GPA Newsletter # 3 – 16 June 2022

Events & Reminders

NEXT GPA MEETING :  Friday, 22nd July

Upcoming events:


Friday 24th June – orders and payment due by 17th June please.

Pizza lunch fundraiser with profits going to the State Schools’ Relief fund.

PJ day/casual dress day with a $2 donation going towards the school gaga pit.

We’re doubling up for the last day of term! A nice pizza lunch to support the State Schools’ Relief Fund and a dress up (or more to the point, don’t bother getting dressed) day to raise money for the much anticipated gaga ball pit for the Senior site.

State Schools’ Relief is a not-for-profit organisation that improves the lives of tens of thousands of disadvantaged Victorian students, and their families, each year.

They offer a simple and practical service that ensures that all students can attend school in warmth and comfort with a greater sense of belonging and improved self-esteem, which in turn enhances their educational engagement.

Issues such as poverty, neglect, family illness, abuse and homelessness continue to affect many Victorian families. SSR provides government school students with new uniforms, footwear and educational resources, including learning devices. They work side by side with all Victorian primary, secondary, specialist and language schools to ensure that any students facing hardship have the necessary items they require for school.

If you are able to help out on the day please sign up at

School Fete 2023

Past events:

Thank you to so many helpers who contributed to making the 2022 Mother’s Day Stall a huge success! The students had a wonderful time choosing a special gift for a very special person in their lives; and the decorated bags they used to take home their gifts were gorgeous and made with such love!

Thanks to Hayley C, Abbi G and Nicole V for coordinating the stall and purchasing the items. Thanks to Janaki A and Pallavi I for baking some yummy treats and to Margo W, Lilian C, Kenina W, Maja B, Arief, Swapna, Nina, Makiko N, Janaki A, Bhoomi and Sarah H for sorting the gifts and/or helping serve at the stall on the day.

And a very big thank you to the GHPS community for getting behind this and supporting our school – we made a profit of $1,080!

Election Day BBQ, Cake Stall and Coffee Cart

Wow! What an amazing day we had – the sun was shining, the rain held off and we were able to host a fantastic BBQ and Cake Stall.

Thank you to Nicole V, Abbi G and Hayley C for coordinating our election day BBQ, Cake Stall and Coffee Cart. They did an awesome job! Thank you also to staff Cameron White and Liz Howard along with parents Theo, Caitilin, Fiona and Steve for the behind the scenes planning and food collection in the days leading up to Election Day.

Special mention to Josh and Mali from Toasted Toasties (who also happen to be Sophia in 1D’s parents!) for supplying coffee to the masses. A very welcome addition to the usual bbq, cake stall line up!!

The results are in – our cooks turned approximately 700 beef and 200 chicken sausages, plus 100 bacon & egg rolls, 100 beef burgers, 50 veggie burgers and around 30kg of onions! Along with our amazing Cake Stall where 300+ beautifully baked/made/purchased goods were sold and over 100 coffees/hot chocolates/teas made at the Coffee Cart!

Thanks to Janaki A, Hayley C, Fiona D, Sarah D, Sharbani D, Abbi G, Nicole H, Sarah H, Pallavi I, Nicky D, Melinda O, Nicole V, Michelle, Mikaela R & Maike for signing up to bake and anyone else who baked for our cake stall!

Also thanks to Cesar A, Janaki A, Gaudi B & co, David B, Kulwinder B, Stephen D, Kathryn D, Monica F, Cathy F, Tristan G, Caitlin H, Nicole H, Sarah D, Shan J, Kate F, Matt N, Ernesto N, Theo V, Tara V, Adam W, Manyuan Z, Achini, Heidi P & Lisa S for volunteering on the day, many for multiple shifts (my apologies for anyone I missed who popped in on the day – thank you too!).

We would also like to thank Woolworths Carnegie North for a $50 donation to the purchase of supplies and the Ormond Anglican Church for the generous use of their bbq to assist with the cooking on the day.

We made a profit of $3,945 which is a phenomenal effort!

Thank you for supporting our Democracy Sausage Sizzle – we are so proud of the efforts of the GHPS community with their generous baking and time on the day working hard on the stalls. We look forward to doing it all again for the state election later in the year!!

Contact GPA

If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback or if you just want to get in touch please feel free to email

New members to GPA are always welcome (and appreciated!)

Next GPA Meeting

Our next GPA meeting will be held on 22 July in Room 2 (at the end of the learning street, ground floor of the main school building, senior site) and we would love to see you there (you do not have to be a GPA member to attend). 

It is a great opportunity to meet others and learn more about what we do. If you are interested in attending the meeting please subscribe to the GPA Mailing List at the bottom of GHPS GPA page on our website (is it possible to link to the GHPS GPA page here?) so that you can receive the meeting details and an agenda for the meeting.

For further information about the GPA please refer to GPA Charter or you can contact us on

You can become a member of the GPA by completing the application form on the last page of the GPA Constitution and providing that The Office (East Site). 

Membership is open to all GHPS families and is free. You can also subscribe to the GPA Mailing List at the bottom of the GHPS GPA page on our website.

Even if you are not a member you are still welcome to volunteer to help with any of the events/drives we coordinate (noting that to help at school events you are required to supply a copy of your current Working With Children Check to the School Office to be kept on file as per the VOLUNTEERS policy).

You can apply for a Working with Children Check using this link: Working with Children Check

Should you require any assistance with this process one of the GPA members would be more than happy to help – just email


This website has been wonderful in rostering / preparing for GPA events and we will continue to use this for upcoming events.

How it works:

1) Click on the GHPS Sign Up Page link, or copy it into your browser to see the roster.

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up by entering your name, email address and phone number.

It’s That Easy!


  • You will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
  • SignUp does not share your email address with anyone.
  • You will receive an email reminder to let you know what you have volunteered for
  • You can cancel out of shifts or choose other spots if your circumstances change (although please give us enough time to find a replacement).

If you need help or have any queries or suggestion please contact