GHPS School – Restorative Practices Action Plan 2016

Committed teachers, caring students, connected communities

Term 1 2016

Discussion of Values and Learning Opportunities

The following questions from Term 4 2015, still need to be discussed, re GHPS teaching and learning cultures and some student written responses will need to be obtained:
– What is great about our school?
– What is really great about our teachers?
– What can we do better?
– What can my teachers do better?
– What is good about my teacher?

The thinking and responses to these above questions needs an ongoing approach, not just a one-off target lesson. Also please note that your students won’t know you as well as they will, in Term 1 (unless they have had you before), so the teacher questions here will require some time and work. Respect Community circles focus questions for each week: Weeks 1&2: What is respect and why is it so important? When and where do you need to be respectful? Weeks 3&4: What is tolerance and acceptance and why are these important parts of respect? When and where have you shown others tolerance and acceptance? Together with your class, formulate your Class mission statement – some of the 2015 class mission statements are on the • Uploading of current Restorative Practices through Real Schools information packages and developments on new school website. • Two instalments of current information and developments in school newsletter • Inclusion of Restorative Practices through Real Schools information in Parent Term Level letters and in the weekly Prep newsletter. • Parent information evening, presenting new material – different from previous two sessions. • Posters with current learning information about Real Schools created by students to be displayed in classrooms, hallways, stairwells/display boards • Writing wall for students to write feelings/responses to weekly questions/foci/circl es is updated regularly • Continue current displays in classrooms and corridors, which present information each week relating to student responses to community circle focus questions • Display board space in classrooms for students to post quick note pad page thoughts regarding Respect • Evidence of sound Restorative Practices knowledge in Classroom Management Plans. • Evidence of incorporating weekly proactive circles into the classroom routine. • Regular daily/weekly use of five different circles where necessary and appropriate • Links to Teaching & Learning through AusVELS being made more explicit in programs and documented in weekly and term planners, including weekly focus questions • Make links with Interpersonal Development and Personal Learning content of AusVELS • Gather and analyse data to establish how well you know your class and to devise strategies as to how to best cater for the issues currently in your class • (cont. to use). S-drive in the Real Schools folder. Weeks 5&6: How can you show respect for: Other people’s property? Other people’s feelings? School rules? Your elders? Weeks 7&8: Selfrespect Is it true that if you respect yourself, then others will respect you? What are some of the areas of selfrespect? (eg: selfesteem, health, rest and relaxation, diet, exercise, showing others that you value being kind and considerate) Week 9: This week how are you going to show others that you are a good listener, and that you are encouraging, kind and considerate? Why is one of the school’s important values: Respect for others and the environment? What have you learnt about respect this term?