GPA Newsletter #5 – 25 April 2019
Events & Reminders
Term 2: Tuesday 23 April – Friday 28 June
Tuesday 30 April: GPA meeting (9.00am, Wendy Wilson Hall)
Friday 3 May: Icy-pole & Hot Chocolate service commences (hot chocolate service subject to volunteers)
Thursday 9 May: Mother’s Day Stall (Scheduled class attendance throughout the day, Wendy Wilson Hall)
Saturday 18 May: 2019 Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall
Friday 24 May: Grandparents’ Morning Tea
Join the GPA today!
The Glen Huntly Parent’s Association (GPA) is a small but dynamic team of parents and friends of the Glen Huntly Primary School Community which fundraises for our school to improve the facilities and experiences for our children. We also organise fun social events that bring our wonderful school community together and build strong links between our school and the wider community.
The GPA meet every month. This term we will trial alternating between a Tuesday and Friday meeting – with our next meeting on Tuesday 30 April at 9.00am (after school drop off) in the Wendy Wilson Hall. Even if you are not able to attend meetings, we welcome everyone to join our mailing list and volunteer to help with any of the events/drives we co-ordinate.
If you wish to join the mailing list or have any suggestions please contact us.
We need your help – please sign up
Friday Lunchtime Snacks – Quelch frozen fruit sticks & hot chocolates
During Term 2, we will be trialling a new system for our Friday Lunchtime Snacks service from the Wendy Wilson Hall on the East Site and from the Art Room on the West Site. We will offer Quelch frozen fruit sticks every week, but will ONLY offer hot chocolate service if we have a full roster (ie 6 volunteers serving) by Thursday 12 noon (the day before). We simply cannot make hot chocolates happen on two sides of the school without 6 volunteers every week. Please sign up for Term 2 – WWCC required.
A lunchtime notice for pre-ordering Term 2 icy-poles / hot chocolates will be distributed shortly – please return your form to the office with your money before Wednesday 1 May 2019 (week 2 of Term 2).
Weekly Cake Raffle
Please sign up to bake on our Term 2 – Cake Roster. It would be fantastic to see some new faces on stage this term to spruik their family’s baked goods!
Mother’s Day Stall (Thursday 9 May)
We are planning on sorting through Mother’s Day Stall purchases into price categories on Friday 3 May from 1 – 3.30pm. If you are available to help please sign up Mother’s Day Stall Sign Up
For our wonderful Mother’s Day Stall we will need volunteers to bake some delicious treats in advance, and to set-up the stalls, sell the gorgeous gifts and then pack-up on the day. If you are available on Thursday 9 May to help please sign up Mother’s Day Stall Sign Up
Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall – 18 May 2019
Our Election Day 2019 – BBQ and Cake Stall roster is now open and we need all hands on deck – whether it is coordinating (Election Day, BBQ and Cake Stall coordinators needed), volunteering on the day or baking for the Cake Stall.
2019 GPA Event Coordinators
With the Twilight Fete on this year, the GPA need all the help we can get coordinating our other GPA fundraising and social events. We need coordinators for Election Day (Saturday 18 May), the Grandparents’ morning tea (Friday 24 May), the Winter State School Relief Lunch (coordinator can decide which date suits – Tuesday 11, Wednesday 12 or Thursday 13 June), the Father’s Day Stall (Friday 30 August), the Pie Lunch (Friday 20 September), and the Kids Disco (coordinator can decide which date suits – either Friday 15 or Friday 22 November). If you are able to coordinate any of these events, please sign up. If you have any questions about the roles or would like to suggest other fundraising or social events that you are happy to coordinate this year, please contact us.
Support our fundraising
Families can support the GPA’s fundraising efforts to benefit the school by:
- pre-ordering Quelch frozen fruit sticks or hot chocolates for your child each term or purchasing them on Friday lunchtimes for $1 each
- taking home a box of Cadbury Fundraising chocolates to sell – please see Julie in the office if you can help
- purchasing tickets for $1 each in our weekly cake raffle held each Friday (subject to volunteers)
Thank you again to all the following wonderful bakers who signed up to bake for the Cake Raffle Roster for Term 1: Caitilin Hawkins, Bria Price-Robertson, Nicole Verginis, Christine Short, Heidi Powell, Bria (again!), Hayley Kringas and Helen Matthews (in order of appearance).
Thank you to everyone who supported the GPA Easter Raffle on 3 April by donating eggs and buying tickets. Thank you also to the following people who helped wrap the Easter hampers: Abbi & Lewis Gilbert, Jill Powell, Tina Gevaux, Rashmi Ajbani, Preeti Pawar, Tara Surireddy, Sashi Dulala, Ramya Haridasyam, Priya Sivakumar, Heera Arvind, Nicole Verginis.
2019 Twilight Fete (Saturday 26 October 2-8pm) Meeting Report
Next Meeting : Tuesday 14 May, 7.30pm (please contact to RSVP and obtain address)
Heidi Powell has kindly offered to be our Food & Drinks Coordinator – which sees all the Area Coordinators positions filled. There are still plenty of stall coordinator spots up for grabs. If you are interested in discussing the coordinator roles, have suggestions for stalls or activities, are able to offer any special skills or would just like further information, please email or come along to the next meeting on Tuesday 14 May at 7.30pm.
Please contact to let us know if you plan to attend our meeting and to obtain address.
Working With Children Check (WWCC)
Under the GHPS Volunteer Policy, all volunteers during school hours will need to hold a WWCC (Volunteer Check). This means that you will need to hold a WWCC (or have submitted your application) to volunteer on the icypole stall, or to help with readers, in class rooms, and at many more events held throughout the year.
It is simple, quick and free to apply for a WWCC online and to finalise your application at participating Australia Post Outlets. To secure your WWCC, please follow this link and get cracking: