#Dis! Resilience at GHPS

On Wednesday, our Year 1 to Year 6 students took part in The Resilience Project. Students where excited and amused by Martin Heppell, who worked with the students on building their resilience skills. Resilience is having the ability to learn from your experiences and to bounce back and beyond (posttraumatic growth), resilience leads to happiness, therefore increased cognitive capacity, and it fosters a growth mindset and increased confidence and self-belief. Please talk with your child about their experience at the Workshop. Teachers are looking forward to using the workbooks throughout the year with the children so that we can continue to build resilience in all of our students. The Preps will attend on Tuesday, 21st February.

The parent night presented by Martin on February 16 in the Wendy Wilson Hall was very well attended and we thank our school community for once again showing their commitment to their childrens’ learning and that wellbeing matters.
