Newsletter #1 30 January 2020

Principals Report
A very warm welcome back to school for 2020 to everyone. I hope you had a wonderful break from school and were able to spend quality time with your family and friends. It gives me great pleasure to especially welcome the new Preps to the school community. Thank you to all the parents who provided goodies to eat, and members of GPA for organising the lovely morning tea for our Prep parents and friends which was very well attended and enjoyed by all.
Ms Mikaela Ristos, Ms Ivana Novakovic and Ms Ashleigh Smart happily welcomed the new Preps into the classrooms for an exciting day of learning. There were lots of first day photos, smiles and very heartfelt looks from the Preps’ loved ones as they wished them a great first day. Some parents even managed to express relief that it all took place so smoothly.
It was very nice to chat with everyone and I hope you enjoyed your first school morning! There will be lots of opportunities for new and current parents and friends to be involved in the school and your children will love seeing you here volunteering.
Department of Education and Training (DET)
As you may be aware, the situation regarding the emerging outbreak of novel coronavirus has continued to evolve.
The Commonwealth’s Chief Medical Officer and Victoria’s Chief Health Officer has yesterday afternoon recommended a stronger precautionary approach to managing coronavirus for travellers returned from Hubei province.
This recommendation is that parents/guardians/carers of students should ensure that any returning student is isolated at home and should not attend school for 14 days:
- following exposure to any confirmed novel coronavirus case; or
- after leaving Hubei Province.
This same advice applies to any staff who have returned or are returning from Hubei province, however at GHPS, there have been no staff in this instance.
The Chief Health Officer’s current advice is that staff and students do not need to be isolated at home if they have recently travelled in other parts of China or other countries and are not showing any symptoms of the virus.
If we think a student is showing relevant symptoms, we will ask the student’s parents/guardians/carers or the staff member to call the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) to discuss further actions on 1300 651 160.
We are informing our families of this new advice by providing a copy of the factsheet available here and have been told that translated versions of the factsheet will also be available shortly.
Additional advice and information on the steps to take can be found on the coronavirus web page.
Whole School Assembly
This year the assembly will be moving to Monday 3pm in the WW Hall. Prep students will not attend the assembly next week but the Prep teachers will let their classes and families know when they will start coming. We look forward to the Year 6 students hosting the Assembly and parents are invited to attend.
It gives me great pleasure to welcome new staff to GHPS:
Ms Alysha Jones 6J and Ms Kate Rhind 1R. We trust our new staff are inspired by the wonderful GHPS community and enjoy their new appointments.
For families new to the school the following outlines the Class organization 2020
2020 |
20 classes |
Rooms |
Principal | Mrs Libby Alessi | Principal Office |
Assistant Principal | Ms Amy Tinetti | AP Office |
Business Manager | Ms Julie Bruce | Main Office |
OHS & Education Support |
Laura James – Clark
Ruth Kinyua-Smyth |
Main Office |
Uniform Shop | Lisa Oliver | Upstairs East Site |
Little Book Worms
& Education Support |
Lisa Oliver
Tania Casonato |
Library West Site |
Education Support | Jenny Grose
Denise Rimanic Tanya Matthews |
Prep | Ms Mikaela Ristos (Yr Leader)
Ms Ashleigh Smart Ms Ivana Novakovic |
14 12 |
1 |
Ms Meagan Atkins
Mrs Yasmin Moran Mrs Emma Murnane (Yr Leader) Ms Kate Rhind |
22 19 20 |
2 |
Mrs Eugenia Sassos (Yr Leader)
Ms Olivia Leung Ms Danni Chau |
3 4 |
3 |
Mrs Shannan Fox ( Yr Leader)
Ms Liv Fourniotis Ms Kamila Krauze |
10 1 |
4 |
Mrs Ashleigh Casas
Ms Jasmine Roth Mr David Jenkins ( Yr Leader) |
6 8 |
5 |
Mr Callum Swanson
Mrs Mel Oldham ( Yr Leader) |
24 |
6 |
Mrs Alysha Jones
Ms Claire Piscioneri ( Yr Leader) |
26 |
