Newsletter #15 October 28, 2022


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow. 

Celebrating the Wonderful Teachers at GHPS on World Teachers Day

It is with great pride and admiration that we give a very big shout out to our incredible teachers at GHPS and wish them a very happy World Teachers Day.

Every day we see how caring, dedicated, and committed they are to all students, how collegiate they are and how they are so supportive to parents.

By way of thanks and recognition, the GPA has provided a delicious morning tea today for both staff rooms which was such a lovely gesture.

We are very grateful to all the parents who contributed to the spread of goodies, and we loved every mouthful!

Ms Amy Tinetti has been appointed the substantive Assistant Principal at Malvern Valley PS following the position being advertised in the last two weeks of term 3.

We have advertised the substantive position at GHPS, and the panel is very excited to announce that Mr Cameron White has accepted the promotion to Assistant Principal.

We commend Cameron highly on the amazing job he has already achieved at GHPS: his “can do”, hardworking, knowledgeable, reliable, and friendly personality is a great asset for our staff, students, and parents.

We congratulate him for aspiring to be the next Assistant Principal at GHPS and know you will continue to keep doing a fantastic job.

Planning for 2023

At this time, we have been notified by some families that they will be moving to new homes and not returning to GHPS, however there may be some families that are yet to advise, or we may have new Prep 2023 enrolments still to come in.

At this time, we are closely tracking and monitoring the enrolments and will confirm the staffing with the community before the end of the year.

The newest beautiful GHPS Babies

We are delighted to let everyone know that Ms Claire Piscioneri and partner Dan became very proud and smitten parents of baby Penelope, born on October 4, 2022.

Just as delighted, proud, and smitten, Mrs Ivana Attwood and husband Max welcomed baby Violet on 12 October (arriving a little earlier than expected!)

Everyone is over the moon with joy and Claire and Ivana have been able to catch up as new mums together! We can’t wait for them to visit school one day and wish them every happiness.

Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall at GHPS on Saturday 26 November

The Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall is back! On November 26th our school will once again be a polling station to vote at in the up and coming for the Victorian State Election.

This is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together as a school community to provide local voters with a delicious Democracy Sausage or baked treat to sweeten their voting experience. Last Election Day BBQ, we raised around $4000 of valuable funds that have gone to directly benefit our school and students.

We have an opportunity to do it all again, but we really need your help to make it happen. If you can help us, make this BBQ happen, please contact the school office or Abbi Gilbert ( for more information. To sign up to help, please follow the link below. Every little bit helps, and together we can make this BBQ a wonderful time for all!

Happy Diwali 2022

Best wishes to all members of our school community who have been celebrating Diwali earlier this week. It has been wonderful to talk to parents and see the pics of their family coming together at this very special time.


Being on time to school takes planning and sound routines!

A reminder for all parents and students to arrive on time to school at 8.50am. Students can move into their classrooms and be organised and ready to learn at 9am.

Please review your night-time and morning routine if your child is getting to school late. Tips for shaving time off getting ready in the morning:

  1. Clear out your school bag when you get home and put lunch boxes in the kitchen for washing. This will save time the next morning
  2. Start homework early so its done and you can put in your bag ready for the next morning and this will prevent hunting for it at the last minute
  3. Have a bedtime routine that enables your child to get into bed (without a device) and have a story together or read independently for 10 or so minutes.
  4. Have the lights go out and estimate for your school age child to have between 9-12 hours of sleep.
  5. Get your child up at a time in the morning that will allow them enough time to get ready so that they can arrive on time😊

Lisa Oliver, who as always, has done a wonderful job with organising and setting up the school Library for our Book Fair which was open on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week.

We thank Lisa and the support from the Specialist team and staff who have volunteered to attend the Fair before and after school.

There was a lovely, happy atmosphere and we hope that you enjoyed visiting the library and selecting a new book to purchase.

Grade 3/4 Camp Wednesday 16 – Friday 18 November

Staff are preparing all the documentation required in readiness for the 3/4 Camp Rumbug at Foster. The two-night stay is at an accredited camp site.

The aim for what the students will learn will be to boost both Wellbeing and Learning.

There are numerous social and educational benefits, and we greatly appreciate the work that is being put in by the staff in getting ready for Camp which is just over two weeks away.

Often said to be the best fun in the year 3 and 4 school year, it is very important that we get confirmation from parents of final student numbers attending before 4 November. Don’t miss out!

