GPA Newsletter #4 May 3rd, 2024

Sign Up, Help Out & Enjoy
Sushi Lunch helpers – Sign Up Here
Tuesday 7th May 1.15-2pm
Mothers Day Stall – Sign Up Here
Thursday 9th May Set Up 1.30-3.30pm
Friday 10th May 1 hour Slots 9am – 3pm
Term 2 icy pole/hot chocolate duty – Sign Up Here
Mother’s Day Stall Thurs 9th Set Up and Friday 10th May Selling
Sarah’s been busy sourcing great gifts for the popular Mother’s Day Stall. Packing and pricing the items will take place on Thursday 9th May 1.30-3.30pm.
The home baked treats are always a popular choice of the students, so this is a great opportunity to roll out your specialty treat.
Alternatively, there is an option in Compass to donate $5 towards purchasing baked goods.
It is delightful to see the children being so thoughtful in selecting their gifts, if you have an hour or two to spare on Friday come along and exercise your “salesmanship”!
Japan Children’s Day Sushi Lunch Tuesday 7th May
Thank you to Abbi for coordinating, at short notice, the Sushi Lunch as part of the GHPS celebration of Children’s Day and Japanese culture.
Just one spot left to help serve the Sushi on Tuesday – get in while you can. Sign Up here
Uniform Shop
A successful debut for the GPA running the 2nd hand uniform shop this week.
Thank you to the patient customers on Day 1 as we sorted out our processes and got familiar with the stock.
Currently available we have new “old logo” stock selling at bargain prices as well as limited 2nd hand stock, always $5.
A reminder that the “old logo” uniform can still be worn until the end of 2025.
Keep an eye out for more Uniform Shop sessions in Week 5 in conjunction with Education Week and the Book Fair.
Donations of outgrown uniform items in excellent condition (for resale) can be left with the Office during Weeks 4 and 5.
A Great Opportunity
We have two roles needing volunteers – Kids Disco Coordinator, Term 3 Pie Lunch.
There are plenty of resources and great mentors available to help you with taking on these roles.
Kids Disco Coordinator – provisional date early August. A popular event with an established set-up as well as scope for your own embellishments!
Term 3 Pie Lunch – Friday 20th September. A well-established event and a great “entry level” GPA activity.
If you are interested in either of these roles, please email ghpsgpa@gmail.com or speak to someone from the GPA Committee.
Advance Notice
Bunnings BBQ Sunday 18th August – save the date
GPA has secured a valued Bunnings BBQ slot for Sunday 18th August.
This is a great opportunity to raise funds from the wider community while volunteering a few hours of our time. Thanks, Sally, for once again taking the lead on this.
Next GPA Meeting
Friday 17th May 9.15am Library, West site
Even if you are unable to attend the meetings you are welcome to become a member, just email ghpsgpa@gmail.com or complete the form within GPA Constitution
Anyone is welcome to volunteer for GPA events, GPA membership is not a requirement.