Newsletter #1 7 February 2019

Principals Report

A very warm welcome back to school for 2019 to everyone. I hope you had a wonderful break from school and were able to spend quality time with your family and friends. It gives me great pleasure to especially welcome the new Preps to the school community. Thank you to the members of GPA for organising the lovely morning tea for their parents and friends which was very well attended and enjoyed by all. It has been so rewarding to see the staff and students in Foundation class (Prep) through to Grade 6 settle enthusiastically into their new classes and roles.

Principal, Assistant Principal and Specialists Staff

Mrs Libby Alessi: Principal

Ms Amy Tinetti: Assistant Principal

English and English as Additional Language (EAL): Mrs Lexie Boomsma

Ms Marie Kasambalis: PE & Sport

Mr Andrew Aitken: Japanese, Music, Choir and Band

Ms Juz de Bruyn: Art and Prep Library

Ms Amandine Lucas-Lely: Library

Education Support Staff

Ms Julie Bruce: Business Manager

Mrs Laura James-Clark: Music/Office/Classroom

Mrs Juliet Brianton: Tree House Reading/Classroom

Ms Lisa Oliver & Mrs Tania Casonato: Little Book Worms/Classroom /Uniform Shop

Mrs Ruth Kinyua-Smyth: OHS/ classroom

Mrs Fiona Davey: Cooking

Ms Jenny Grose, Ms Tanya Matthews, Mrs Denise Rimanic & Mrs Anu Velamakanni

2019 Classroom teachers, locations and new numbering

East 2019 Room
3F: Mrs Fox 1
3S: Mrs Sassos 2
3K: Ms Krauze 3
Butterfly House: Mrs Boomsma 4
4J: Mr Jacobs 5
4R: Ms Roth 6
6J: Mr Jenkins 7
6P:Ms Piscioneri 8
Library: Ms Lucas-Lely Gr 1-6

& Ms de Bruyn – Prep

5O: Mrs Oldham 10
5S: Mr Swanson 11
Music/Japanese/ Mr Aitken WW Hall 
Cooking: Fiona Davey WW Hall
PE/Office:   Ms Kasambalis WW Hall
1A Ms Atkin 12
1E Mrs Murnane 13
1M Mrs Moran 14
Tree House Reading Juliet Brianton 14A
2M Mr Manuel 15
2C Ms Chau 16
2L Ms Leung 17
Prep Ms Ristos 18
Prep Ms Novakovic 19
Prep Ms Smart 20
Artroom Ms de Bruyn 21
Prep Ms Fourniotis 22

Supervision of Pupils Before / After School

The school grounds are supervised by teachers between 8.45 and 9.00am and children may be left by parents from 8.45am onwards and supervised at 3.30 to 3.45pm after school. Please be prompt in collecting your child following dismissal of school, as the grounds are unsupervised before and after the above mentioned times. This also assists with the After School Program in the WW Hall.

The following procedures will apply after 3.45pm for any child not collected by this time:

  • Children will be taken to the Main office and parents and emergency contacts listed will be contacted to enquire about who is picking up their child
  • Children who are already registered with TheirCare program maybe taken directly there after 3.45pm and parents will be charged at the applicable rates.

Parents are urged to make any necessary alternative arrangements for the collection of their children and to notify the school accordingly. It is essential also that parents provide reliable Emergency Contacts to avoid unnecessary distress to their children.

Children Leaving School Prior to Dismissal Time

A reminder to parents that Government Law requires all children to attend school between given hours of 9.00am – 3.30pm.Should a parent wish to take his/her child(ren) from school before 3.30pm, then that parent should seek permission from the Principal. Please contact me to discuss any issues regarding your reasons for doing so. Students who continually miss or leave school early are being disadvantaged in their learning and building their stamina for working a whole day at school.

Following approval for release, parents, please either write a note or telephone to advise of the date, the time you wish to collect your child(ren), the reason for your request.

Also provide the name of the person who will be collecting the child if it is not yourself. In the interest of children’s safety, please advise the office (West Site: Class Teacher) upon your arrival to collect and sign out your child(ren).

Attendance and Punctuality at School


All students are expected to come to school every day that the school is open to students unless they are sick. If students can’t come, parents must provide an explanation for their child’s absence to office on the day of the absence before 9.30am. Students should arrive at each class ON TIME and ready to learn. Parents need to assist their child to be punctual so as to create the very best opportunities for their child to learn and not miss vital instruction time which commences at 9am. With regards to attendance, it is ideal for the school holidays to be used for vacations and for students not to travel in the term time as they miss a lot of work.