The supervision strategy will consider and include the nature and level of supervision provided for each activity, including all programmed and non-programmed periods.

Thank you to the staff who will be attending, and it’s bound to be a highlight for our students! The final numbers of students attending will be known by the end of week 5.

Monday 31 October

Students may wear Halloween dress or casual clothes and bring a gold coin donation which will go towards buying new Library Books.

School closed: Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

Tuesday 1 November

Staff Professional Learning

On Wednesday 2 November, staff will use the fourth curriculum day to work Semester 2 Reporting and Assessment.

Pupil Free Staff Professional Practice Day (PPD)

This year, schools have been eligible to take one pupil free PPD in terms 2, 3 & 4. The final day for staff this year will be Monday 14 November.

Each teacher is entitled to be released from their scheduled duties to focus on the improved delivery of high-quality teaching and learning.

The work undertaken on Professional Practice Days will be consistent with Departmental and school priorities and selected from the following areas: planning, preparation, assessment of student learning, collaboration, curriculum development, relevant professional development and peer observation including feedback and reflection.

School Council

School Council met on Monday 24 October and Id like to thank everyone who attended for their valuable contribution and discussion.

Thank you to Nicole V (Steph Grade 5/6J) for the report which is included in this week’s newsletter.

Libby Alessi          Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Olympia 0H – For settling into the routines of Prep H. We have enjoyed you joining our class!

Kafka 0H – For settling into the routines of Prep H. We have enjoyed you joining our class!

Lachlan 0H – For his contributions to class discussions. It has been great to see you raising your hand before sharing your response. Great Work, Lachlan!

Yadvi 0S – for always trying your best in the classroom. You are a great helper to your teacher and friends . Keep up the great work!

Summer 0S – For being so adaptable and always having a cheery disposition. We have loved you as a new addition to our class.

Ananya 0S – For coming into Prep S with a positive attitude and settling well into the routines of Prep. Keep up the great work!

Geetikaa 0S – for your fantastic improvement in your reading! Keep up the sensational work!

Tasha 1D – For counting collections of money so confidently this week during numeracy. You were able to use your skip counting skills to solve lots of problems. Well done!

Aarav 1D – For working independently during our persuasive writing task this week about an Iguana. I enjoyed reading your thoughts and ideas about the topic. Well done!

Bhagya 1B – For your outstanding efforts in our numeracy lessons this week. You have shown great skill in counting collections of coins and notes and were able to use addition to help you solve money problems. You’re a numeracy superstar!

Kenisha 1B – For the integrity you bring to your learning each day. Kenisha you always strive hard to achieve your personal best in all that you do. The persuasive writing piece you wrote this week based on the Mentor Text ‘I Wanna Iguana’ showed your level of commitment to understanding a new  text type. Awesome effort!

Advik 2M – For your fantastic persuasive piece titled Superheros are Brave. You have used convincing arguments and strong persuasive language. Well done!

Lola 2M – For your wonderful improvement in your reading and writing. You are becoming more confident in yourself each day and I am so proud of you!

Dhruva 2M – For your very convincing persuasive text titled Junk Food is Unhealthy. You used strong persuasive language and 3 fantastic arguments.

Elsie 2S – For her well written persuasive writing about the topic ‘Pirates are mean’ Your arguments were very convincing!

Shivika 2S – For her well written persuasive writing about ‘Why Superheroes are brave!’ Your sequencing and arguments were perfect!

Hanish 3K – Writing an interesting Diamante Poem about an XBox and PS5! Additionally, for regularly asking about the meaning of vocabulary in lessons. Well Done!

Tanmayee 3K – For working on actively listening to instructions and always putting in her fullest effort into class activities. Well done!

Monil 3M – For being a star in Numeracy this week! You know your division strategies well. Keep it up!

Alexander 3M – Being a responsible young person when looking after the chickens this week. Keep it up!

Ruby 4A – For your contagious positive attitude towards every challenging task you have come by so far in term 4. Well done you!

Ben 4A – For always being a supportive and encouraging friend. There has been multiple occasions when you have commended your peers for their achievements and success. Well done you!

Aarna 4S – For being a kind and respectful student that always aims to achieve her best. You should be extremely proud of your efforts this term, Aarna.

Sophie 4S – For participating in an active listening activity where you performed in front of the class with a group. Your acting skills are magnificent and you should be proud of yourself!

Zoya 5/6F – For her responsible and hard working attitude to all that she does. Her kindness and leadership qualities never go unnoticed. Well done!

