On-site attendance

We are working through the requests for Loan of School Devices and will be notifying families who have requested this over the coming days this week. We will contact you as soon as possible and let you know of a time you can collect the device and complete the loan agreement.

For families who are seeking On-Site Attendance, due to no other arrangements being available to them,

  • An On-Site Attendance Form must be lodged each week by Thursday to allow us to effectively manage on-site supervision.
  • The parent is expected to collect their child when they finish work.
  • The child does not stay all day unless the parent is working all day.
  • Most importantly, all parents will be contacted each week on Friday if their child does/does not meet the requirements.
  • You must be aware of the health needs of students on-site; particularly in the case of anaphylaxis because a trained anaphylaxis staff member must be there for the child to be able to attend.

Please check the guidelines listed in Compass notification on Thursday 9th April and also provide any preliminary information. Thank you.

Download the On-Site Attendance Form (Word Document)