GPA Newsletter 9 August 2018
Events & Reminders
Term 3: Tuesday 17 July – Friday 21 September
Friday 10 August: Next GPA meeting
Tuesday 21 August: Fish’ n Chip lunch (whole school); Grades Prep to 4 Book Parade themed “Find Your Treasure”
Friday 31 August: Father’s Day Stall
Friday 21 September: Pie lunch – Footy Day
Financial Update
We hope to raise another $8,000 by the end of the year for 2 additional air-conditioners on the West Site. In addition, we are exploring ways to support the Buildings and Grounds Committee in building a bike shed for the West Site. GPA funds are also used for running various specialist programs.
The GPA have raised $4,923 so far this year – a fantastic effort!
Show Us Your Fundraising Ideas
We have unfortunately had to shelve plans for the Ride-A-Thon we had been planning this term to raise money for the West Site Bike Shed. If you have any other ideas the GPA can pursue, we would love to hear about them. Email your ideas to or bring them along to our meeting this Friday morning.
Fish ‘n Chip Lunch – Tuesday 21st August
For Book Week 2018 GHPS will be having their Annual Book Week Parade on Tuesday 21st August for Prep to Grade 4 students. The theme for 2018 is “Find Your Treasure” and the whole school are invited to celebrate with a Fish ‘n Chip lunch on the same day (Tuesday 21st August). Notices have been distributed with Fish ‘n Chip lunch orders due back by Thursday 17th August.
Fiona Davey & Nicole Verginis have volunteered to co-ordinate the lunch and GPA will be calling out for more helpers on the day – please keep an eye out on the GHPS GPA Sign Up page or email if you can help!
Father’s Day Stall – Friday 31st August
Thank you to Andrea Carveth for volunteering to coordinate our Father’s Day Stall after she did such a fantastic job with the Mother’s Day Stall earlier this year. She has some fantastic gifts boxed and ready for our lucky Dads.
To supplement these supplies, we are also seeking donations of ever-popular baked goods and other gift items. Popular items include pot plants (succulents, herbs etc), chocolates, mugs etc. Please bring your donations of baked items and gifts to the office before 8.45am on Friday 31 August or directly to the stall.
If you can bake for our Father’s Day Stall, please:
- collect cellophane bags from the office and fill these with home-made items (such as chocolate balls, biscuits, fudge or gingerbread) or you can make a batch in a named container (so we can return it to you later) and we will bag them up for you. The options are endless – but please, no fresh cream or custard.
- include information in each bag (or inside your named container) about what you have made, the ingredients you used, when it was made and who made it. Ingredients labels will also be available from the office.
We also need heaps of volunteers to help set up, serve and pack up at the Father’s Days Stall for an hour or more between 9.30am-3.30pm on Friday 31 August in the Wendy Wilson Hall.
If you can bake for the stall or volunteer on the day, please sign up for one or more spots here:
If you are interested in coordinating the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Stalls next year, we would love to hear from you.
Diwali 2018
The GPA are keen to hear from anyone who would like to coordinate or be involved in the organisation of celebrations to mark Diwali this year. If you are interested, please come along to our GPA meeting on Friday morning mail or send an email with your sugggestions to
Cake Raffle – Fridays – Tickets $1
Thank you to Caitilin Hawkins for preparing her Ultimate Fudge in week 2 and Gourmet Chocolate Crackles in week 3. Congratulations to Rhapsody who won both weeks.
Thank you to our fantastic school community for stepping up to fill all the remaining spots in the roster. Coming up this fortnight we have Helen Matthews (this week) and Nicole Verginis (next week) – which are sure to be delicious.
Don’t forget to support this fundraising for our school by buying tickets for $1 each.
Friday Lunchtime Snacks
Our children have been enjoying the hot chocolates and frozen Berri Quelch Fruit Juice Sticks from our Friday Lunchtime Snacks Stall. The Friday snacks are a great fundraiser for our school – we raised over $5,600 during 2017. We hope that you will continue to support us by volunteering to help fill the 4 weekly spots and by purchasing snacks.
Students who have not pre ordered can still purchase their snack on the day for $1. Students who bring along their own cup/mug from home receive a free marshmallow in their hot chocolate!
Thank you to Venmani Sasikumar, Aarti Dave, Rohini Kulkarni, Sona B and Archana Malik for signing up to help at our Friday Lunchtime Snacks Stall in the past fortnight – and to anyone else who helped out.
At time of writing this, we still need volunteers this week and in coming weeks. If you can spare an hour on a Friday lunchtime, please sign up for one or more spots here:
“ROCKTOBER” – Saturday 27th October
Planning is well underway for an action-packed, musical trivia night with a spin – “Rocktober”, an event not to be missed! Shan Jayaweera (our very own “Rocktober” Co-Ordinator) and a group of musically talented GHPS parents and teachers are busily working up trivia questions and live performances for the night. Do yourself a favour and book your baby-sitters for Saturday 27th October!
“Rocktober” will be held at the Wendy Wilson Hall at GHPS. More details will be available during Term 3 … watch this space.
Kids Disco – (new date to be advised)
Planning is also underway for our Kids Disco – held every year and a highlight of our calendar. We had planned to hold this on 24 November – but as our school hall will be used as an election booth at the State Election on this date, we are exploring alternative dates.
Thanks to Cassandra David who is co-ordinating this event and to Shan Jayaweera for signing up as our DJ!
Our Kids Disco will also be held at the Wendy Wilson Hall at GHPS. More details will be available during Term 3 … watch this space.
Next GPA Meeting: Fri 10th August
9.45am – 11.00 am (after assembly), WW Hall, West Site