2019 Student Leaders

Leading the School and the Houses at Glen Huntly has been a time honoured tradition and the students who have been invested as School, House, Music, eSmart, Sustainability or Sport Captains this year have the opportunity to work with members of the School to encourage and inspire them to be the best they can be and to build team and school morale. Students have been selected by their peers and staff at the end of 2018.

Congratulations to the following students who were presented with their badges at the final assembly of 2018:

School Captains – Imogen Matthews and Veer Vyas

Sports Captains – Dakota Kringas and Aditya Reddycharla

Flinders House – Will Short

Batman House – Josh Smith

Mitchell House – Salil Gudup

Hume House – Yashi Oswal

Music Captains – Aarushi Shankhdhar and Mahathi Mahesh

Sustainability Captains – Xavier Dench and Chris Sequeira

eSmart Captains – Romani Parrish and Archer Conquest

Scooters and bikes

Scooters and bikes are a great way for kids to travel to school and if parents need to provide a bike lock or some way of securing them in the bike shed (East Site) or near the Water tank on Garden Ave (West Site), we can make sure they are safe and do not go missing. We ask that parents teach their child about road and bike safety before they ride to school. Very important is:

  • You can only ride on a footpath if you are under the age of 12 or an adult (18 years or older) supervising a child under 12
  • When riding on a footpath, you must keep to the left and give way to pedestrians.

Bicycle Helmets

A reminder to parents and children that school policy and Victorian Law requires all children who wish to ride a bicycle to and from school, must wear a safety helmet approved by the Australian Safety Association.

Cars and Safety Reminder

Parents are not permitted to drive vehicles into the East or West Sites of the school grounds when bringing their children to, or collecting them from school. It is extremely dangerous as it creates a traffic hazard in Grange Road for staff trying to enter or leave the premises. The only exception is for parents of children who are not mobile. In these circumstances parents are required to park their vehicle in the marked disabled car park displaying the appropriate sticker. If parents feel that it is too dangerous to park in Grange Road, they are advised that there is a gate in the laneway leading from Munro Avenue and another gate at the southern fence leading from Lyons Street.

Parents are also required not to park on the school crossing in Garden Avenue. It is a parking infringement and as such, offenders may be fined. Two drop off/pick up zones have been provided in Garden Avenue via signs. These areas are situated on the school side of Garden Avenue between the corner of Grange Road and the school crossing and between the school crossing and the lane. Please respect our school neighbours and DO NOT park across their driveway.

Parents using the drop off/pick up zones (see signs for times) should stop their cars and allow their children to alight or get into the car, then drive off. Please do not park across the crossing as this is a dangerous and illegal practice.

Home Studies Policy

Every family should have received a copy of the school’s home studies policy which was distributed earlier this week. This policy provides a guideline of the amount and type of homework parents could expect for their children.

Student Accident Insurance

The Department of Education (DET) does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents and guardians are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. These costs may be recoverable where an injury is caused by the negligence (carelessness) of the Department, a school council or their employees or volunteers.

Student accident insurance policies are available from some commercial insurers. These cover a range of medical expenses not covered by Medicare or private health insurance. The Department cannot advise parents/guardians on whether to purchase a student accident policy or which policy to purchase. It is recommended that families seek assistance in this matter with an insurance broker or find a suitable personal accident insurer or online. Reasonable low cost accident insurance policies are available from commercial insurers.

SCHOOL BANKING is every Tuesday. Forms are available from the office if you wish to open an account or you may go direct to the Commonwealth Bank in Glen Huntly Road, Glen Huntly.

School Banking packs for the Prep children will be given out.


Children in years Prep – 6 must wear a broad brimmed hat.

There are two styles available from the uniform shop, a standard broad brimmed hat and a floppy hat similar to the surf hats.

On days when the temperature reaches 33 degrees or above a “Sweat Day” lunch timetable will be implemented. This means that the children will play in their classrooms between 12.50 – 1.50pm. Some discretion will occur prevailing weather condition (e.g. hot north wind) regarding the temperature which activates the sweat day timetable and time spent inside particularly with the younger children.

As all classrooms are air-conditioned there is no need for children to have their educational program interrupted by removal from school on extreme hot days. 


Ms Amy Tinetti will co-ordinate this very important student welfare role. Should parents have any concerns about issues related to their child it is important that they alert their classroom teacher or Ms Amy Tinetti.

2019 Little Book Worms (LBW) and our Library

The wonderful GHPS Little Book Worms will start back on Thursday 7 March in the Library. It will be on at 9-9.40 am with Lisa and Tania who are absolutely thrilled to be welcoming a new group of little book worms to GHPS.

We would love to see little sisters and brothers and friends at LBW each week. It will run until the end of term 3 and then in term 4, it will be for 4 year old kinder kids who are enrolled at GHPS. Children must be 3 in order to attend as the activities are pitched for this age group. I look forward to seeing our current families attending and bringing a friend along too. Spaces are limited so make sure your child is between 3 and 5 and register at the office on 95712933.

