GPA Newsletter #2 – 8 April 2022
Events & Reminders
NEXT GPA MEETING: Friday 29th April, 9 – 10 am, Activities Centre, West Site
Mother’s Day Stall: Friday 6th May.
Election Day BBQ / cake stall: (date tbc)
What a term! We have been fortunate that slowly the GPA are able to provide some of the events that the students look forward to and we are looking forward to term 2 when we are able to provide more – including both the weekly cake raffle and weekly lunch time snacks!
Well done to all students and teachers on a great term and we hope you all have a beautiful break these school holidays.
GHPS “2022 Air Purifier” Fundraising Drive
Wow – what a response for the air purifier fundraising drive! Our school community donated $1783.05, which has been used to purchase additional air purifiers required for the school. The additional funds raised will be used to purchase additional filters as required.
Thank you to the community for supporting this special drive – this means that the 2022 GPA Special Effort Fund ($2,000) can be put towards other equipment and activities not funded by DET (such as musical instruments, sports equipment, playground equipment, readers, IT equipment and printers, or contributions to specialist programs).
Sushi lunch – Harmony Day
The GPA sushi lunch was a great success and enjoyed by all. Thank you to Hayley (Harvey 3K, Adam 1PB) for coordinating the lunch.
Many thanks to Fiona (Daniel 3K, Luke 5/6R), Briana (Sahara, 4N, Uma PS), Abbi (James 4A, Lewis 2S, Eden 1D) & Janaki (Sanjeev 5/6R, Sana PH) for packing sushi for the students and teachers to enjoy!
Easter Hat Parade
Thank you to all the families who supported the GPA Easter raffle by donating Easter treats to be included in the raffle prizes and for purchasing tickets for their chance to win!
Thank you to Abbi (James 4A, Lewis 2S, Eden 1D) for coordinating the raffle, Mr Jenkins for his amazing preparation so that the students could showcase their hats along to some beautiful singing, and Ruth for assisting with the Raffle tickets.
A huge thank you to Prasun Mistry (Vidhaan 2M), Rebecca Sullivan (James PH), Preeti Roychand (Sara 3K), Lilian Chew (Sophia PH) and Hayley Clift (Harvey 3K, Adam 1PB) for wrapping the amazing prizes.
The students all looked amazing in their Easter hats!! It was lovely to have the whole school be able to participate this year!
Hot Cross Buns
This year GPA partnered with local business The Bread Roll Shop to provide GHPS families with hot cross buns.
These yummy treats should have made their way home yesterday for you to enjoy over these school holidays!
Upcoming events:
Friday Cake Raffles
The much anticipated Friday Cake Raffle is back in term 2!!!! Each week a family from our school community contributes a cake/slice/savoury treat that is raffled off at the school assembly. To be in the running to win the weekly cake raffle, tickets can be purchased from the office every Friday for $1 per ticket. The lucky winner gets to take the cake home – yum!
SIGN UP NOW to secure your family’s spot to be the baker/maker of the week.
Wednesday (hump day) Lunch Time Snacks
Term 2 will also see the return of the lunchtime snacks! On Wednesdays, GPA will be selling Berri Quelch 99% fruit juice icy poles for $1 each.
We need some volunteers to help make this happen. If you have a working with children check and are available from 1:25pm – 2:00pm on a Wednesday, we’d love to have your help – the roster is available HERE.
We need 4 helpers each week. Grab your spot now and come and see what happens at lunch time at school (younger siblings are welcome to come and help too).
Mothers Day Stall – 6 May 2022
GPA will be running a mothers day stall on 6 May. Students will be able to purchase items just in time for mothers day. It’s a lovely opportunity for students to choose something special for a special lady! We will need some help to sort gifts on Tuesday 3 April and also to help at the stall on Friday 6 May.
Mothers day stall sorting afternoon 1:30pm – 3:30pm in rooms 1 & 2 (bottom floor of the main office building at the end of the learning street). Join Here
Mothers day stall – 2 hour shifts available from 8:45am – 3pm in rooms 1 & 2 (bottom floor of the main office building at the end of the learning street). Join Here
Election day bbq/cake stall (date tbc)
GHPS will be a polling booth for the upcoming federal election. GPA will provide a bbq and cake stall for the school and general community to enjoy when they come to GHPS to lodge their vote.
This will be a great opportunity for our school to fundraise!
The date is to be confirmed, but we will need volunteers to help set up and run the stalls – more details to come when the election date is set!
Bakers and makers will also be needed to provide items for the cake/treat stall.
Contact GPA
If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback or if you just want to get in touch please feel free to email
New members to GPA are always welcome (and appreciated!)
Next GPA Meeting
Our next GPA meeting will be held on 29 April in the activity centre on the west site and we would love to see you there (you do not have to be a GPA member to attend).
It is a great opportunity to meet others and learn more about what we do.
If you are interested in attending the meeting please subscribe to the GPA Mailing List at the bottom of the GHPS GPA page on our website so that you can receive the meeting details and an agenda for the meeting.
Upcoming Fete Meeting
GHPS are planning an awesome Twilight Fete for 2023 and we want your input and ideas!
The Fete will be a major fundraising event for 2023 that will benefit all GHPS students from Prep through to Grade 6. It provides an excellent opportunity for community engagement with our school.
3 great reasons to participate:
- Raise funds for a great cause – our children’s education
- Meet like-minded parents and make new friends
- Have fun, be creative and share your ideas
Our first introductory meeting will be held in early Term 2 – watch this space!
For further information about the GPA please refer to GPA Charter or you can contact us on
You can become a member of the GPA by completing the application form on the last page of the GPA Constitution and providing that The Office (East Site). Membership is open to all GHPS families and is free. You can also subscribe to the GPA Mailing List at the bottom of the GHPS GPA page on our website.
Even if you are not a member you are still welcome to volunteer to help with any of the events/drives we coordinate (noting that to help at school events you are required to supply a copy of your current Working With Children Check to the School Office to be kept on file as per the VOLUNTEERS policy).
You can apply for a Working with Children Check using this link: Working with Children Check . Should you require any assistance with this process one of the GPA members would be more than happy to help – just email
This website has been wonderful in rostering / preparing for GPA events and we will continue to use this for upcoming events.
How it works:
1) Click on the GHPS Sign Up Page link, or copy it into your browser to see the roster.
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up by entering your name, email address and phone number.
It’s That Easy!
- You will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
- SignUp does not share your email address with anyone.
- You will receive an email reminder to let you know what you have volunteered for
- You can cancel out of shifts or choose other spots if your circumstances change (although please give us enough time to find a replacement).
If you need help or have any queries or suggestion please contact