All students at Glen Huntly Primary have one hour of music every week in our dedicated modern music studio. We have a specialist music teacher whose program aims at students learning new skills, having fun as well as developing lifelong interest in music. The skills taught include:

  • Learning tuned and un-tuned percussion instruments
  • Experiences in rhythm and beat, pitch, form, expression, style and harmony
  • Singing
  • Dancing

Classes participate actively in a sequential program which includes movement, singing, games and development of listening skills.

The aim in the first three years of school is to develop basic musicianship and the beginnings of an understanding of how music is notated.

The school’s music program also contributes to its highly popular concert evening which showcases the school’s choir, band, and music program.

Instrument tuition

The school offers guitar and keyboard lessons by external teachers. Please contact the school office for more information on availability.

Helping your child

Parents can help children improve their musical abilities in many ways. The most obvious of these are to expose them to a wide variety of musical experiences, from pop to orchestral music. Creating and making music as well as listening to it is also a way to encourage musical knowledge to grow.

Year 2 – Year 6 Choir

Prep to Year 2 students experience Year level choir once a week.

School Band  (Year 5-6 students)

At Year Five and Six these experiences are developed into more creative work, whether it be using traditional percussion instruments or voice.

There are also opportunities to sing in the Senior Choir as well as be involved in the School Bands, The Party Hats or The Second Chairs.


The Concert is our bi-annual whole of school music event.  The concert is held at Monash University Robert Blackwood Hall.