GPA Newsletter #14 – 19 September 2019

Events & Reminders

Term 3: Monday 15 July – Friday 20 September

Friday 20 September: Pie Lunch and Last Day of School (early finish 2.30pm)


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The GPA would like to thank:

  • Our very own DJ Pisco (Ms Claire Piscioneri) who did an amazing job helping everyone get into the groove at the Kids Disco
  • Ally Stuart and Nicole Verginis for coordinating the Kids Disco and for the lead up preparations
  • Heidi Powell and Margo White for continuing the baking order for our Term 3 Cake Raffle
  • Gajalakshmi Ramalingam, Heidi Powell, Hayley Clift, Anjali Jain, and Pushpalatha Manavalan for volunteering to serve at our Friday lunchtime snacks over the last fortnight

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Kids Disco – Friday 6 September

Thank you to DJ Pisco (Ms Claire Piscioneri), Ally Stuart and Nicole Verginis for running a fantastic kids disco.

Thank you to all the parents and teachers listed below who helped to organise the event, set up the hall, welcomed the eager disco goers into the hall, prepared and served the food, or packed up:

  • Teachers – Libby Alessi, Andrew Aitken, Meagan Atkins, Justine de Bruyn, Liv Fourniotis, David Jenkins, Marie Kasambalis, Olivia Leung, Amandine Lucas-Lely, Bill Manuel, Yasmin Moran, Emma Murnane, Ivana Novakovic, Mikaela Ristos, Ashleigh Smart, Amy Tinetti and Rowena (Preservice teacher in 6P)
  • Parents – Jenni Anderson, Magda Afxentis, Heera Arvind, Hayley Clift, Debbie Fitzgerald, Cathy Foden, Lara O’Grady, Neema, Heidi Powell, Pratshika, Prema, Rashmi, Tharana Surireddy, Margo White, Nola Woo.

Thank you also to the following fantastic students who generously gave up their lunchtime to prepare the goodie bags for the disco – Veer Vyas, Christabel Sequeira, Asher Bloch, Aidan Wolfe, Pari Sharma, Neeharikaa Nellakandan, Romani Parrish, Rhapsody Borrirak, Archer Conquest, Chiara Pecorari, Aksh Aibani and Kane Hijlkema – you did a great job!


See the source image

Pie Lunch – Friday 20 September

Don’t forget that we will be serving pies, sausage rolls and vegetarian pasties from Three Little Bakers in Murrumbeena on the last day of term for all those who pre-ordered. Orders have now closed. SORRY – NO LATE ORDERS!

We still need volunteers to help collecting, packing and distributing these special lunch orders. If you can help, please sign up here: WWCC required.

Please sign up

Friday Lunchtime Snacks

(Quelch frozen fruit sticks & hot chocolates)

Thank you to our strong band of core volunteers for signing up, however we still need 2 more volunteers this week. If you can help from 12.30/12.45pm for about an hour, please sign up  here: WWCC required.

For children who have not pre-purchased for Term 3, icy-poles can be purchased on the day for $1. No hot chocolate service this week.

Our Term 4 – Icy pole roster is open – please sign up here:


Weekly Cake Raffle

Maria Simmons is rounding out our baking roster for the term. Thank you to all the wonderful bakers who baked during Term 3. Our Term 4 roster is open – please sign up here:

Don’t forget to buy your tickets this week!


Find all of our GPA rosters here

The GPA use SignUp rosters to coordinate all of our fundraising events – a list of our current rosters (and links) are listed below. Simply click the relevant event link (or copy it into your browser) and sign up for the spot(s) which suit you:

Alternatively, please email and let us know how you can help.

All of our GPA rosters can also be found on the GPA SignUps group page.

All of our Fete rosters can be found on the 2019 Twilight Fete rosters group page. Logo

Support our fundraising

Just a friendly reminder that for the entire month of September, Glen Huntly Primary School is on a Local Matters jar at Grill’d Chadstone.

We hope that being on a jar this month can generate some extra support and increase awareness in the local community.

Families can also support the GPA’s fundraising efforts by:

  • purchasing Quelch frozen fruit sticks or hot chocolates for your child on Friday lunchtimes for $1 each
  • purchasing tickets for $1 each in our weekly cake raffle each Friday
  • purchasing an Entertainment Book
  • considering 1st energy as their energy supplier. 1st energy will donate $50 to GHPS for every school family who signs up – contact 1st Energy on 1300 426 594 and quote GHPS

All money raised directly benefits the school.


2019 Twilight Fete

Sign up to coordinate one of these stalls
  • Lucky Ducks
  • Toilet Roll Throw
  • Crazy Hair
  • Slot Car Racing
  • Silent Auction

or volunteer on one of the various stalls and activities at our Twilight Fete. All of our Fete rosters can be found on the 2019 Twilight Fete rosters group page.

Keep an eye out for our next Fete Newsletter and find out how you can help.



Working With Children Check (WWCC)

Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers during school hours will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icy pole stall, to help with readers, in class rooms, to coordinate fete activities or stalls and at many more events held throughout the year. You do not need to hold a WWCC to volunteer at the Fete unless you are a coordinator.

It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking:

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Communications Officer

The GPA will be looking for new blood to take on the role of preparing the fortnightly GPA newsletters and other communications when Caitilin Hawkins steps down from this role at the end of October after the Fete. This job can be owned by one person or shared by more than one person and Caitilin is more than happy to hold your hand until you get the hang of it all. If you are interested in taking on this role or would like to find out more information about it, please contact

Next Fete Meeting: Friday 11 October

In the Wendy Wilson Hall at 9.30AM