GPA Newsletter #2 – 4 March 2021
Events & Reminders
Term 1 2021: 28th January – Thursday 1st April
Curriculum Day – Tuesday 9th March
NEXT GPA MEETING (Annual General Meeting): Friday 19th March, 9 – 10 am, Activities Centre, West Site
WELCOME FAMILY FUN NIGHT (Friday 12th March, 5-7pm, East Site Oval)
This is a great way to meet new families and catch up with old friends
B.Y.O. Picnic Basket, drinks, rug/chairs
Ms Marie Kasambalis is co-ordinating some FUN GAMES for students and parents alike between 5.30-6.30pm.
Try your hand at an egg and spoon race, team up with a partner for the three-legged races and test your balance skills during the sack races!
We will have WOODSTACK PIZZAS selling delicious Pizzas!
Varieties: Margarita, Hawaiian, Pepperoni, Vegetarian
($12-$15 each)
And GPA will be selling JUDE’S LEMONADE ICYPOLES ($3 each)
GPA will be selling Berri Quelch Fruit Juice Stick icypoles on Friday Lunchtimes from this Friday 5th March! This is available to all students in Prep to Grade 6. A huge thank you to Heidi Powell for coordinating this and to the volunteers for serving – can you belive our Term 1 roster is already filled?! Thank you GHPS community!!!
Cost: $1 each (cash only)
WEEKLY CAKE RAFFLE – Drawn at assemblies Fridays
Our weekly “cake raffle” is back from tomorrow Friday 5th March. Each week a GHPS family signs up to bake a cake / slice / biscuits (or whatever else you choose!) and the children are invited to present the delicious treat and draw the raffle at assembly on Friday.
Tickets are $1 each – you can purchase as many entries as you would like!
Thanks to the Clift family for agreeing to be first off the rank this Friday.
To secure your spot as a baker please sign up using:
GPA are planning on hosting a Sushi Lunch for Harmony Day – Sushi will be $3 each. Thanks to Hayley Clift & Abbi Gilbert for coordinating this event. More detailswith order forms to be circulated via Compass shortly! – WATCH THIS SPACE
For further information about the GPA please refer to GPA Charter or you can contact us on
You can become a member of the GPA by completing the application form on the last page of the GPA Constitution and providing that The Office (East Site). Membership is open to all GHPS families and is free. You can also subscribe to the GPA Mailing List at the bottom of the GHPS GPA page on our website.
Even if you are not a member you are still welcome to volunteer to help with any of the events/drives we coordinate (noting that to help at school events you are required to supply a copy of your current Working With Children Check to the School Office to be kept on file as per the VOLUNTEERS policy).
You can apply for a Working with Children Check using this link: Working with Children Check . Should you require any assistance with this process one of the GPA members would be more than happy to help – just email
This website has been wonderful in rostering / preparing for GPA events and we will continue to use this for upcoming events.
How it works:
1) Click on the GHPS Sign Up Page link, or copy it into your browser to see the roster.
2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.
3) Sign up by entering your name, email address and phone number.
It’s That Easy!
- You will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.
- SignUp does not share your email address with anyone.
- You will receive an email reminder to let you know what you have volunteered for
- You can cancel out of shifts or choose other spots if your circumstances change (although please give us enough time to find a replacement).
If you need help or have any queries or suggestion please contact