Newsletter #5 23 April 2020

Principal’s Report

Welcome to the first newsletter of this term, although I feel we have been very connected already by way of the numerous Compass notifications that Ms Tinetti and I have posted plus the many, many, many which all teaching staff have provided to all students. What absolute champions they are with the most incredible amount of content they are providing their students.

With the commencement of term 2 being like no other in the history of GHPS or our country, we have transitioned to remote and flexible learning so that we can all stay safe. It’s been an extraordinary achievement
and I feel very proud of how everyone has really helped to make this the best of the situation as it can be for us all. We’ve managed to assist families in need to loan digital devices from the school so that their child can learn from home, which has been a first and we feel very grateful that this has been possible.

There has been unprecedented access to teaching and learning for students, families and staff and very extensive advice that has flowed into our email and digital in boxes in mammoth proportions.

A huge amount of great work has already been achieved with everyone feeling like they have been propelled into new situations on a daily basis. There will be much more to learn which will truly strengthen our resilience, patience and persistence. We can build our stamina to do what we need to do for the time it takes.

As with any new situation we are adjusting and tweaking things as we trial and understand what everyone needs and will continue to be as agile as possible. In meeting with the Leadership Team yesterday, we discussed how online and home learning is looking and what is presenting as the best and what we would like to see. So from us to you a couple of reminders:

  1. By 9.00am Learning Tasks will posted by the teachers for students using Compass and/or Google Classroom
  2. Parents use Compass to email back the teacher to say they have received the Learning If your child is unwell and unable to complete the day’s tasks, please notify in the same way.
  3. Please use the suggested times which teachers have assigned to each task when helping to supervise your child’s learning, but if things are different because it works at your house, that is fine too. Just try to enjoy the learning. It’s always about the quality.
  4. Please read and re-read the instructions about the tasks with your child carefully so that they can understand what is required of them.
  5. Teachers are very pleased that students are completing tasks but ask that students only submit the tasks that teachers are asking them to submit. There is much tocorrect and sending in too many makes it too difficult. On the plus side, parents have a wonderful extra piece of work to correct themselves and display at home.
  6. Teachers will be available to reply to parent communication as soon as they can within 48 hours and during business hours. Please email withinthe designated times of 10am-2pm. Receiving emails after hours may create unneeded tension. Thank you for your understanding.

In relation to this new experience, I’m sure parents are finding issues and challenges too so together with the School Council we will look at drafting a survey next week to see how we can resolve anything reasonable that may be addressed.  Simultaneously we are preparing information to go onto the website via Compass which we anticipate will be ready in a couple of days. As always, please contact Amy Tinetti or I for further assistance.

We shall pay tribute to the Anzacs and commemorate Anzac Day on Saturday 25 April.

While there will be no gatherings possible, we can still take a moment to be thankful for the peace we have in our country. I have heard in the media of people planning to walk to the end of their driveway at 6am and collectively encourage everyone to reflect on the importance of Anzac Day.

Finance and School Council

We are planning to meet via WebEx on Monday 27 April commencing at 6.30pm for Finance and at 7pm for School Council. We hope to have this ready and will be in contact with the members.

This will include tabling and presenting the 2019 Annual Report, which will be uploaded via the Strategic Online Planning Toolwith the Department of Education. Following this process the Annual Report shared
with the School Community on Compass.

Stay safe everyone and we are very proud of everyone in our community.

Libby Alessi     Principal

A message from your Assistant Principal:

Student and Parent Wellbeing:

I hope everyone is doing well and beginning to find new routines at home to support Remote Learning. During these times it is important that we try to maintain a healthy wellbeing, not only for the children but for ourselves as well. Here is a list of different resources and ideas you may what to use to help you support your child’s wellbeing and your own:

Student Wellbeing:

If you have concerns over your child’s mental health please do not hesitate to contact me on:

9571 2931 and I can put you in touch with different agencies in our community. Here is some useful information on improving mental health:

  • Monitoring the child for 1 week. If no improvement, consider a GP mental health plan.
  • Organising a safe way to keep in touch with friends and family e.g., by phone, whatsapp.
  • Reaching out to your parent/friendship support network.
  • Kids helpline 1800 55 1800.

Parent Wellbeing:

Your health and wellbeing is just as important to look after as your child’s. All of our parents at GHPS are doing a fantastic job, with many of you juggling Remote Learning and working from home yourself. Some days are going to be harder than others, remember to be kind to yourselves! It does not matter if on some days not all learning tasks are completed, it is ok to put the laptop away and go outside for a walk.

Here are some resources and links which may help:

  • DET Parentline 13 22 89: 8am to midnight, 7 days a week
  • DET Parent Help page

Remember I am here to help you as parents as well and I am just a phone call away if you need any assistance or if you just need to have a chat. Please call me on 9571 2931.

I will leave you with these lovely words, something for us all to think about.

