Newsletter #16 11th October 2018
Principals Report
Welcome Back!
I hope you all had a fun and restful holiday. We are looking forward to another great term with many interesting things to look forward to! Some important dates for your diary:
- Sunday 21 October – Working Bee 9am – 12pm
- Monday 22 October – Art Show 5pm – 7pm
- Saturday 27 October – Rocktober Music Trivia 7.30pm
- Monday 12 November to Wednesday 14 November – Year 3 and Year 4 Camp
- Prep to Year 2 Swimming commences Tuesday 20th November
- Years 3 to 6 Swimming commences Monday 3rd December
- Tuesday 11 December – Carols Evening 5pm – 6:30pm
- Monday 17 December – Year 6 Graduation
2019 Enrolments:
We are very busy drafting our Workforce Plan for 2019. If you will NOT be attending GHPS in 2019 can you please inform the office immediately. It is crucial for us to know our final numbers for each grade so we can finalise the number of grades and teachers for 2019. Also, if you need to enrol your child into GHPS for 2019 please do so straightaway.
Sunsmart: No hat, no play, no fun today!
As we are now in Term 4 our Sunsmart Policy once again goes into action. Children in years Prep – 6 must wear a broad brimmed hat. There are two styles available from the uniform shop. A standard broad brimmed hat and a floppy hat similar to the surf hats.
On days when temperature reaches 33 degrees or above a “Sweat Day” timetable is implemented. This means that the children will play in their classrooms. Some discretion will occur prevailing weather conditions (e.g. hot north wind) regarding the temperature which activates the sweat day timetable and time spent inside particularly with the younger children. As all the classrooms are air-conditioned there is no need for children to have their educational program interrupted by removal from school on extreme hot days.
World Teachers’ Day:
Last Friday 5th October was World Teachers’ Day. Every day in schools across our wide brown land, teachers dedicate their professional lives to educating and inspiring our youngest generation. World Teachers’ Day pays homage to our teachers and provides an opportunity for school communities to say thank you for the contributions you make in our classrooms, across sport fields and beyond.
Celebrated in more than 100 countries across the globe, World Teachers’ Day was established by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) in 1994 to recognise the work of teachers in our in our increasingly complex and technologically-infused society.
We want to thank and celebrate our wonderful teachers at Glen Huntly Primary School for all that they do and for inspiring our students every day. Did you know that teachers make more minute by minute decisions than brain surgeons?
New Modular 5 Potables on the West Site:
In very exciting news, our new Mod 5 portables were brought in over the holidays and are at their final stages of installation. I was lucky enough to get a walk through on Tuesday and cannot wait to see the engaging learning space that our Year 1 students and teachers will turn this into.
Here are some photos during the installation phase:
Rocktober Music Trivia: ONLY 3 WEEKS TO GO! Saturday 27th October
Have you purchased your ticket to “Rocktober” a musical trivia night with a spin? This is an event not to be missed! Shan Jayaweera (our very own “Rocktober” Co-Ordinator) and a group of musically talented GHPS parents and teachers are busily working up trivia questions and live performances for the night.
“Rocktober” will be held on Saturday 27th October at 7.30pm in the Wendy Wilson Hall.
Ticket Prices: $20 per ticket; Discounted tickets of $15 if purchased before the end of week 1 Term 4 (Fri 12th October) OR if bulk purchase of 8 or more tickets.
We love an opportunity to rock up in fancy dress – and the Rocktober 2018 Theme is to dress as your favourite Rock Act!
Working Bee Sunday 21st October
The Term 4 Working Bee will be held on Sunday 21st October. Please come along and lend a hand with other members of our school community to make our school grounds look beautiful! There will be lunch provided on the day for all of those who come and help. A notice will go home tomorrow with more information.
Jobs we will be doing-
- Spring Clean- weeding the entrance of the school and garden beds
- Clearing out the remaining shrubs on the West Site car park (a mulcher will be hired to help)
- Ms deBruyn will be setting up for the Art Show
“Let us remember: One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world.” – Malala Yousafzai
Assistant Principal Amy Tinetti
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Principals Award’.
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks.
Max 0F – fantastic participation and teamwork.
Neil 0N – settling in to his new school and making lots of new friends.
Rudra K 0N – being enthusiastic during our farm excursion and being caring to all animals.
Nainika 0R – being a kind and friendly member of our class.
Hitarth 0R – coming out of your shell and giving things a go.
Kester 0R – always being a positive member of Prep R.
Ewan 0R – an excellent job working on your farm construction.
Abraham 1J – working really hard and taking your time when writing your letter to farmers.
Ganeeth 1J – Settling in well to 1J and the Glen Huntly PS community.
Srutha 1M – your enthusiasm and wonderful dancing at Cabaret.
Riddhi 1M – settling in wonderfully at GHPS.
Arnav 2E – your attention to detail when building your robot.
Tuhin 2E – your attention to detail when building your robot.
Ishani 2E – contributing great ideas to our class brainstorm for persuasive writing.
2K – overcoming nerves and performing with passion at the Cabaret.
Lamar 2K – enthusiasm for all classroom activities and always trying her best.
Jessie 2M – putting a great deal of care and effort into the building of her robot.
Archie 3F – writing a constructive and insightful reflection about his painting experience during Art.
Reiko 3F – increasing your confidence and participation in class.
Aarushi 3F – a detailed and heartfelt reflection about how difficult it was to paint using only her mouth and foot.
Vikesh 3S – excellent application and effort during Maths.
Anna-Lucia 3S – having such an excellent attitude to school and learning and always giving 100% in all she does.
Asher 4J – an excellent term’s work. Thank you for your valuable contribution to our class’ learning.
Shripad 4J – an excellent term of hard work and dedication.
Aditya 5S – For being a kind, generous, helpful and considerate member of 5S. He always puts others ahead of himself and works to a high standard.
Jess 6P – an exceptional job at finishing so many novels.
Eden 6P – a fantastic role model during the Esmart buddy activity.
Jamie 6P – showing excellent leadership skills during the Esmart buddy activity.
Congratulations to Isabelle, 4O, for being awarded the Community Builders Award by Steve Dimopoulos.
2018 Glen Huntly Primary School Art Show
Monday 22nd October 5 – 7pm
* Art from all students
* Year level collaborative pieces
* Prizes given by VIP judge
* Art Trail Quiz
* Crazy Camel Fundraiser
* Artwork to buy
* QR code reader needed
* Pizza Food Truck
* Jude’s Lemonade Icy-poles
* Sponsors: Their Care / Jude’s Lemon / Forman Art & Framing
Buy your tickets now! A rocking night full of Music and laughs.
Notices distributed to parents
17 Sept All Families Mango Fundraiser
20 Sept Year 6 Students Basketball Training
9 Oct Year 3-4 Students Camp Information
9 Oct All Families Cricket Classes
10 Oct Prep – 2 Students Swimming Program
10 Oct All Families Rocktober Music Trivia Night
11 Oct Year 5-6 Students Summer Sport
Mon 8 – Term 4 begins
Sun 21 – Working Bee
Mon 22 – Art Show
Fri 26 – Year 5-6 Sport
Sat 27 – Rocktober Music Trivia Night
Fri 6 – Year 5-6 Sport
Tue 6 – Melbourne Cup Holiday
Fri 9 – Year 5-6 Sport
Mon 12 – Year 3-4 Camp
Fri 16 – Year 5-6 Sport
Tue 20 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Wed 21 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Thu 22 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 23 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 23 – Year 5-6 Sport
Mon 26 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Tue 27 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Wed 28 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Thu 29 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 30 – Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 30 – Year 5-6 Sport