EAL East
Tree House Reading |
Mrs Lexie Boomsma
Ms Amandine Lucas-Lely Anu Velamakanni Ariane Mazis |
7 or 9, 15 |
Library | Ms Amandine Lucas-Lely | 16 & 17 |
Art | Ms Juz de Bruyn (Specialist Leader) | 21 |
PE & Sport | Ms Marie Kasambalis | WW Hall |
Choir, Band, Music/
Japanese |
Mr Andrew Aiken | WW Hall |
Choir, Band
Choreography |
Laura James-Clark | WW Hall |
Cabaret Costumes | Tania Casonato
Lisa Oliver |
East |
Cooking | Fiona Davey | WW Hall |
Handyman | John Tinetti |
Attendance and Punctuality at School
All students are expected to come to school every day that the school is open to students. If students can’t come, parents must provide an explanation for their child’s absence to office on the day of the absence. Students should arrive at each class ON TIME and ready to learn. Parents need to assist their child to be punctual so as to create the very best opportunities for their child to learn and not miss vital instruction time which commences at 9am. It has been great to see the students in grades Prep – 6 settle into class so happily.
Finance & School Council Meeting
The first meeting for the year will be held on Monday 17 February, 2020 at 6.30pm and 7pm respectively in the East Site Staff Room.
Before and After School Care- Wendy Wilson Hall East Site
The Before and After School Care program at GHPS is a Licensed Out of Hours Care facility with an accredited program and operated by TheirCare. I would like to welcome back the Coordinator and staff to the school year and thank them for providing the excellent holiday program over the break. If your child needs supervision at the following times due to parents or carers working, study, attending appointments or have other commitments, enroll online at: theircare.com.au
The program operates every school day from 7am – 8.45am and from 3.30 – 6pm (2.30 – 3.30pm for Preps during Feb as well) in the WW Hall on the East Site.
2020 Student Leaders
Leading the School and the Houses at Glen Huntly has been a time honoured tradition and the students who have been invested as School, House, Music, eSmart, Sustainability or Sport Captains this year have the opportunity to work with members of the School to encourage and inspire them to be the best they can be and to build team and school morale. Students have been selected by their peers and staff and the presentation of the badges to the following students took place at the Final 2019 Assembly. Congratulations to:
School Captains – Hugo and Isabelle
Music Captains – Aidan and Rhapsody
Sport Captains – Evan and Kashvi
eSmart Captains – Lucas and Alice
Sustainability – Sienna
Flinders – Raashi
Batman – Alex
Mitchell – Boris
Hume – Arjun
Scooters and bikes
Scooters and bikes are a great way for kids to travel to school and if parents could provide a bike lock or some way of securing them near the Grade 3 Mod 5 (East Site) or near the Water tank on Garden Ave (West Site), to ensure they are safe and do not go missing. We ask that parents teach their child about road and bike safety before they ride to school. Very important is:
- You can only ride on a footpath if you are under the age of 12 or an adult (18 years or older) supervising a child under 12
- When riding on a footpath, you must keep to the left and give way to pedestrians.
Bicycle Helmets
A reminder to parents and children that school policy and Victorian Law requires all children who wish to ride a bicycle to and from school, must wear a safety helmet approved by the Australian Safety Association.
Supervision of Pupils Before / After School
The school grounds are supervised by teachers between 8.45 and 9.00am and children may be left by parents from 8.45am onwards and supervised at 3.30 to 3.45pm after school. Please be prompt in collecting your child following dismissal of school, as the grounds are unsupervised before and after the above mentioned times. This also assists with the After School Program in the Activities Centre as children are unable to play outside until the others have vacated the grounds.
The following procedures will apply after 3.45pm for any child not collected by this time:
- Children who are already permanently booked into the Aftercare program will go directly to Aftercare at 3.30pm.
