Newsletter #16 November 11, 2022


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow. 

Remembrance Day

Friday 11 November is Remembrance Day — is a day for us to remember those who have served and those who have died in all wars and peacekeeping operations.

Remembrance Day marks the date in 1918 when the First World War came to an end. It is officially observed at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month each year.

To mark Remembrance Day, GHPS has paused before 11 am on Friday 11 November 2022 for a minute’s silence, to remember people’s service and sacrifice.

Thank you to the wonderful students in 4S: Javin and Rhea, who with Mr White were the designated spokespersons for our school community today. They talked about the importance of Remembrance Day followed by a recording of The Last Post. We observed one minute of silence and concluded our service with saying the iconic words, “lest we forget”.

Congratulations to Stephanie 5/6, this year’s recipient of the 2022 GHPS Community Builder Award.

Each year, a student at GHPS receives this prestigious award from Steve Dimopoulos State Member of Parliament for the Oakleigh district.

Steve Dimopoulos attended the assembly on Thursday 10 November and presented Stephanie her award.

Stephanie has been nominated by staff for being exceptional and multi-talented, and who naturally and consistently has shown and developed strong and inclusive leadership skills. She willingly gives to and supports all others, equally and fairly, enabling and inspiring others to master a challenge, feel supported and to be involved. Stephanie has demonstrated that she has a strong sense of ethics and has been a role model of exemplary conduct, in addition to her sense of fair play, empathy, respect and team skills; always being ready to praise and encourage the efforts of others.

As further evidence of this student’s inspiring community involvement Stephanie has always been willing to be involved in all school activities with effective focus, diligence and impressive application. She has been seen to support and inspire others in our community to participate as best they can in the many engaging activities that happen in our school.

Congratulations Stephanie and we are very proud of you.

Congratulations Ruby 3M and Sara 3K

Fantastic news to hear about Ruby’s achievements in her sub-junior group of Chadstone Calisthenics. What a sensational participant and all the best for your future comps. You obviously love what you do and get a lot of joy from all your hard work. We feel very proud of you Ruby.

Sara has won first prize in Halloween Scavenger Hunt, 2022 conducted by Glen Huntly Level Crossing. What a fun way to be involved in a community event and congratulations Sara for winning!

Please see the photos of these students in the newsletter.

Attending Swimming

We would like to have all students attending the swimming program without exception as it is very important that all students have an opportunity to improve and practice their swimming skills. Please contact the school if you are having trouble in any way and we can assist you. Students are not going to get better at swimming if they don’t attend each year, so it’s vital.

We need your help at Election Day Fund raiser

Thank you to those people who have signed up to help!

On Saturday 26th November 2022, Glen Huntly Primary School will be a polling place at the State Election.

The GPA will be running a sausage sizzle and cake stall. With the crowds that Election Day draws, this is a fantastic opportunity to raise much needed funds for our amazing school so please volunteer.

2022 Annual Implementation Plan Goals and NAPLAN Achievement

During term 4, the Leadership team and staff have been evaluating the outstanding achievements of our students regarding how our school fared in Naplan this year. While it is one measure of our success, DET currently, keenly regards the results.

The table outlines what our targets are which are described in the Glen Huntly Primary School Strategic Plan (SSP) (2020-2024). It is highly rewarding to acknowledge all the hard work of our students, teachers and parents and celebrate our success as all 2022 Naplan Targets have been met (even though there are still two more years to achieve the overall 2024 results, the 2024 targets have also been met ahead of time.)

SSP Targets AIP Targets 2022 Results AIP Met/Not Met SSP 2024 Met/Not Met
By 2024 the percentage of students in the Top two bands Year 3 Writing will increase from 69 % (2019) to 75% The percentage of Year 3 students in the top two bands NAPLAN writing will increase from 63% in 2021 to 69% in 2022 90% Exceeded and well above similar schools- 70%, network – 71%           and state- 51% Exceeded
By 2024 the percentage of students in the Top two bands Year 5 Writing will increase from 21 % (2019) to 32% The percentage of Year 5 students in the top two bands NAPLAN writing have increased from 55% 2021 to 63% 2022

NB No separate target due to high levels attained in 2021 but always aiming to improve

