Newsletter #3 27 February 2020

Principals Report
2020 Student Council Members and School Captains
Congratulations to the 2020 Student Councillors who will represent their classes at monthly meetings with me.
The presentation of badges will be made at Assembly on Monday 2 March.
Year 6 | School Captains
Hugo Boddington Isabelle Rodriguez |
Lakshmi Venkatesan Jaymeet Patel |
Charlotte Foley Harshitha Gaddamanugu |
Year 5 | 5O
Parth Piprade Aradhya Aradhya |
Marko Le Reiko Noda |
Year 4 | 4J
Aadhya Reddy Gadepally Divyanshu Kumar |
Emily Jayaweera Siddhant Shirgaonkar |
Amelia Zhu Jayden Vang |
Year 3 | 3F
Max Taylor Micaela Chang |
Charvi Manas William Thompson |
Asher White Vhrinda Jain |
Our House Swimming Sports were held last week and once again it was a very successful and enjoyable day.
Thank you to Miss Kasambalis for organising another fabulous sports day.
Ms Kasambalis has also been training the District Swimming Squad at the Carnegie Pool.
We wish the following students all the best of luck when they attend the District Sports on Monday 2 March:
9/10 Y.O BOYS | Raf D |
9/10 Y.O GIRLS | Stephanie V |
11 Y.O BOYS | Marko L |
11 Y.O GIRLS | Clara F |
12/13 Y.O BOYS | Alex V |
12/13 Y.O GIRLS | Charlotte F |
9/10 Y.O BOYS | Luke D |
9/10 Y.O GIRLS | Stephanie V |
11 Y.O BOYS | Marko L |
11 Y.O GIRLS | Clara F |
12/13 Y.O BOYS | Alex V |
9/10 Y.O BOYS | Lucas H |
9/10 Y.O GIRLS | Genevieve F |
11 Y.O BOYS | Archie J |
11 Y.O GIRLS | Tasha S |
12/13 Y.O BOYS | Hugo B |
12/13 Y.O GIRLS | Alice J |
11 Y.O BOYS | Archie J |
11 Y.O GIRLS | Amber D |
11 Y.O BOYS | Marko(1)
Luke D (2) 9/10 Y.O Arthur (3) Archie (4) |
12/13 Y.O GIRLS | Charlotte (1)
Tasha (2) Clara (3) Amber (4) |
12/13 Y.O BOYS | Hugo (1)
Raf (2) 11Y.O Michael D (3) Alex V (4) |
Thank you Ms K for taking the training which I am sure all students enjoyed and found to be very useful in getting them more prepared for the upcoming event.
Final Notice for 2020 Election and Call for Nominations
13 February, 2020
An election has been called for members of the School Council of Glen Huntly Primary School
Nomination forms need to be received and lodged by: 4.00 pm on Friday 6th March.
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows –
Membership category | Term of office | Name of nominees required |
Parent member
2 year vacancy |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll on Tuesday 18th February 2020 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2022 | 5 |
DET employee member
2 year vacancy |
From the day after the date of the declaration of the poll on Tuesday 18th February 2020 to and inclusive of the date of the declaration of the poll in 2022 | 1 |
Please complete the self-nomination form Schedule 5A or have a member of the school community nominate you Schedule 5B.
Additional forms are also available:
East Site: At the Main Office and at TheirCare Before/Afterschool Care in the WW Hall.
West Site: In the corridor.
Five parent Vacancies are needed to be filled for School Council in March.
Thank you very much to outgoing Parent Members of the School Council whose term of office concluded at the February meeting. The School Council met for the first time this year on Monday 17 February and I thank Ross Donnan, the School President, for his report which is in this newsletter.
Whole school Walkathon – fundraising for more Library books and readers Monday February 24 February
We enjoyed participating in the annual walkathon last Monday which was held on the school’s oval. Ms Amandine Lucas –Lely did a fantastic job organising this event and thank you to everyone who supported the event.
The sponsorship money will be really appreciated by our students when they get to read the new books we will be ordering. I am sure Ms Lucas –Lely will promote them at assembly in the near future.
School Network
Our school is in the Stonnington and Glen Eira Network (SaGE). Each month the principals and assistant principals at these schools meet together and work on how we can improve our schools and overall contribution to the wonderful State Education system as a whole.
Ms Amy Tinetti and I will be attending a conference with the broader networks as of Wednesday afternoon until the end of the school day on Friday 28 February with a focus on building Professional Learning Communities.
Thank you to Mrs Melinda Oldham and Mr David Jenkins for being the Teacher/s In Charge in our absence. If you require any assistance during this time, please contact the office on 95712933.
Libby Alessi Principal
Hello all,
I hope all families had a wonderful Christmas break and a Happy New Year. We are all ready for a big year ahead at GHPS with lots of exciting events and initiatives planned for 2020.
Thank you to the Matthews Family
Firstly I wanted to congratulate Craig Matthews and the Matthews Family on a wonderful contribution to the school community. It’s been a pleasure working with Craig and getting to know him whilst on School Council. He and Helen have left the school in a better place because of their hard work and effort.
School Council met for our first 2020 meeting on Monday 17 February. Topics covered included;
Capital works progressing
The Victorian School Building Authority, Architects and GHPS have been involved in a number of meetings moving the master plan forward. School council’s goal is to ensure the design and plans best meet the needs of the students at GHPS. There will be more news in the following months about what shape the capital works will take.
