GPA Newsletter 29 November 2018

Events & Reminders
Term 4: Monday 8 October – Friday 21 December
Saturday 1 December: Kids’ Disco
Monday 3 December: 2019 Twilight Fete Meeting (7.30pm Wendy Wilson Hall)
Tuesday 11 December: Carols Evening
Friday 14 December: GPA End of Year Dinner (details to come)
The school community has generously supported a busy fortnight of GPA fundraising with our Election Day Cake Stall and BBQ and the Tri Nature Fundraiser. The Term 4 events keep coming with the Kids Disco and Carols Night and our first Twilight Fete Meeting is on next Monday. We will need plenty of volunteers so spread the load by signing up for an hour.
Election Day Sausage Sizzle & Cake Stall: Saturday 24 November
Thank you for supporting our Election Day Stalls!
Thank you to Helen and Craig Matthews for coordinating our Cake Stall and BBQ last Saturday at Election Day. They did an awesome job!
Thank you also to:
- Nicole and Theo Verginis, Caitilin Hawkins, Fiona Davey and Ally Stuart for the behind the scenes planning and food collection in the days leading up to Election Day
- Ross and Christine Donnan for making the delicious vegie burgers
- Ally Stuart, Hayley Kringas, Heidi Powell, Nicole Verginis, Effie and Vangeli Verginis, Anesti and Olympia Copey, Alison Tildesley, Christine Donnan, Caitilin Hawkins, Srija Samuel, Annessa Conquest, Rose Agnew, Margo White, Fiona Davey, Aarti Dave and Abbi Gilbert for signing up to bake and anyone else who baked for our cake stall
- Craig, Helen, Imogen and Freya Matthews, Nicole and Theo Verginis, Shan Jayaweera, Alison Tildersley, Caitilin Hawkins, Samson Bloch, Sienna and Montage, Heidi Powell, Abbi Gilbert, Tony and Andrea Carveth, Srija Samuel, Anupreet, Jillian Williams, Juliet Cairns, Pratiksha, Hayley Kringas, Ross and Christine Donnan, Arthur Le, Kathryn Dench, Ally Stuart, Shira Roth, Amy Tinetti, Libby Alessi, Nicole Bishop, Lena and Ruby Wilson, Anna Maimarosia, Nola Woo, Perry and Eden Weiss for volunteering on the day, many for multiple shifts.
Kids’ Disco: Saturday 1 December
Just a reminder that our Kids’ Disco will be held on Saturday 1 December in the Wendy Wilson Hall – Preps to Grade 2 from 5.00-6.30pm, Grade 3-Grade 6 from 6.30-8.00pm.
At $10 entry, it is a fantastic deal – including a hot dog, a bottle of water, a goodie bag and lots of fun and great music brought to you by DJ Funky Owl.
Notices for ticket purchases have been distributed – there will be strictly NO TICKET SALES AT THE DOOR – so purchase your tickets ASAP!
If you can volunteer at our Kids Disco on Saturday 1 December, please sign up http://signup.com/go/yXrBiwN.
Carols Evening – BBQ, Jude’s Lemonade Icypoles & Hamper Raffle:
Tuesday 11 December 5.30pm
The GPA will be coordinating a BBQ on Tuesday 11 December at the Carols Night – so leave dinner to us!
Jude’s Lemonade Icy-Poles will also be available on the night!
A roster to volunteer on the BBQ will be available soon on our GPA Signups: http://signup.com/go/yXrBiwN
The GPA will also be running a Christmas Hamper Raffle on the Carols Evening. Donations for the hampers can be placed in the Office on the East Site or in labelled tub on the West Site. We thank you in advance for your contributions!
Chocolate Drive
Thank you for your continued support selling the remaining boxes of chocolates. There are still plenty more available from the office available for sale for discounted price of $50 per box (cash up front). Little entrepreneurs can raise money for the school and earn themselves $10 per box for their efforts. For those families who have not yet returned their money and any unsold stock – please do so as soon as possible.
Tri Nature Fundraiser
Thank you for supporting our Tri Nature Fundraiser. Helen Matthews (Helen’s Eco Store) generously donated 25% of the orders placed, adding $500 to our fundraising total for the year. Thanks Helen and to all of our Tri Nature shoppers for supporting our school!
GPA – making a difference
The GPA are a dynamic team of parents and friends of the Glen Huntly Primary School Community who fundraise for our school to improve the facilities and experiences for our children. We also organise fun social events that bring our wonderful school community together and build strong links between our school and the wider community.
The GPA have now raised approximately $18,000 so far this year, and counting.
We couldn’t have done it without your support.
Cake Raffle – Fridays – Tickets $1
Thank you to Nicole Verginis and Martina Gevaux for baking this fortnight and to the following wonderful bakers for signing up to bake for our Cake Raffle this term.
30 November | Kate Taylor |
7 December | Juliana Pecer |
14 December | Angela Natalier |
21 December | Helen Matthews |
And that is what a full roster looks like!
Kate Taylor is up this week and Juliana Pecer is up for one last time the following week. Angela Natalier and Helen Matthews will be rounding out the rest of the term.
Helen has a gingerbread house planned (like the one pictured above) just in time for Christmas – so many treats to look forward to. Don’t forget to support this fundraising for our school by buying tickets for $1 each.
Friday Lunchtime Snacks
We need 2 extra helpers this week and in coming weeks. If you can spare an hour on a Friday lunchtime, please sign up for one or more spots on the Term 4 roster here: http://signup.com/go/pNVBgpG
Students who have not pre-ordered for the term can purchase Quelch fruit sticks on the day for $1 each. Don’t forget your money!
2019 Twilight Fete Meeting: Monday 3rd December, 7.30pm, Wendy Wilson Hall
Plans are now underway for our bi-ennial Fete, with our Fete Co-Ordinator Extraordinaire Fiona Davey ready to head up the organising committee for what we expect will be another cracker Fete!
The first 2019 Twilight Fete meeting will be on Monday 3rd December 2018 at 7.30pm in the Wendy Wilson Hall – it would be great to see as many people who are interested in joining the Fete Committee attend!
Please advise of your attention to attend to Fiona on ghpsfete@gmail.com – however if you haven’t had a chance to RSVP and are able to attend on the night we’d love to see you there!
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Under the updated Volunteer Policy for the school, all volunteers will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icypole stall, or to help with readers, in class rooms and at the Kids Disco this Saturday.
It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. The Australia Post outlet will take a photo for you and you won’t need to make an appointment. Follow this link and get cracking: www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au