63% Exceeded and well above similar schools- 44%, network – 47%         and state- 29% Exceeded
By 2024 the percentage of students in the Top two bands Year 3 NAPLAN Numeracy will increase from 58% (2019) to 65% The percentage of students in the Top two bands Year 3 NAPLAN Numeracy will increase from 50% (2021) to 58% 68% Exceeded and above similar schools- 59%, network – 57%      and state- 39% Exceeded
By 2024 the percentage of students in the Top two bands Year 5 NAPLAN Numeracy will increase from 46% (2019) to 53% The percentage of students in the Top two bands Year 5 NAPLAN Numeracy will increase from 53% (2021) to 54% 58% Met and above similar schools- 48%, network -46%       and state- 27% Exceeded
By 2024 the percentage of Year 3 students in the top two bands NAPLAN reading will increase from 67% (2019) to 73% The percentage of Year 3 students in the top two bands NAPLAN reading will increase from 57% (2021) to 66% 77% Exceeded and same as similar schools- 77%, network -76%       and state- 58% Exceeded
By 2024 the percentage of Year 5 students in the top two bands NAPLAN reading will increase from 56% (2019) to 60% Not included in 2022 AIP but achieved 74% Exceeded and above similar schools- 63%, network -63%       and state- 44% Exceeded

 2023 Student Placement and Policy

At Glen Huntly Primary School, teachers and teaching teams collaborate to formulate and place students in class groupings for the next year and consider the following essential factors:

  • The academic strength of the group as a whole
  • An effective diversity and range of interests, talents and learning styles
  • A gender balance in each class.

Teaching teams will always aim to create class groups that offer the best blend and composition based on these types of academic learning factors. It is therefore important that when parents request that their child be placed in a particular class, that this be based primarily on academic grounds.

The process that Glen Huntly Primary School works through has commenced and we anticipate that there will be some changes to which level or area of the school that each teacher will be teaching in 2023. This will be finalised as soon as we can confirm all staffing.

Glen Huntly Primary School recognises the importance of fostering and maintaining friendship groups. Glen Huntly Primary School also knows that it is equally important for students to mix and learn with peers who have different interests. During November, the teachers will ask students to write down six friends with whom they would like to work. Teachers endeavour to place students in a class with at least one of their friends.

We acknowledge that in certain situations, parents and carers may like to request that their child be placed in a class with a particular friend(s) or with a particular teacher. If you would like to request that your child, be placed in a class with a particular friend or friends, please ensure that this request is received by Friday 2 December, so that the request can be taken into consideration. Requests for class placements must be made in writing, outlining who you would like your child to be placed with and include the reason for the request. Requests can be emailed to and addressed to Libby Alessi, Principal

NOTE: It may not always be possible to accommodate class placement requests, but we will take all requests into consideration.

For more detailed information please see the link to this policy: Class Placement Policy

Disability Inclusion Evaluation 2022- Invitation to families  

Through DET funding, Disability Inclusion is increasing support for students with disability to ensure every student at every ability thrives at school and in life.  Disability Inclusion is being rolled out to Victoria’s 1500+ Victorian government schools between 2021-2025, delivering:

  1. A new strengths-based Disability Inclusion Profile
  2. A tiered school funding model
  3. Increased workforce capability to provide inclusive education

The Department have engaged Deloitte Access Economics to undertake an independent evaluation of Disability Inclusion. As part of this evaluation, Deloitte is conducting a short online survey (no more than 15 minutes) of families in Victorian government schools implementing Disability Inclusion.

The survey aims to capture family awareness and understanding of Disability Inclusion, any adjustments made at a student-level and attitudes towards inclusion of students with disability more generally.

As part of this evaluation, Deloitte is surveying all families with children enrolled in Victorian government schools. This includes families who have children with disabilities and those who do not.

Please note, participation is entirely voluntary, and families are under no obligation to participate. If you wish to provide input, you can complete the survey here: family survey. We want to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to participate. If you would prefer an alternative way to share your experiences and perspectives (such as completion via phone) please email:

Grade 3/4 Camp

Wednesday 16 November to Friday 18 November

Next Wednesday will be a very exciting day as the Grade 3/4 students and staff head off to Camp.

