form.
Little Bookworms 2019:
Little Bookworms will be starting on Thursday 7th March 9am – 9:40am. This library session is for 3 to 5 year old children and parent supervision is required. Please invite all of your friends and neighbours along to join in the fun! Flyers are being delivered to all of our local Kinders and Childcare Centres this week.
Amy Tinetti
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student of the Week award
Sean 1A – For showing exceptional focus and respect during your first weeks in Grade 1! Thank you for being a superstar student in our class.
Aashritha 1E – For her delightfully creative ending to our class story that she wrote independently.
Sahara 1M – Always coming to school with a smile on your face and being ready to learn
Bridget 2C – for being a very pleasant, respectful and bubbly member of 2C who always takes great initiative.
Sahana 2L – for showing great resilience in class and initiative to help others.
Jessop 2M – impressive writing skills
Sayuri 3F – producing an interesting and detailed recount about her holidays.
Byron 3S – a high level of interest and participation in class activities.
Samiksha 4J – An outstanding start to GHPS life
Sanjana 4R – For showing initiative in your learning and settling in very well to GHPS. Well done!
Arjun 5R – improving his focus in reading
Jahnavi 5S – Week 3 (15/2/19): For settling in so well to GHPS. Jahnavi has completed all tasks to a high standard and we are glad to have her as part of 5S 2019!
Isabelle 5S – Week 2 (8/2/19): For being a role-model to her fellow 5S students and always being helpful and respectful to others
Jaikiah 6P – Settling into your new school smoothly and for your inspiring, winning and fantastic freestyle swimming at our House Swimming carnival.
Devna 6P – demonstrating true leadership by showing positivity, dedication and kindness every day.
School Council Report
A warm welcome back to all for the 2019 school year at GHPS.
The current School Council met for the final time on Monday 18th February.
Key items covered at the meeting included;
- The East Site oval re-development is finally underway following some minor weather and logistical delays. The bulk of the works will be restricted to weekends due to the movement of equipment and materials and hopefully by Term 2 a fantastic new surface will be available for all to enjoy.
- The 2019 Annual Implementation Plan (AIP) goals were endorsed in December 2019 and actions are already in place to achieve the 3 key learning/wellbeing goals the plan outlines for the year.
- A hectic but relatively smooth start to the year has seen transition of students and staff to their new classes and responsibilities, as well as the welcoming of new staff members Ms Olivia Leung, Ms Dani Chau, Ms Meagan Atkins, Ms Ashleigh Smart and Ms Amandine Lucas-Lely.
- Grade 5-6 camp at Lady Northcote was discussed, reviewed and endorsed and will be a fantastic experience for all students attending, with many exciting activities on offer.
- GPA 2018 fundraising results were tabled – an amazing $22,000+ was raised by this magnificent team of people, with the assistance of the wider school community, that helps deliver vital equipment and programs that may otherwise be difficult to implement. A stellar example of this are the 3 air-conditioners installed on the West Site funded by 2018 GPA fundraising.
- 2019 is yet another big year for GPA with the biennial school fete extravaganza scheduled for October. The 1st official fete meetings of the year were held on the 12th of February and were extraordinarily well attended. Whilst there are already many volunteers to help co-ordinate the plethora of activities planned I encourage any and all community members to get involved and get involved early to help make this the greatest fete ever.
- Fingers remain firmly crossed that the pre-election commitment of a $5 million injection into much needed capital works at GHPS will be made official in the upcoming state budget, if not before.
- Curriculum Days on Tuesday 12th March and Friday 10th May have been endorsed by SC. TheirCare will be operating a program on these days.
- The school family fun night will be held on Friday, 15th of March – look forward to seeing you all there.
The next meeting to be held on Monday 18th March is the Annual Reporting Meeting to be followed by the 1st new 2019 School Council meeting.
I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank outgoing Council members Ross Donnan, Nola Woo, Nicole Verginis, Kon Mentis, Shan Jayaweera, David Jenkins and Emma Murnane for their highly valued input over their 2 year term.
Nominations for 2019 School Council are now open and we would love to see these existing members re-nominate and any new interested parties throw their hat in the ring.
If there is any issue any member of the school community would like to raise with School Council, please email glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Craig Matthews
School Council President
GHPS House Swimming Sports proved to be a fantastic start to the sporting school year.
Well done to all students who competed and placed in their event. Special mention to Marko Le in 4R and Emma Blair in 6P for outstanding results on the day! Overall house winner was Batman and the Spirit Cup awarded to Mitchell.
Another congratulations to all students who participated, dressed up in house colours and cheered on their friends. As well as Dakota and Aditya in Grade 6, our school sport captains who spoke so well at their first House event of the year!
Thank you to the Grade 3-6 G.H.P.S. teachers and Mr. Jacobs who helped the day run smoothly. Another thank you to the parents who came on the day to support their children and the school.
Students who are competing at the District Swimming Carnival have been notified. District Swimming will be held on Monday the 4th of March at Carnegie Swim Centre.
Marie Kasambalis PE/Sport
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.
To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.
This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.
For more information, contact the office
Notices distributed to parents
7 Feb Year 5-6 Students Lady Northcote Recreation Camp
8 Feb All Students Icy-Pole Orders
11 Feb 3K Students Ms Krauze return
13 Feb Year 1 – 6 Students Parent/Teacher/Student Discussions
14 Feb All Students Walk-a-thon
19 Feb District Swimming competitors Swimming Training
20 Feb All Families Working Bee
20 Feb Year 1 – 6 Students Getting to know you sheet
Mon 25 – Year 1 & 2 3-way interviews
Tue 26 – Year 3-6 3-way interviews
Mon 11 – Labour Day
Tue 12 – Curriculum Day: Mathematics
Fri 15 – Year 5/6 Lightening Premiership
Fri 15 – Family Fun Night
Wed 20 – Year 5/6 Camp
Wed 27 – Celebrate Harmony Day
Bell-Rose Academy 0f Dance
Mckinnon / Ormond
l Dance-Play 3 to 5 Yrs
l Ballet … RAD Syllabus
l Jazz
l Tap … SFD Syllabus
l Contemporary
Contact us for your Trial Class
Email .. Julie@bellrosedance.com
9584 5074