GPA Newsletter #15 – 28 November 2019

Events & Reminders

Term 4 2019: Monday 7 October – Friday 20 December

Christmas Carols Night & Fete Ride Event: Tuesday 10 December

Friday 13 December: Last day of Friday lunchtime snacks for the year

Friday 20 December: Last Day of School for the year (early finish 2.30pm)


Term 1 2020: Wednesday 29th January (Grades 1-6) or Thursday 30th January (Prep) – Friday 27th March

Prep Parent Morning Tea: Thursday 30th January

Christmas Carols Night – Tuesday 10 December

You should have received a notice about our upcoming Carols Night – but just in case here is the information:

Carols, GHPS Student Bands & Art Auction
(5.25pm – 6.20pm)

We look forward to welcoming the GHPS choir and student bands to the stage where we will enjoy being entertained by our very talented GHPS students! You will also have the opportunity to purchase at the Art Auction the amazing artwork that the GHPS students have created this year!

Rides (in lieu of Fete Day)
4.00pm – 8.00pm but NOTE the rides won’t be operating during the Carols & Band performances 5.25 – 6.00pm)

For those who pre-purchased a ride pass for the Fete you can use that. Alternatively you can purchase a ride pass on the day for $35 or each ride is $5.

Ride passes and tickets to be collected on the night at the Ticket Booth.

Christmas Hamper Raffle

The GPA will be running a Christmas Hamper raffle. Donations for the hampers can be placed in the Office on the East Site or in labelled tub on the West Site Monday 9th December. We thank you for your contributions!

Tickets are $1 each.

Raffle tickets have already been distributed home (these can be returned with your money to the Office). Additional tickets will also be available on the night.

We do need help to wrap the hampers on Tuesday 10th December 9-11am. If you can help either complete the form sent home and return to the office or else please sign up:

Hamper Raffle Wrapping Session

Food Vans, Jude’s Lemonade Icy-Poles & Bar


The GPA have arranged for “Wood Stack Fire & Food Pizza” and “Two Fat Indians” (supplying Indian Cuisines and Chicken Schnitzel & chips) to be available (OR you can choose to bring along a picnic dinner) and there will be Jude’s Lemonade Icy-Poles available for dessert!

The GPA are also running The Watering Hole Bar on the night with beer, champagne, wine, water and soft drinks available for purchase.

GHPS HandMade Stall

The GHPS HandMade Stall will also be back with more wonderful handcrafted items!

Please sign up

Friday Lunchtime Snacks

(Quelch frozen fruit sticks)

Thank you to our strong band of core volunteers for signing up this term – Heidi Powell (Coordinator), Anjali Jain, Gajalakshmi, Hayley Clift and Pushpalatha Manavalan. A special thank you to the teachers and students who have also given up their lunchtime that the icy-poles could be served. We need more volunteers – if you can help from 12.30/12.45pm for about an hour,  please sign up here:  WWCC required.

For children who have not pre-purchased for Term 4, icy-poles can be purchased on the day for $1.


Weekly Cake Raffle

We want to thank Angela Natalier, Justine DeBruyn and Hayley Clift for already baking this term … and  thank in advance for their upcoming efforts Nicole Verginis (this week) andAmanda Philpot (next week). All of our spots for this term have been filled so thank you to all the wonderful bakers out there!

And to all our wonderful Cake Raffle supporters – Don’t forget to buy your tickets!


Prep Parent Morning Tea 2020 – Thursday 30th January

The GPA have a wonderful tradition of welcoming our new Prep families with a morning tea on the Preps first day! Further details will be provided … but please make a note of this day in your diary and if you can please do help by supplying some delicious home baked goodies and/or helping to set up and serve on the morning. Thank You!

Find all of our GPA rosters here

The GPA use SignUp rosters to coordinate all of our fundraising events – a list of our current rosters (and links) are listed below. Simply click the relevant event link (or copy it into your browser) and sign up for the spot(s) which suit you:

Alternatively, please email and let us know how you can help.

All of our GPA rosters can also be found on the GPA SignUps group page. Logo

Support our Fundraising

Families can support the GPA’s fundraising efforts by:

  • purchasing Quelch frozen fruit sticks or hot chocolates for your child on Friday lunchtimes for $1 each
  • purchasing tickets for $1 each in our weekly cake raffle each Friday
  • purchasing an Entertainment Book
  • considering 1st energy as their energy supplier. 1st energy will donate $50 to GHPS for every school family who signs up – contact 1st Energy on 1300 426 594 and quote GHPS

All money raised directly benefits the school.



Working With Children Check (WWCC)

Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers during school hours will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icy pole stall, to help with readers, in class rooms, to coordinate fete activities or stalls and at many more events held throughout the year. You do not need to hold a WWCC to volunteer at the Fete unless you are a coordinator.

It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking:

Next Meeting: Break Up Evening Friday 29 November