We wish them a wonderful experience as they continue their educational journey from the usual classroom to the outdoor classroom of which there are many fun times to be enjoyed.

We look forward to hearing all the stories and seeing the photos of Camp Rumbug.

Thank you Ms Krauze, Ms Kasambalis, Mr Swanson, Ms Broxham, Ms de Bruyn, Mr White and Madeleine (pre service teacher) for everything you have all done to prepare to take away our wonderful students.

Latest updates from Ms Krauze have included the Rumbug 2022 Camp Pack List, and we have let the students know that they will be involved in a Campfire and Trivia evening as an example of what to look forward to at Camp, which sounds like a lot of fun.

Student Council

This week it was my pleasure to meet with the members of the Year 3 – 6 Student Council.

The students provided some fantastic commentary on a number of key points.

Thank you to Harvey, Isla (3K) and Dion, Ruby A (3M) for making a report at this week’s assembly and for providing a report for the newsletter.

This meeting was rescheduled from 26 October and our final meeting will be on Monday 5 December.

Final Reminder

Monday 14 November is a pupil free day as teachers will be using their fourth Professional Practice Day to attend to planning, assessment, and other duties at school.

Libby Alessi          Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Sophia 0H – for her dedication to all learning areas. It has been great to see your confidence and curiosity grow this year!

Marvelle 0H – for settling into the routines of Prep H. We have enjoyed you joining our class!

Lia 0S – For your consistent effort with your writing. Your stories that you have been creating are so imaginative and descriptive. Keep up the amazing work superstar!

Advaith 1B – For participating in all the activities at our Dream City excursion with enthusiasm and confidence.  You showed great tenacity in your learning by trying out new experiences and learning about Podcasting and Virtual Reality. Amazing effort!

Robin and Jaden 1D – For engaging with all of the tasks at our Dream City excursion with positivity, enthusiasm and creativity. You were able to explore and learn about new types of digital technology. Well done!

Audrey 2M – For your fantastic persuasive piece titled Homework Should be Banned. You achieved all three of our success criterias and you have nearly convinced me to ban homework! Keep up the amazing writing.

Jaini 4A – for using her own Fun Friday time to further her statistics learning by surveying the class about their favourite genre of book. I am so proud of your motivation and willingness to learn! Well done you superstar!!

Tengyi 4S – For being a helpful ‘Mini-Maths Teacher’ in 4S. Your help and guidance to your classmates throughout this year has been magnificent. Well done!

Julia 5/6F – for her excellent responsible attitude to all her learning and willingness to always do her best. You are a pleasure to have in our classroom.

Apolline 5/6J – A magnificent week of learning. Your teamwork with Shiva on your Maths Numerical & Categorical data questions was awesome. We will certainly miss you when you return to France.

Emily & Bilva 5/6R – for an incredible first issue of the Ristopolis Times newspaper! We all thoroughly enjoyed reading it and look forward to your next issue, well done team!

On Wednesday we had a student council meeting. We talked about our school’s new gymnasium and when each year level will use it. Each class’ student representative had a think about the schedule. 

After the talk about the gymnasium we talked about how we worked in groups in our classes and how we all got feedback from our teacher and classmates.

Thank you!

Dion & Ruby 3M, Harvey & Isla 3K

Year 3 News

Congratulations to Ruby (3M) on her wonderful achievements in calisthenics.

Club: Chadstone Calisthenics

Age group: Sub-junior

Division: 2  (There are 12 divisions, so she is doing very well)

Achievements this year:

Division 2 Victorian State Champions.

Division 2, 3rd place at Ballarat – Australian Calisthenics Competition (nationals).

Received a trophy for 5 years’ service at Chadstone Calisthenics.

Most importantly, Ruby won the Kindness Award at their end of year breakup.

Well done Ruby!

Congratulations Sara, 3K

Sara won first prize in the Halloween Scavenger Hunt 2022, conducted by Glen Huntly Level Crossing.

Good work Sara!

Art & Science News

TheirCare News



Mon 14 – PPD (Student Free Day)

Wed 16 – Year 3/4 Camp

Mon 21 – Art Show & Science Fair


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.