Our 2020 enrolments are healthy. This is a testament to the quality of the teaching and learning at GHPS in addition to the passionate teachers and wonderful school community. The projected numbers are slightly less than we initially thought with a higher than expected number relocating to buy houses in the growth corridor areas. We are still waiting on the return of some families from overseas.
ThinkUKnow sessions
Feedback was positive from parents on the ThinkUKnow cyber safety sessions held for Parents in Grades 5/6.
GPA – get involved and have fun!
There are many fantastic events coming up at the school for parents and children to be involved in. Be sure to read the GPA newsletter released fortnightly and read notices sent home to make sure you don’t miss out on the fun!
Compass Rollout
It is exciting to see the Compass system roll-out throughout the School. This initiative has involved a significant amount of planning and training for GHPS staff and is a major focus for 2020. If you have any questions on that please contact Ms Amy Tinetti or Ms Julie Bruce. It is planned to roll out all School payments including excursions in 2020. This will be a huge help for parents managing multiple permission slips and payments. Parents will need to download Compass to view reports in 2020.
Nominations for School Council
I would also like to encourage any parent thinking of joining the School Council to place your nominations. There are 5 vacancies available for parent nominations this year. It is a 2 year term and involves meeting 8 times per year in addition to being involved in various sub-committees like curriculum and policy, GPA, buildings and grounds, finance, publicity and marketing. If you have any skills in these areas or want to be involved please fill out a nomination form. If you have any questions please pop into the office to see Mrs Libby Alessi who will be able to answer any questions you have. We need great parents to participate and highly value their contribution.
Annual General Reporting meeting
Our Annual General Reporting meeting is on Monday March 16 at 7pm. Please feel free to come along and hear what the School has achieved over the past 12 months. This meeting will inaugurate the 2020 School Council.
If there is any issue any member of the school community would like to raise with School Council, please email glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Ross Donnan, Acting School Council President
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks.
Mahati 0R – Always sitting nicely and listening attentively during class time.
Suhana 0S – For your excellent work during our very first recount writing session this morning. Great work sounding out your words. Well done!
Krishiv 0S – Always helping others during DP and keeping our room tidy
Will 1A – For showing wonderful focus and effort during recount writing! Wow, I am impressed!
Rina 1A – For your amazing effort in writing. Keep trying hard because you are improving every day!
Pragathi 1E – for consistently showing whole body listening in class and working hard during work time.
Sisira 1M – Always trying your best in each class. You have had a fabulous start to grade 1!
Yianni 1M – Trying your best and persevering when skip counting last week. Well done!
Tengyi 2C – Your enthusiastic approach to learning. You always put in so much effort. I am so impressed.
Max 3F – His impressive knowledge and understanding of place value and addition
Yoshi 3O – For his excellent work in Addition last week using the jumping strategy to solve 2 digit sums.
Gowri 4J – Showing excellent initiative during our cooking session, by valuably cleaning up in the kitchen, without being asked.
Julia 4J – Exhibiting excellent initiative in the kitchen, by efficiently cleaning up without being asked, during our cooking session.
JP 4J – Your incredible, absolutely immense and truly inspiring interest in and appetite for Mathematics!! To Infinity and Beyond! Your mathematical knowledge is astounding!
Snehit 4R – For your excellent inferencing skills during reading today!
Jessie 4R – For your enthusiasm in participating in several events at House Swimming.
Rafael 5S – For keeping focus and maintaining an
excellent work ethic in class. Great stuff Raf!
Abzel 5S – For being a supportive and caring classmate to our new student Mathias by helping him throughout his first day at GHPS.
Hasini 5S – For improving her Essential Assessment score by 26% in her Post-Test. Your hard work is really paying off Hasini!
Kashvi 6J – For demonstrating excellent problem solving skills when exploring triangular numbers.
Takuto 6J – For consistently being well mannered and respectful towards peers and teachers. It is a pleasure having you as part of our learning community!
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.
To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.
This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.
For more information, contact the office
Sport News
Lightening Premiership
The Year 5/6 students will be participating in a Lightening Premiership on Tuesday, 10th March.
Please make sure your permission forms are returned to school before Friday, 6th March.
District Swimming
Good luck to our fabulous Swimming Team. We are sure you will all represent GHPS very well on Monday.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursdays, 9.00am – 10.00am.
Please remember to write your childs name on their belongings, and check lost property.
Schools’ Privacy Policy
Please click the link below to view the Schools’ Privacy Policy
Notices distributed to parents
Feb 17 Year 3 – 6 Students Mobile Phone Policy
Feb 24 Year 5/6 Students Camp Medical and Dietary Information
Feb 24 Year 5/6 Students Lightening Premiership
Feb 25 Year 1 Students Museum Excursion
Feb 25 3F Students Thursday Art
Feb 26 All Families Hot Cross Bun Orders
Feb 27 Year 3 and 5 Students STRIDE Program
Mon 9 Labour Day
Fri 13 Family Fun Night
Fri 20 Working Bee 3.30pm – 4.30pm
Mon 23 Year 5/6 Camp
Fri 27 End of Term 1 (early dismissal 2.30pm)