Libby Alessi – Principal



A message from your Assistant Principal

Welcome to the 2019 school year. I’m excited about the year of learning ahead and can’t wait to see the amazing learning growth and achievements our students will make.

Over the weekend we had 3 air-conditioners install on the West Site (junior campus) in the Year 1 and Year 2 learning areas. Thank you to GPA for all of your fundraising in 2018 that helped us to purchase them. Without the support and hard work of GPA our school would not be as awesome as it is today. So parents if you can help in any way this year with GPA please do!

Oval Redevelopment:

The fences are up and the start date for our new oval is only days away! We are working closely with our Project Manager Peter Egan from Civil Design Solutions and turf expert Jim from Sportsgrass. Once the oval redevelopment begins we will not be able to use the Lyons St gate. Students, parents and staff are advised to enter the school grounds from either the Munro Ave laneway or Grange Rd.

Buildings and Grounds- Term 1 Working Bee:

The Buildings and Grounds Committee have many jobs they like to achieve this year to continue to male our school grounds look beautiful. At our Term 1 Working Bee we would like to build a new sandpit on the West Site.

Are there any parents out there who have the skills and knowledge or even just want to lend some muscle power to help us build the BEST sandpit ever for our students? If you do, please contact me (Amy- 9571 2931) so we can make a plan and purchase all of the materials we will need. Once we have built the new sandpit we will remove the one that is currently there, which will give the students more space to play during their break times. The date of our Term 1 Working Bee date will be confirmed soon.

Amy Tinetti





9.15am  or  7.30pm


Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.

To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.

This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.

For more information, contact the office

Notices distributed to parents

31 Jan               Prep F Students                       Miss Fourniotis absence

31 Jan               3K Students                              Ms Krauze absence

1 Feb                  All Students                             Cooking information

4 Feb                Year 1 – 6 Students                  After School Sport Program

4 Feb                Year 3 – 6 Students                 House Swimming Sports

5 Feb                 All Students                             Art Smock Request

6 Feb                 Year 3 – 6 Students                 Student Council Policy

6 Feb                 Year 3 – 6 Students                 Mobile Phone Policy




Fri 1 – Prep 2.30 finish

Thu 14  –  House Swimming

Mon 18  –  Year 3-6  Parent information evening, 5.30 – 6.00pm

Mon 18  –  Finance 6.30pm and School Council 7.00pm

Tue 19  –  Prep – 2  Parent information evening, 5.30 – 6.00pm

Mon 25  –  Year 1 & 2   3-way interviews

Tue 26  –  Year 3-6   3-way interviews


Mon 11  –  Labour Day

Tue 12  –  Curriculum Day: Mathematics

Fri 15  –  Year 5/6 Lightening Premiership

Fri 15  –  Family Fun Night

Wed 20  –  Year 5/6 Camp

Wed 27  –  Harmony Day



Learn keyboard at school during school time in 2019

Places for 30 minute group

Available for grade 3-6 students

Enrolments available at school

or call Lili 0438 901146 – Music Melodies


Interested in playing netball in 2019??

We are currently looking for girls and boys to

play at Duncan McKinnon Reserve on Friday evenings

in our new under 11 beginner teams and

Saturdays under 13’s

Please register now, season starting Feb 2019

See our website for details.

or email us at


Bell-Rose   Academy 0f Dance

Mckinnon / Ormond

l Dance-Play 3 to 5 Yrs

l Ballet … RAD Syllabus

l Jazz

l Tap … SFD Syllabus

l Contemporary

Contact us for your Trial Class

Email ..

9584 5074

Free February at Glen Huntly Tennis Club

We’re opening up our club! #MelbourneTennisMonth

Friday 8 Feb 2019 (from 4pm) Free Juniors Coaching and play

Sunday 10 Feb 2019 (10-3pm) Free Tennis Day

Free games, prizes and giveaways, and lots of opportunities to get on court.

We welcome everyone, so bring your friends, family and neighbours.

Glen Huntly Park, Neerim Rd, Caulfield East VIC 3145

Any questions Contact Julia 0421 300 323 or Graham 0400 598 705

Saint Anthony’s Catholic Church

Glen Huntly                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Sunday School

Every Sunday of the school term at 10 am.

Saint Anthony’s Sunday School Classes are held each Sunday of the school year from 10am-10.45am in the Parish House, 74 Grange Road, Glen Huntly. Classes are available for all age groups.

Preparation is provided for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation as well as a good grounding in the Catholic faith. For more information please ring the Parish House on 9569 2099, or email