- After 3.45pm children will be placed in the school’s Aftercare program.
(N.B. You will be charged at the applicable Aftercare rates if your child is placed in Aftercare).
Parents are urged to make any necessary alternative arrangements for the collection of their children and to notify the school accordingly. It is essential also that parents provide reliable Emergency Contacts to avoid unnecessary distress to their children.
Children Leaving School Prior to Dismissal Time
A reminder to parents that Government Law requires all children to attend school between given hours of 9.00am – 3.30pm.Should a parent wish to take his/her child(ren) from school before 3.30pm, then that parent should seek permission from the Principal.
Parents, please either write a note or telephone to advise of the date, the time you wish to collect your child(ren), the reason for your request and the name of the person who will be collecting the child if it is not yourself. In the interest of children’s safety, please advise the office (West Site: Class Teacher) upon your arrival to collect and sign out your child(ren).
Home Studies Policy
Every family should have received a copy of the school’s home studies policy which was distributed earlier this week. This policy provides a guideline of the amount and type of homework parents could expect for their children.
Cars and Safety Reminder
Parents are not permitted to drive vehicles into the East or West Sites of the school grounds when bringing their children to, or collecting them from school. It is extremely dangerous as it creates a traffic hazard in Grange Road for staff trying to enter or leave the premises. The only exception is for parents of children who are not mobile. In these circumstances parents are required to park their vehicle in the marked Visitor’s car park at the end of the driveway. If parents feel that it is too dangerous to park in Grange Road, they are advised that there is a gate in the laneway leading from Munro Avenue and another gate at the southern fence leading from Lyons Street.
Parents are also required not to park on the school crossing in Garden Avenue. It is a parking infringement and as such, offenders may be fined. Two drop off/pick up zones have been provided in Garden Avenue via signs. These areas are situated on the school side of Garden Avenue between the corner of Grange Road and the school crossing and between the school crossing and the lane.
Parents using the drop off/pick up zones (see signs for times) should stop their cars and allow their children to alight or get into the car, then drive off. Please do not park across the crossing as this is a dangerous and illegal practice.
40KM Signage & Pedestrian Lights
The electronic 40km signs are an important safety measure on Grange Road. This highly visible signage further serves as a prompt for motorists to address the road safety issue to lower the speed when driving past our school. Please travel safely at all times. It is very important that families talk to their children about the importance of using the pedestrian lights to cross Grange Rd if not using the bridge.
Enjoy the Year
The dedicated teaching staff at GHPS look forward to celebrating the success of your child’s learning with you and your child, communicating what progress has been made and what we can do in partnership to further this learning.
Libby Alessi Principal
Student Accident Insurance
The Department of Education (DET) does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and guardians are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. These costs may be recoverable where an injury is caused by the negligence (carelessness) of the Department, a school council or their employees or volunteers.
Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance. The Department cannot advise parents/guardians on whether to purchase a student accident policy or which policy to purchase. It is recommended that they seek assistance in this matter with their insurance broker or find a suitable personal accident insurer in the Yellow Pages or online.
Reasonable low cost accident insurance policies are available from commercial insurers.
Forms are available from the office if you wish to open an account or you may go direct to the Commonwealth Bank in Carnegie.
School Banking packs for the Prep children will be given out.
Children in years Prep – 6 must wear a broad brimmed hat.
There are two styles available from the uniform shop, a standard broad brimmed hat and a floppy hat similar to the surf hats.
On days when the temperature reaches 33 degrees or above a “Sweat Day” lunch timetable will be implemented. This means that the children will play in their classrooms between 12.50 – 1.50pm. Some discretion will occur prevailing weather condition (e.g. hot north wind) regarding the temperature which activates the sweat day timetable and time spent inside particularly with the younger children.
As all classrooms are air-conditioned there is no need for children to have their educational program interrupted by removal from school on extreme hot days.