Clancy 5/6F – For his outstanding improvement in his spelling assessment over the past two weeks. Keep up the great work.

Manaswi 5/6F – For her beautifully written narrative titled, Rain. Your word choice and creative descriptive language brought your story to life. Well done!

Shantanu 5/6J – For your amazing ideas for your Earn & Learn business of an airport. Love it! Hope you are enjoying your new school. We love having you here.

Pihu 5/6J – For all of your hard work and effort in all areas of your learning. This is always done with a smile on your face and a laugh not too far away. A great attitude!

Siddanth 5/6J – For your excellent mathematics results in all units so far this term. You are dedicated to learning and take this upon yourself. Congratulations!

Gowri 5/6J – For an outstanding job designing Jacoburbia’s business district in Earn & Learn. You are proving to be a very worthy choice. Thank you!

Harshitha 5/6J – For a fabulous job of securing Mrs. Alessi for an interview this week. I look forward to you and Elizabeth crafting this into a story for our class newspaper, The Jacobs Times. What a great scoop to snare our principal at your first foray into freelance journalism! Wow!

Pratham 5/6R – for an excellent start towards his Earn and Learn business, Stationary Zone. You should be very proud of your efforts so far!

Brody 5/6R– for your commitment and hard work displayed this week towards your Earn and Learn business. Well done, I am so excited to see how your business pans out!

Shogo 5/6R– for your commitment and hard work displayed this week towards your Earn and Learn business. Excellent work!


On Monday 24/10/2022 Glen Huntly Primary School held the 7th School Council Meeting for the year.

  • Child Safe Standards
    • Mr David Jenkins, supported by the leadership team and the Curriculum and Policy subcommittee, is working through updating the GHPS policies relating to the recently updated Child Safe Standards (11 standards have replaced the previous 7 standards effective 01/07/2022).
    • The first 3 policies have been ratified by school council and will soon be available on the school website.
    • Further information is available at
  • Building Works / Buildings and Grounds.
    • The new gymnasium has been completed; however due to inclement weather there have been some delays to the landscaping on the East Site. It is anticipated that we will receive the keys and be able to access the gymnasium mid-November – we will keep you posted.
  • Preliminary NAPLAN results & Attitudes to our School Survey
    • GHPS have received the results which were excellent for our Year 3 & Year 5 cohorts. The data show that the various targeted curriculum initiatives implemented over the past few years are improving learning outcomes for our students.
    • The Attitudes to School Survey results from our Year 4-6 cohorts are also in. These data indicate that some targets have been met and exceeded (in the areas of motivation and interest, self-regulation and goal setting, and teacher encouragement in sharing ideas), with room for further improvement in a few areas (sense of confidence, some aspects of student voice). The leadership team will continue to work towards improving the positive perception of our students.
  • Glen Huntly Parents’ Association & Fundraising
    • During Term 4 GPA are co-ordinating the following events:
      • Wednesday icy-pole lunches
      • Friday cake raffles
      • Pizza truck at the Science and Art Expo (Mon 21st November)
      • Election Day BBQ (Sat 26th November)
      • Kids Disco (Thursday 1st December)
      • Healthy Lunch – Rice Paper Rolls (Monday 5th December)
      • Carols Evening / Celebration Night BBQ (Tuesday 6th December)
  • Planning Ahead: Term 1 2023
    • Prep Parent Welcome Morning Tea – first day of school for P-Yr 6 students (Monday 30th January)
    • Welcome Family Fun Night (date to be advised)
  • Publicity & Marketing.
    • There have been many successful school tours with a few more planned for Term 4.
    • There has been continued promotion of GHPS at local kindergartens and childcare centres.
    • The real estate board promoting enrolments at GHPS is now up.
    • School Logo Update: School council members and additional key stakeholders have continued to review various iterations of new designs for our school logo (which has been modified based on feedback provided along the way). We have now decided to re-write the brief regarding what the new logo is to encompass, incorporating the themes of what GHPS means to the wider GHPS community determined from the initial survey conducted. Although the process is taking a little longer than anticipated we are confident that the final result will be well worth the wait!
    • We will await the new logo to be finalised before moving to our new uniform designs. There is plenty of stock of our existing uniform available. We will provide further information including details of a prolonged transitional period (of 1-2years) prior to this change.
  • Finances
    • The 2023 Parent Payment policy and costings were reviewed and ratified. This information will be distributed to families over coming weeks.
    • The 2023 budget is being prepared and will be reviewed by School Council at the final meeting of the year.
    • We currently have $11,222.46 in the Building Fund (thanks to families who have donated to this fund). Once the Capital Works have been completed, School Council will consider which projects would make best use of these funds to facilitate further improvements to the GHPS buildings.
  • Curriculum & Policy.
    • Three policies were ratified by School Council with updated versions available on the GHPS website:
      • Child Safe Standards 1. Culturally Safe Environments.
      • Child Safe Standards 2. Child Safety and Wellbeing Embedded in Leadership Governance and Culture.
      • Child Safe Standards 3. Child and Student Empowerment.

