Newsletter #5 28th April 2023
Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Welcome back to everyone and I hope that you enjoyed the break with your family and friends.
It was great to have the time to recharge and have time to spend relaxing and unwinding.
A highlight for me was welcoming my newest family member; a gorgeous grandson Harry born on Saturday 22 April to my daughter and partner. I’m very lucky to be a Nanny for a third time. Absolutely an amazing feeling!
Later this term I will be taking a couple of weeks Leave to help out and enjoy his early days of life, which will be very special to me.
New school logo
We’re thrilled to be starting to incorporate the new GHPS logo into our information. We see it as a celebration of our collaborative school culture and have taken this significant step to portray our growing understanding of the importance to respectfully acknowledge the First Nations custodians.
This logo stands for our sense of pride and our connection to how we value the traditional owners of the land upon which GHPS stands. Together with the School Council, we will be providing ongoing information during the transition period, about the rollout, until a time where this logo will eventually be across GHPS.
Staff will start moving to the new logo as of Monday 1St May. This is the beginning!
Curriculum Day Professional Learning
Staff attended on Monday 24 April to focus on revisiting school vision, values, culture and goals, Learner Agency (Student Voice & Agency), key improvement strategies in the 2023 Annual Implementation Plan, including Student and Staff Wellbeing.
Staff did some training on using the Defibrillation units and Anaphylaxis. PLC teams collaborated on Curriculum and Inquiry Learning including History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship, and Intercultural and Ethical Capabilities.
Anzac Day 25 April
ANZAC Day commemorates the landing of Australians at Gallipoli in 1915.
During this week, classes have been discussing the meaning and importance of this day. The Preps have been doing this work in their classes.
GPA Friday 28 April
Members of the GPA met today and have a great term of fundraising ahead with lots of opportunities for parents to be involved.
Please volunteer when you can as it makes for even greater outcomes for our students. Please take note of the invitations to sign up to help as this will be greatly appreciated.
Icy poles and hot chocolates start up today so please help if you can on any Friday.
On Friday 12 May GPA will run the Mother’s Day stall, but helpers are needed to set up the stall on Thursday 11 May.
Also, there will be a compass notice about signing up to bake any goodies for the stall. Please look out for this one next week and thank you in anticipation 🙂
End of Term 1- Casual Dress Day & Gold Coin Donation for PE equipment
Thank you to everyone who donated a gold coin to wear casual dress day on the last day of term 1.
We have collected $114.50 to purchase new PE equipment.
Walkathon sponsorship and donations
A big thank you to families who have sent in their sponsorship money after the Walkathon.
Please send in any final donations so we can purchase more great books and more readers for our home reading program.
Monday 8 May 2022 Annual Reporting Meeting (ARM)
The school is required to hold an Annual Reporting Meeting to formally present the 2022 Annual Report, which has been endorsed at the School Council in March.
The Report has been submitted to DET and once endorsed we can present it to our community, which we are planning to do on Monday 8 May 7pm.
Please save the date if you would like to attend, and an invitation will go out via Compass once DET has endorsed the report due 30 April. Following the ARM, the report will be uploaded to the school’s website for all to view.
Building Fund, Finance and School Council Meeting
The Building Fund and Finance committees will meet at 6.15pm (meet prior to the ARM).
School Council will meet in May after the ARM with a shortened agenda.
Year 7 Transition Forms
Parents of students in year 6 have received the Year 6 to Year 7 Placement Information pack 2023-2024.
As their child is now in their final year of primary school, it is time to decide where they will begin secondary school.
The Department’s Find my School website allows parents to find their designated neighbourhood school. The form which was included in the pack needs to be returned to the class teacher.
Thank you to Mr John Jacobs and the 5/6 team for providing students and parents with the information.
2024 Prep Enrolments are open
Families with children who will be attending school in 2024 are invited to enrol for Prep. Children need to turn 5 years of age before 30 April 2024.
We look forward to seeing our siblings or friends of our families coming to school next year.
Please reach out if you require any further information.
Libby Alessi Principal
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.
Aditi FB – For the enthusiasm you show towards your learning. Aditi you have worked so hard in our literacy sessions this week and you are always keen to have a go and participate. What a superstar!
Lachlan FD – For your hard work during writing this week. In your holiday recount you were able to write neatly on the solid lines and drew a wonderful picture to match. Great job!
Advaith and Vamsi 2M – For your amazing paper plane designs and wonderful teamwork! Your creative design flew the furthest in our class – 20 feet. Wow!
Pranika in 2S – for settling well into your first week in 2S and showing bravery to make new friends. Well done and welcome to our class!
Lola 3RK – For persisting with your maths task this week with Fractions. You completed your work to a high standard! Well done!
Ben 5/6J – For a fantastic start to Term 2. You have been focused and ready to learn in all lessons. A great way to approach your learning. Awesome job!
Sport News
Our school has been registered in the wonder bread recycle rewards competition.
We can earn P.E equipment for every 5 kg of wonder bread packaging collected!
Follow the link for more information.
Ms Kasambalis
TheirCare News
GHPS Facebook
Tue 2 School Photo Day
Thurs 5 House Cross Country – 9.30am
Mon 8 Annual Reporting Meeting
Fri 12 Teeth on wheels at school
Fri 12 Mothers’ Day Stall
15 to 18 Annual Book Fair
Tue 16 School Open Night – 5pm – 7pm
Thu 18 Community Breakfast – 7.45am
Thu 18 School Open Morning – 9am
Wed 24 Astronomy Night – 5pm – 7pm
Fri 9 Curriculum Day 3 (student free day)
Mon 12 Public Holiday – King’s Birthday
Fri 16 Grandparents’ & Special Persons’ morning 9.15am -10.30am
Fri 23 End of Term 2 – Early dismissal 2.30pm
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.