Ms Amy Tinetti will co-ordinate this very important student welfare role. Should parents have any concerns about issues related to their child it is important that they alert their classroom teacher or Ms Amy Tinetti.
Class Information Nights: Grades 2-6 and F-1
Parents will be invited to attend the class information nights for all grades will be on Tuesday 11 February. Parents will receive valuable information from each year level and it is very important that everyone attend. A notice will be handed out this week but please keep the 5.30-6pm timeslot available in your calendar.
2020 Little Book Worms (LBW) and our Library
The wonderful GHPS Little Book Worms will start back on Wednesdays the Library. Date to be confirmed. It will be on at 9.15 – 10.00 am with Lisa and Tania who are absolutely thrilled to be welcoming a new group of little book worms to GHPS.
We would love to see little sisters and brothers and friends at LBW each week. It will run until the end of term 3 and then in term 4, it will be for 4 year old kinder kids who are enrolled at GHPS. Children must be 3 in order to attend as the activities are pitched for this age group. I look forward to seeing our current families attending and bringing a friend along too. Spaces are limited so make sure your child is between 3 and 5 and register at the office on 95712933.
Community Builders Award from Steve Dimopoulos 2019:
Bridget G: Bridget consistently shows consideration for her fellow peers and her teachers. We often find her assisting others when they need help. Her genuine concern for other students at GHPS is an excellent example to all. She has helped students, some of who are from other classes and levels and who may be needing a friend when playing outside.
Charvi M for displaying humble leadership at school and always lending a helping hand to her teachers and classmates. She is a great role model in both academic and social aspects and we would like to acknowledge her commendable efforts.
Sport News
We would like to remind Year 3-6 students and parents that we have House Swimming on the 14th Feb.
Please talk to your children about whether they can swim the length of the 50 meter pool.
Miss K will be signing children up to events during their P.E. class.
For children who don’t compete in any swimming events, there will be a novelty event in the learn to swim pool at the end of the carnival.
Marie Kasambalis
Dogs on School Grounds
Pet dogs
Glen Huntly Primary School is not a public place, and our principal has the authority to permit or decline entry to school grounds and impose conditions of entry.
Whilst Glen Huntly Primary School understands that many families in our school community keep dogs as pets, to ensure that our school remains a safe and inclusive place for everyone, we have in place a number of rules that we expect all families to follow if they wish to bring their pet dog onto school grounds:
- pet dogs must be leashed at all times and in the control of a responsible adult
- pet dogs must not be tied up on school grounds or left unaccompanied
- families that bring dogs to school that exhibit signs of aggressive behaviour, bark, or jump may be asked to leave.
- pet dogs will not be allowed at whole school events such as; School Fete, Carols, Family Fun Night etc.
The principal has the authority to prohibit certain dogs from school grounds or modify this policy to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff, students and members of our school community at any time.
Stray dogs
Unaccompanied or stray dogs sighted at our school should be reported immediately to the school office. School staff will contact municipal authorities and/or Victoria police for assistance in managing and removing a stray dog from school grounds, and ensure staff and students remain safe at school.
Assistance dogs
Glen Huntly Primary School understands its obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and will make reasonable adjustments for members of our school community with a disability who require an ‘assistance animal’ to help alleviate the effects of their disability. Assistance animals are permitted to attend our school with their handler. Our school principal can lawfully ask a person to produce evidence that an animal:
- is trained specifically to assist a person alleviate the effects of a disability (eg seeing eye dogs)
- meets standards of hygiene and behaviour appropriate for a school environment.
We understand that in some circumstances, students may require an assistance animal to attend school to help them to participate in their educational program. Glen Huntly Primary School will consider a request by a student with a disability to allow an assistance animal to attend school with them on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the Principal.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursdays, 9.00am – 10.00am.
Please remember to write your childs name on their belongings, and check lost property.
Notices distributed to parents
Jan 30 All Families Chess Club information
Jan 30 Prep – 4 Families Fit For Kids information
Fri 14 Year 3-6 House Swimming