GPA Newsletter #3 – 14 March 2019

Events & Reminders

Term 1: Thursday 31 January – Friday 5 April

Thursday 14 March: Glen Huntly Primary Schools 105th Birthday!

Friday 15 March: Family Fun Night (5.00 – 7.00pm, West Site)

Wednesday 27 March: Harmony Day – Sushi Lunch

Friday 29 March: 2nd GPA Meeting (straight after assembly, Wendy Wilson Hall)

Tuesday 2 April: Fete Meeting (7.30pm, venue to be advised)

Friday 5 April: Easter Raffle

Image result for join our free clip art

Join the GPA today!

Please come along to the next meeting of the Glen Huntly Parent’s Association (GPA) on Friday 29 March – directly after assembly in the Wendy Wilson Hall. The GPA is a small but dynamic team of parents and friends of the Glen Huntly Primary School Community which fund raises for our school to improve the facilities and experiences for our children. We also organise fun social events that bring our wonderful school community together and build strong links between our school and the wider community.

The GPA usually meet on the 2nd Friday of every month and everyone is welcome. Even if you are not able to attend meetings, we welcome everyone to join our mailing list and volunteer to help with any of the events/drives we co-ordinate.

If you wish to join the mailing list or have any suggestions please contact: 

The GPA welcomes all of the new families to our school and hope that you will become involved!

We need your help – please sign up!

The GPA desperately need volunteers for our:

Term 1 – Icypole rosterThe GPA sell Quelch frozen fruit juice sticks every Friday lunchtime out of the kitchen attached to Wendy Wilson Hall on the Senior (East) Site and the Art Room on the Junior (West) Site.  We need 3 additional helpers every Friday lunchtime from 12.45pm for about 40 minutes. WWCC required (see below for more information). Sign up here:

Term 1 – Cake raffle roster.We need bakers for 15 and 22 March. Sign up here:

We will also need helpers for our Harmony Day Sushi lunch on 27 March. A roster will be published shortly and will be available (with all of our other GPA rosters) on the GPA Signups Group Page: Logo

Support our fundraising

There are many ways families can support the GPA’s fundraising efforts and support the school by:

  • pre-ordering Quelch frozen fruit sticks for your child each term or purchasing them on Friday lunchtimes for $1 each
  • taking home a box of Cadbury Fundraising chocolates to sell – please see Julie in the office if you can help
  • purchasing tickets for $1 each in our weekly cake raffle held each Friday (subject to volunteers)
  • purchasing sushi at our Harmony Day Sushi Lunch (see below for more information)


Working With Children Check (WWCC)

Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers during school hours will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icypole stall, or to help with readers, in class rooms, and at many more events held throughout the year.

It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking:


The GPA would like to thank Nicole Verginis and Christine Short for baking for our cake raffle on 1 and 8 March.

Family Fun Night (Friday 15 March, 5-7pm, West Site)

Our Family Fun Night is on Friday this week – and we invite you all to come along and join us in a night of fun.

Pizzas will be available for purchase on the night from “3 Lil Monsters and a Pizza Truck”. Delicious Jude’s Lemonade Icy-poles will also be available for purchase.

Feel free to BYO picnic basket, drinks and rugs or chairs to sit back, relax and enjoy!

Harmony Day Sushi Lunch (Wednesday, 27 March, lunchtime)

We will be having a Sushi Lunch to celebrate Harmony Day on Wednesday 27th March.

Volunteers are needed to pack and distribute the sushi orders for this much loved event! A roster will be available very soon but in the meantime please register your interest by emailing us on 

Order forms will also be sent home very soon so keep your eye out for these!

2019 Twilight Fete (Saturday 26 October 2-8pm) Meeting Report

Next Meeting : Tuesday 2 April

Planning for the Fete is underway! We are still looking for a Food & Drinks Coordinator as well as coordinators for individual stalls. If you are interested in being a coordinator, have suggestions for stalls or activities, are able to offer any special skills or would just like further information, please email or come along to the next meeting on Tuesday 2 April at 7.30pm (venue to be advised). Please contact if you plan to attend our meeting.

Next GPA Meeting: Fri 29 March

(Starts immediately after assembly, WW Hall, East Site)

Congratulation and thank you to the following parents elected to the 2019 GHPS School Council:

Nicole Verginis ( Alex 5O & Stephanie 3S) Nola Woo (Emma 6P) Shan Jayaweera (Alice 5O & Emily 3K) Ross Donnan (Amber 4R) Kalai Selvi Karthikeyan (Ajaai 3S) and Satya Tharana Surireddy (Raghav 3S & Sindhura 0F).