Newsletter #14 October 14, 2022


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow. 

Return to Term 4

I would like to welcome everyone back to school this term and hope that everyone managed to enjoy doing something wonderful during the break. I have been very fortunate to have taken some LSL and travelled to the very delightful Spain, Portugal and France and had a wonderful time.

I greatly appreciate the fantastic work of Mr White and the Leadership Team in leading the school in my absence and for all the support provided to them by all staff.

Friday Assembly

Thank you very much to the students in 4A: Sahara, Ruby and Mia and Alexa for the lovely surprise poem that they read and presented to me for my birthday!

I am lucky to also share Sahara’s date and just so touched by their thoughtfulness and happy gesture. We have such caring students!!

I’ve included a pic of the poem and I will proudly hang this on my wall😊

2023 Planning

To assist with planning classes for next year, can families please advise us before Friday 21 October if their child will not be returning to GHPS in 2023.

We would be grateful of your quick response to this request.

Prep 2023 Transition Sessions

Along with Ms Carly Draper, Mr Ryan Bowden, and Lisa, Mr Cameron White and I were very excited to welcome our newest students and families to the first Prep Transition session on Tuesday.

We would welcome the submission of any additional 2023 Prep enrollment forms from any families who have yet to enrol their child.

The second session will be at 9am on Tuesday 25 October.

Book Fair

The Library is looking “booktaculas” and ready for Halloween and the Book Fair which will be arriving at GHPS in week 4.

Please pay a visit if you would like to get some lovely new books. Thank you so much to Lisa for her decorating in such a fun way.

School Council Meeting   

The next meeting will be on Monday 24 October in the East Site Staff Room with the Building Fund meeting commencing at 6.15pm followed by Finance at 6.30pm.

School Council will commence at 7pm.

Pupil Free Curriculum Day 4 Wednesday 2 November

This day will be a pupil free day. TheirCare out of hours school will be available for students who are registered. Please contact them if you need further information.

Libby Alessi          Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Abhiram 0H – For your amazing effort in learning all of your letters and sounds. I am so proud of you!

Hannah 0H – for always being kind to others. Your caring nature shines through in our classroom and puts a smile on everyone’s faces. Great work, Hannah!

Isabel 0H – for her in depth explanation of what ordinal numbers are and what they are used for. Well done, Isabel!

Sivanshi 0S – For your fantastic sentences during our writers notebook session. Keep up the great work!

Maggie 0S – For absolutely smashing all of your writing tasks this week! I am so proud of you!

Geetikaa 0S– for always trying your best and being a good friend to everyone in our class. Keep up the great work!

Valika 1B – For making a great start in 1B! Valika you are becoming confident in having a go and sharing your ideas. Superb effort!

Iris 1B – For the amazing effort you put into this week’s writing piece. Your narrative retell about the story “Ella Kazoo Won’t Brush her Hair” was well structured and your craft was well designed. Sensational effort Iris!

Ahil 1D – For settling in so well into 1D. You are already making new friends, answering questions, and building your confidence. You should be very proud!

Harshith 1D – For showing great improvement in your writing and sounding out skills. You were able to write an accurate and detailed retell of our Mentor Text ‘Ella Kazoo.’ Well done!

Vidhaan 2M – For your amazing start to Term 4! You have been using active listening skills, using your initiative, and trying your best. Keep it up!

Rajvi 2M – For settling into the routines to 2M and Glen Huntly Primary School. We have enjoyed you joining our class!

Nagi 2S – For showing empathy, understanding and terrific leadership qualities when working in his group to design a tunnel for a Beebot. You are a star!

Layla 2S – For being a marvellous daily announcement monitor. You are always well organised and entertain us with a joke or riddle each morning! Thank You!!

Albert 3K – For working well in a team, sharing ideas, and trying to reach his personal goals during Maths testing. Congratulations!

Mathushalini 3K – For kindness to others, trying her best and working diligently in all classroom activities! Well Done!

Hanish 3K – For writing an interesting Diamante Poem about an XBox and PS5! Additionally, for regularly asking about the meaning of vocabulary in lessons. Well Done!

Anton 3M – For finishing their first week ever at GHPS, I hope you have had a fantastic week. 3M is very lucky to have you with us.

Sean 3M – For finishing their first week ever GHPS. We love having you in 3M!

Kanishk 3M – Writing a beautiful Haiku poem on the season of Spring, this week. Keep it up!

Vandita 4A – for writing a beautiful passage in her writer’s notebook about her favourite place in the world, Vaishno Devi Cave temple in India. Your writing transported me right to the cave! Thank you Vandita.

Mia 4A – for contributing so well to class discussions.

Isaac 4S – For consistently being involved in class discussions and providing thoughtful opinions. Well done, Isaac!

Ruchika 4S – For setting the standard when preparing her whiteboard for our daily Numeracy NAPLAN practice. Your organisation is terrific!

Sid 5/6F – For consistently demonstrating a mature and kind attitude towards his learning and with his peers. You are a wonderful leader at our school.

Bridget 5/6J – For outstanding effort and perseverance demonstrated in your Data Representation & Interpretation unit so far. That’s what it is all about!

Lily 5/6J – For outstanding dedication to your work this week. I have thoroughly appreciated the effort you have been applying to your studies.

Elizabeth 5/6J – For a fantastic result in your Volume & Capacity pre-test this week. Your focus and attention to detail does not go unnoticed.

Evan 5/6J – For a strong week of focus on your tasks this week. Whatever lesson it was, you applied yourself, which is all we can ask for. Great effort!

Jessie 5/6J – For extraordinary money cutting skills on display this week. Thank you for helping set up our Earn & Learn community. Fabulous attention to detail!

Shiva 5/6J – for his collaboration demonstrated with Harper on his Splash World Volume & Capacity project. Fantastic teamwork on display!

Harper 5/6J – for his collaboration demonstrated with Shiva on his Splash World Volume & Capacity project. Fantastic teamwork on display!

Shenuki 5/6J – for a fabulous week of dedication to her schoolwork. Her patience, focus, and excellent listening skills are just three of her admirable traits. Congratulations!

Nicholas 5/6R – For his insightful contributions to our discussion this week during Respectful Relationships. Thank you for demonstrating respect and kindness towards others when speaking and listening, well done!

Sahana 5/6R – for her amazing performance during Readers Theatre this week. I hope you have a happy and successful last week at GHPS, we will miss you!

Diya 5/6R – for her incredible performance during Readers Theatre. Your enthusiasm and ability to move between 2 different characters with ease was very entertaining, well done!

Math News

Sport News

We have registered our school to participate inactive Schools “GO FOR GOLD” competition.

Essentially, students are encouraged to walk, ride or scoot to school throughout the month of October.

Students will be receiving sheets where they can track their progress. The winning school gets a trophy and there is also a Fitbit Ace up for grabs for the most active student in the school.

Ms Roth

Library News 

Our Book Fair will take place from 25th to 27th October in the library. It will be open each day from 8.30 – 9am and 3.30 – 4pm.

With Christmas just around the corner, this Book Fair is an ideal opportunity to purchase some gifts for family and friends.

Children and/or parents are welcome and encouraged to join us at the Fair to purchase books, posters and novelty stationary items during the above hours.

Money raised from this event will help to purchase new books for our library.

Cash and Credit welcome.

TheirCare News



Fri 21 – Working Bee

Mon 24 – Book Fair

Mon 31 – Free Dress day


Tue 1 – Cup Day Public Holiday

Wed 2 – Curriculum Day

Wed 16 – Year 3/4 Camp

Mon 21 – Art Show & Science Fair


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.