If there are any items, you would like to raise for discussion with School Council please send through to

Thank you,

Nicole Verginis (School Council President).

Prep & Year 1 News

Year 3 News

My Sensory Poem

I can see long thin grass.

A beautiful tall plant.

A long twisty fence.

A funny little pigeon quickly scurrying along the ground.

I hear my noisy class.

Children working in their classrooms.

The noisy construction vehicles, hard at work.

I can touch the soft wet sand.

The smooth wet grass.

The strong, thick wood standing tall and mighty.

I taste the fresh air after a morning shawer.

My morning brain food.

The water droplets on my fingers.

I smell oily trucks.

Fresh flowers standing towards the sun.

I feel happy and calm.

I feel excited and peaceful.

Ruby 3M


I can see,

The rusty metal gates, all so cracked, the strong new hall, a helicopter whizzing through the nice blue sky, and the green flowers sprouting all over the place.

I can hear,

A helicopter roaring through the sky, my classmates chattering happily, the wind whooshing, and the birds chirping cheerfully.

I can touch,

The hard, rocky gravel, the soft, bouncy cricket pitch, the metal white footy posts, and the long, bumpy hard green grass.

I can taste,

The crisp, clean air, the smoke from the construction work, and the slight breeze.

I can smell,

The thick smoke from the construction, the moisty leaves, the clean air, and the grotty, smelly bin near the gaga ball pit.

I feel,

Very much calmed, way less energetic, the nice breeze flowing through the air, and now I’m much more relaxed.

Henry 3M


With my ears I hear the colourful birds chirping above me.

I hear my beautiful new hall being built.

With my eyes I see the fresh green grass sprouting from the ground beneath my feet.

I see the small dirty chickens eating and drinking happily in their coup.

As I walk I feel the strong breeze against my skin.

I feel the warm sun grazing my skin with warmth

With my mouth I taste delicious fruit running through my body.

I tasted dirty grass when I fell down.

With my hands I touch soft luscious green grass.

I touch rough and dry grains of sand running across my Fingers.

With my nose I smell a delicious BBQ.

I smell a very stinky bin.

Max 3M

Sport News 

Congratulations, everyone, on participating in Glen Eira Council’s Active Schools ‘Go for Gold’ program!

After having such an active October, it’s time to enter the competition to win a Fitbit Ace, as well as help our school in its attempt to become Glen Eira City Council’s Active School’s Champion for 2022.

I will be collecting your classroom calendars next week to send to Glen Eira City Council, who will use them to determine the winner of the Fitbit Ace. This will automatically enter all students into the competition. The winner will be announced before the end of Term 4.

Good luck!

Glen Eira FC Soccer Clinic

This week, all year levels participated in a soccer clinic run by Glen Eira Football Club.

During the sessions, students practised fundamental movement skills such as dribbling, kicking, dodging and passing to team mates. They also engaged in a whole-class tournament, where they were taught the basic rules and objectives of the game of soccer.


It was fantastic to see all students actively participating in the clinic, working well with their peers, trying their best and having fun!

Thank you to Darren, Nigel and Jasmine from Glen Eira FC. The club is running free introductory sessions on Wednesday evenings until early December.

For more information, visit

Jasmine Roth       PE/Sport

Library News 

Thank you to all those parents and students who supported our bookfair by purchasing books and stationary items.

We sold almost $2000 worth of books which means we get to spend $700 on new books for our library!

New and exciting books will be arriving in the next couple of weeks.

Well done everyone!

TheirCare News



Mon 31 – Free Dress day


Tue 1 – Cup Day Public Holiday

Wed 2 – Curriculum Day

Wed 16 – Year 3/4 Camp

Mon 21 – Art Show & Science Fair


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.