Newsletter #2 February 17, 2023

Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
House Swimming Sports Year 3-6
Congratulations to all students who swam in events at GESAC on a very warm Friday this week. Hearing some students describe it as their best day was reward in itself!
Ms Kasambalis did an amazing job running the sports with great help from the teachers who marshalled the students, awarded points and ribbons and supervised students throughout the event.
The winners of the House Shield and Spirit Cup will be announced and presented during assembly on Tuesday, 21st February.
A great show of effort by all of our competitors and further congratulations to the swimmers who have qualified for the District Sports which will be held on Friday, 3rd March.
School Council
The first meeting for the School council will be next Monday 27 February at 7pm and it will be held in the Main Building on East Site.
This will be the final meeting for the 2022 Council, and we hope everyone can attend. Members of the Building Fund and Finance will meet at 6.15pm prior to the Council meeting.
2023 School Council Elections
The following information is to notify members of the school community that this is a Notice of Election and Call for Nominations as of 20 February 2023.
Parents and Staff are encouraged to see this is an opportunity to participate in the activities of the School Council and know that the school will highly value your contribution.
We aim to continue to create a strong relationship and partnership within our school community and I am confident that we can get the numbers joining the fabulous GHPS School Council as we really need great staff and parents to help out.
I look forward to receiving a full complement of nominations for Council and encourage people to feel free to contact me if they require any further advice or information.
If the number of nominations is equal to the number of vacancies, there will be no further call for nominations. It will also not be necessary to hold a ballot. If the number of nominations is less than the number of vacancies, a notice to that effect and calling for further nominations will be posted on Compass and in prominent positions at the school.
Nomination forms need to be received and lodged by:
- 4.00 pm on Monday 6 March 2023
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows:
Membership category | Term of office | Name of nominees required |
Parent member
2 year vacancy |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll on Monday 20 February 2023 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2025 | 6 |
DET employee member
2 year vacancy |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll on Monday 20 February 2023 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2025 | 2 |
Fact sheet 1: school council elections- information for parents HERE
Nomination Forms are included via the following links.
Please complete the self-nomination form 3 or have a member of the school community nominate you with form 4. (see links below) Additional forms are also available:
- East Site: At the Main Office
- West Site: TheirCare Before/Afterschool Care in the Activities Centre
Six parent vacancies need to be filled for School Council as of March 27. A candidate for parent member category may self-nominate using the Form 3, and a candidate may be nominated and sign to accept the nomination using Form 4. Parents who are finishing their term of office may renominate as well.
Parents CLICK HERE to self nominate: use Form 3
Parents CLICH HERE to nominate a candidate: use Form 4
Thank you very much to the outgoing Parent Members of the School Council whose term of office will conclude:
- Nicole Healy (Ben Year 5, Charlie Year 3), Noel Duffy (Isla year 4) and Caitilin Hawkins (Samson Year 5) and two parents whose child graduated Grade 6 in 2022: Nicole Verginis and Nicole Bishop
Thank you to the four Members of Council who still have one year to serve in their term of office: Kathryn Dench (Elka Yr 6) Kristen Howard (Ellie Yr 3) Alexis Weekes (Thomas Yr 3 & Maggie Yr 1), Supriya Arikarevula (Aditya Y 6 & Kiara Yr 2)
Two staff need to nominate for the two school employee member vacancies: Thank you very much to the outgoing staff members of the School Council whose term of office will conclude: Kamila Krauze and David Jenkins.
Two Staff Members continuing their term of office: Thank you very much to Mr Cameron White and Ms Liz Howard whose terms of office will conclude in 2024.
Staff Click here for a self-nomination form for school employee member: use Form 5
Staff Click here for a nomination form for school employee member: use Form 6
Here is a snapshot of some of the work and functions of the GHPS School Council:
- Our school council must meet at least eight times a year and at least once per school term.
- The President chairs the remaining meetings, and all members of the council are expected to attend.
- Following the school council elections, council members will determine an appropriate time and location throughout the year. Eg. Monday at 7pm in the Staff Lounge on the East Site.
- Meetings typically last between 1.5-2 hours
- The principal in consultation with the President will ensure an agenda is prepared for each regular meeting and will distribute the agenda, minutes from previous meeting and meeting reports such as sub-committee reports, Principal & Staff Report to school council members.
- Each member contributes to one or more Sub-Committee and leads/attends the meeting.
Some sub committees, duties, and key responsibilities:
COUNCIL General Business:
- Strategic Planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan.
- Representing and taking views of the community into account
- Curriculum & Policy: Policy development and review: developing, reviewing, and updating selected policies that reflect the school’s values and support school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.
- Finance: overseeing the development and expenditure of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
- Out of Hours School care (OHSC TheirCare): Regulating and facilitating after-hours use of school premises and grounds including Out of Hours School care (OHSC TheirCare). Additional use of the premises includes lessons in Cooking, Chess, Guitar, Keyboard, Tennis, Soccer, Cricket as examples.
- Publicity & Marketing: promoting, stimulating, and creating interest in the school.
- Building and Grounds: maintaining school grounds and facilities. Monitoring and reporting on the progress of the Capital Works project/s
- Glen Huntly Parents Association (GPA): Raising funds for school related purposes, informing GHPS of community social events and projects.
ALL members enthusiastically volunteer their time and expertise to provide opportunities that improve outcomes for our superstar students.
CLICK HERE to see more information and NOMINATION FORMS
The first newly formed school council meeting will be on Monday 27 March, 7pm in the East Site Staff Lounge which newly elected members will attend.
School Support and Parent Teacher Interviews
We greatly appreciate the incredible work all the teachers will be doing in preparation for inviting parents to attend a Parent Teacher Interview next week.