COVID-19 Kids –what if?
When people say kids are going to be ‘behind’ I say, behind what??
Not each other-they’re all in the same boat.
Only ‘behind’ the age expectations of a curriculum that currently has limited context due to these extraordinary circumstances.
In front on so many other, more important, fronts.
What if instead of “behind” this group of kids is advanced because of this.
What if they have more empathy, they enjoy family connection, they can be more creative and entertain themselves, they love to read, they love to express themselves in writing.
What if they enjoy the simple things, like their own backyard and sitting near a window in the quiet?
What if they notice the birds and the dates the different flowers emerge, and the calming renewal of a gentle rain shower?
What if this generation is the one to learn to cook, organize their space, do their laundry, and keep a well- run home?
What if they learn to stretch a dollar and to live with less?
What if they learn to plan shopping trips and meals at home?
What if they learn the value of eating together as a family and finding the good to share in the small de- lights of the everyday?
What if they are the ones to place great value on our teachers and educational professionals, librarians, public servants and the previously invisible essential support workers like truck drivers, grocers, cashiers, custodians, logistics, and health care workers and their supporting staff, just to name a few of the millions taking care of us right now while we are sheltered in place?
What if among these children, a great leader emerges who had the benefit of a slower pace and a simpler life, who has a fine sense of empathy and care and concern for fellow humans.
What if he or she truly learns what really matters in all this…

                                                                                                            author unknown

 Amy Tinetti     Assistant Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the past 2 weeks.

Aanya 3O – For her incredible poster and presentation on her Identity project.

Amelia 4C – For your consistent use of vivid language within your written work. You continue to surprise me with your eagerness and love of learning.

Nefeli 5O – always being a proactive and supportive leader in our class. Well done with your Historical Fiction writing piece.

Karthik 2S – a really interesting letter to the Prime Minister.

Sport News

Max in 1E completed all his learning tasks for P.E. this week including showing his great skipping skills. Well done Max!

Our school is excited to announce we are running our bi-annual JUMP ROPE FOR HEART PROGRAM, beginning in term 2 for 5 weeks.

So far, we have had 14 students raise $114.

Below is a link to register your child to raise money during the JUMP ROPE FOR HEART PROGRAM. Get JUMPING!

Great work from Mia 2S


Elsie PN working on her catching and throwing. A fabulous job!

Library News

Try to work out the Book Titles from these emojis

Art News

Cooking News

Cooking Program – Staple Foods

In Term 1 we began our theme of Staple Foods.  We started with the world’s second most commonly eaten food, Rice.

All students did a great job making Vietnamese Rice Paper Rolls and Mars Bar Slice.  While most classes on the east site also made Arroz con Leche (Spanish Rice Pudding).


We used five different rice ingredients to create these three very different recipes.  The intention being to show the students how versatile staple foods are.

As always it is fantastic to see the students trying new things, despite occasional mixed reviews.  Also, it makes my day when I hear from parents how they are happy to be able to add new dishes to the family menu.  Thank you.

All recipes have been added to the GHPS website so you can try them out at home.  It can be found under the Learning/Curriculum/Specialist Programs section of the GHPS website or using this link

Thank you to our Term 1 kitchen helpers:  T. Vasumitra (T. Sree Hiranmayi 5S), Kalaiselvi Karthikeyan (Ajaai 4C), Margo White (Asher 3O), Suneetha Behara (Manasvi 3O), Christine Ranjan (Vanshika 1E), Hayley Clift (Harvey 1A), Neha Kakodia (Manasvi 1E), Jacqui Wright (Madison 1R), Maryam Hanifeh (Sadra 1R), Diana Booth (Isla 1R), Sharbani Dhar (Avyaan 1R), Swapna Myala (Hanish 1R),  Jyothsna (Tanmayee 1R), Rohini Kulkarni (Siddhanth 4C), Nandhini Mayandi & Aadhavan (Yuvan 3K), Shashi Dulala (Shloka 2S), Rekka (Ruchika 2L), Jalpa (Hiya 2L), Reha (Aarna 2L), Abbi Gilbert (James , Lewis Prep R), Rebecca Salter (Ruari 1M), Anita Rohmawati (Keenan Prep N) and Rosy Eppinger (former staff).

In Term 2 we are moving on to the topic of Wheat, which ranks third in the top four staple foods eaten around the world.  I hope you have enjoyed your first weekly recipe, Anzac Biscuits.

I have many great memories of cooking with my Mum and siblings when I was a child.  Now I love my time in the kitchen with my children.  I hope you enjoy this term of cooking, making cherished memories of your own.

Cheers, Fiona

Grade 5 News

Congratulations Arnaud for writing a fabulous persuasive text.

Excellent work

Grade 2 News

This week for Grade 2 Library we have been looking at books written by Mem Fox.

Bonnie (2L) drew a fantastic story in response to reading ‘I’m Australian Too’ by Mem Fox.

Thank you so much Bonnie for your colourful and detailed story page.

Isaac (2L) enjoyed making Anzac biscuits using Fiona’s recipe.

Jaini (2L) is getting used to online learning and picking up the routine.

Prep News

Aahan (0S) made this solar system over the weekend.

Well done Aahan!

Notices distributed to parents

Mar 13           All Families                    covid-19 information

Mar 18          All Families                     Google Apps



Sat 25                                    ANZAC Day

Zimmermann upright Piano available.

Please contact: Don Barrett

0407 499 880

Dear parents/carers,

All information and forms for enrolment into Year 7 for 2021 to McKinnon Secondary College are now located under the Enrolment Information/Year 7 Applications tab on our website. Please download and read all forms in the Year 7 2021 Enrolment Pack. The deadline for returning documents (either online or in person) is 18 May 2020. Please follow instructions on our website carefully. Only students living in zone will be accepted. 

Year 7 Transition Team

Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.

To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.

This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.

For more information, contact the office