GPA Newsletter 21 July 2023
Sign Up & Help Out
Friday 11th August – Kids Disco
Term 3 icy pole duty – Hot Chocolates & Icy Poles Signup
Term 3 cake raffle – Cake signup
Advance Notice
Friday 1st September Father’s Day Stall
Friday 15th September Pie lunch (last day of Term 3)
Pizza Lunch
A great effort by pizza eaters and volunteer servers to raise money for the States Schools’ Relief with $600 going to this important organisation.
Thanks to the efficient team of volunteers Briana, Thanges, Prasun, Alexis, Rose, Christine, Gayle, Fiona and Abbi.
Bunnings BBQ
A stellar effort by Sally and Anthony Layton, coordinating the Bunnings BBQ on Sunday 16th July and sourcing key donations of onions, sausages and Tip Top Wondersoft bread. Over $2,500 was raised for our school. Appreciation to those who volunteered for preparatory onion chopping and/or a 2-hour shift at Bunnings and an extra cheer for those who extended their shift, particularly in the afternoon. Positive feedback from the event for “great onions” (cooks and customers) and “welcome back anytime” from the Bunnings Liaison.
THANK YOU to Sally L, Anthony L, Hayley C, Shaun H, Cecylia K, Malee M, Josh M, Abbi G, David B, Monica F, Ruth SK, Ernesto N, Gajalakshmi KR, Mandy L, David L, Richard H. Stephen D. Great work!
THANK YOU to Woolworths Glen Huntly for the donation of sausages and onions.
Term 3 Events
Friday 11th August Kids Disco
A popular social event on the GPA calendar.
There will be a Junior Disco Prep – Grade 2 and a Senior Disco Grade 3 – Grade 6, on the same evening but at different times. Details on Compass soon.
Volunteers will be needed during the day for preparation and set up and in the afternoon for food service and tutorials in “Dad-dancing”!
Sign-Up Here and come and join the fun!
Friday Icy Poles/Hot chocolates
Despite the single digit temperatures icy poles are still popular, as well as the hot chocolates, for a Friday treat.
If you didn’t pre-order, students can still participate by bringing $1 on the day.
Following a Student Council request, small biscuits are now available as a gelatin-free alternative to marshmallows, if you provide your own mug for hot chocolate.
Thanks to the Amin family (Twisha 5/6K & Tasha 2S) for the donation of 9 packets of Marshmallows – BYO mug if you want a marshmallow.
Friday cake raffle
Bakers, sign up for your Term 3 slot.
Cake eaters, remember to get your ticket(s) each Friday! Tickets are $1 from the office.
Thanks to this week’s baker, Briana Price-Robertson, who made Triple Chocolate Brownies.
Advance Notice
Friday 1st September – Father’s Day Stall
The GPA are busy sourcing gifts for the Father’s Day stall that will be held on Friday 1st September, during school hours.
Friday 15th September – Pie lunch (last day of Term 3)
As is only appropriate for September footy fever, the Term 3 special lunch item will be pies.