Families will be able to meet their child’s teacher in person or online to work together to best support the educational and wellbeing outcomes for each child. We pride ourselves on fostering positive relationships, being approachable and responding in ways that are effective and for keeping communication channels open. We actively want to build confidence that we are providing the best standard of education for each child.
Please read the Compass notification from Mr David Jenkins that was pushed out on Monday 13 February outlining the details. Appointment times can be booked through the second Compass notification which will go live at 1.30pm today.
School Uniform
At GHPS we promote a smart dress code, believe that school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take pride in their appearance.
Wearing our school uniform is like a badge of honor, it creates an identity for our school and is an important feature of being a member of our school community.
If your child is wearing the uniform correctly, we thank you, however if there are parts of the uniform that are not correct school colors, we ask that you improve on this and see how you are helping our school.
Can you self- assess how you are sending your child to school:
- Extremely well – my child wears the correct uniform including the tops with the school logo on them every day- fabulous no changes required! Keep up the great work.
- Very good – my child wears the correct uniform most days- please aim for every day which may mean you need to get another piece of the uniform such as jacket in maroon.
- Good – but I need to change 1 thing- please purchase from the Uniform Shop – no black leggings or black track pants or black jackets. Its navy or maroon.
- Fair – there is more than one thing I need to change- please purchase from the uniform shop. NO pink, grey or pale blue and no long sleeve tops under the dress may be examples to improve on.
Our aim is for all parents to be able to self-assess and purchase the necessary uniform by the end of next week – Friday, 24 February and enact any changes needed.
I would ask each parent to look closely at what their child is wearing and ensure:
- She/he doesn’t wear other colored leggings or other colored pants. Blue or maroon Leggings ideally are worn only under a dress, not as a pant.
- She/he doesn’t wear a long-sleeved top that is not maroon or white.
- She/he doesn’t wear a colored t shirt under the polo top.
- Wear only the maroon jacket (Prep – year 5)
- Wear a named maroon Sunsmart hat.
- You make the necessary change/s.
The uniform shop is open Thursday morning from 9.00 – 10.00am. If you can’t make it to the uniform shop, you can download a form from the website or collect a form from the office and return with payment so the goods can then be taken home by your child.
New and good quality second-hand uniform is available and if families are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact the school for further assistance.
If you would like to donate your second-hand uniform, please keep in mind that we only take original GHPS uniform pieces.
OUR uniform is:
Navy Blue or Maroon Track pants/Bootleg pants
Maroon Long Sleeve Polo with logo
Maroon or White Short Sleeve Polo with logo
Maroon Bomber Jacket/Polar Fleece Jacket with logo
Maroon or Navy Shorts / Skorts / Culottes
Summer Dress
SUNSMART Maroon broad brimmed hat
Winter beanie Maroon
Navy (Grade 6 ONLY) Navy hoodie– Grade 6 ONLY (special order in Year 5 to come in Year 6) with all names.
Thank you in anticipation.
Grade 6 Hoodies
It was a very special moment when we called all the Year 6 students to collect their new Grade 6 hoodies in week 2.
They are always picked up with such joy! It gives us so much pleasure to see their appreciation.
I’m looking forward to the first GPA meeting the year which will take place on Friday 24th February at 9.15am in the East Site Staff Lounge.
GPA have already started the year selling icy poles and baking for the cake raffle.
All parents are welcome to attend, so please come along.
Libby Alessi Principal
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.
James 1B – For showing our value of creativity when he counted by 3s in numeracy. James also demonstrated our value of teamwork when he helped one of his classmates. Well done james!
Louisa 2M – For demonstrating your understanding of how to rearrange MAB blocks to represent 3 and 4 digit numbers in different ways. You are a marvellous mathematician!
Ruby 2S – For being kind each day and using wonderful listening skills when we are learning together on the carpet. You showed wonderful inquisitive thinking in our reading lesson about text connections, and shared some insightful ideas about how your book ‘The Gentle Giant’ links to our world. Well done Ruby!
Vibha 3C – For your impeccable focus and determination when completing tasks this week. I loved your efforts in writing a persuasive text and partitioning numbers on an empty number line. Fabulous accomplishment!
Henry 4A – For your awesome sizzling start during our writing task this week. I was so intrigued to read more and see how the story would unfold. Keep up the fabulous work.
Gordon Zhou 4SJ – For a sensational, scintillating, superb, sumptuous, stupendous and supreme set of captivating Sizzling Starts for your narrative writing this week.
Samson 5/6R – for his insightful contributions during our inquiry lesson this week when exploring identity. Thank you for showing maturity and respect for all!
Dhyana 5/6J – For another week of focus and dedication to all of your school work. Even though you are leaving our class after just ten days, you will forever be a member of 5/6J 2023. Wishing you much happiness and success in your future!
Srivaishnav 5/6J – For demonstrating/explaining your thinking processes during our Prime & Composite Number lesson this week. Your creative brain inspires your classmates when you share. Thank you.
Jayden 5/6K – For becoming an important member of the class, settling in beautifully, having arrived at GHPS this year, and being helpful to others in the classroom!
Aoi 5/6K – For pure enthusiasm and excitement during mathematical tuning in games and place value activities! Well Done!
Science News
See the link below for the new SunSmart UV App.
TheirCare News
Fri 24 GPA meeting – East Site Lounge
Mon 27 School Council
Tue 28 Little Book Worms commence
Fri 3 District Swimming
Mon 13 Labour Day
Tue 14 Professional Practice Day (Student Free)
Fri 17 Family Fun Night
Wed 22 Year 5/6 Camp
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.