Newsletter #17 November 25, 2022
Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Election Day BBQ & Cake Stall
Come and help out please! The GPA has organised this fundraiser to help raise money for our school and its vital that parents sign up.
There are gaps on the roster and it’s up to you to add your name.
We are so proud of our GHPS community spirit and sense of helping us all, so I look forward to checking the roster later today and seeing it full. Thank you in advance 🙂
We only have one crack at this as it’s on tomorrow so let’s get behind it.
Art Show & Science Fair
What an extraordinary showcase of our students’ talents and love for learning we were able to see this week at the Art Show and Science Fair.
A huge thankyou to Ms Juz de Bruyn and Mrs Melinda Oldham for creating such an inspirational event: Boost your Creativity, Unlock your Curiosity.
There was much excitement in families, students and staff being able to marvel at the work of their children and how GHPS is providing exceptional opportunities for them to discover, create and be curious about their world.
The Science display, Art room and Art displays, Glow Room, VR Oculus and Billy Carts made for an impressive experience.
Thank you to all the staff who assisted with the setup, running of the event including Mrs Oldham’s family and packing up.
A special thank you to Ms de Bruyn for the generous donation from ice-pole sales during the evening.
A wonderful report from Mrs Oldham is included in the newsletter.
Prep 2023 Transition
Students have been enjoying the transitions sessions in the Art Room, outdoors in PE and exploring Science in the classrooms with Ms de Bruyn, Mrs Oldham, Ms Draper, Mr Bowden, and Lisa. Parents have been able to enjoy morning tea in the library prepared by Lisa and purchase school uniforms.
There is one final transition session on Tuesday 6 December when both students and parents will attend.
Parents are encouraged to attend the important Information Session which will be held by Mr White and I after they drop their child off in the Prep Rooms.
We wish Mrs Zoe Marini and husband Callum all the very best for the upcoming arrival of their baby in January.
Today will be Zoe’s last day before she starts her Family Leave. Zoe is an amazing staff member, and it goes without saying that we will miss her very much, but we are very excited and thrilled for her and Callum to be able to start a family. We look forward to hearing the exciting news.
Mrs Emily Frankland: As families in Prep H will be aware, Mrs Franklin will be commencing teaching Prep H on Monday 28 November until the end of the school year.
She has been to visit the staff and students of Prep H this week and to work with Mrs Marini on handover of information for the students in Prep H. She enjoyed the day getting to know the students and we look forward to welcoming Mrs Frankland to the GHPS community.
In addition, two teachers have been appointed for 2023: Mr Swanson has applied for a 12-month temporary transfer to Heidelberg PS, which is much closer to his home.
To complement the staffing, we are thrilled to welcome Ms Ashleigh Casas back to GHPS from Leave in 2021 and Ms Becky Broxham has been reappointed for 2023.
Workforce Planning for 2023 is still underway. PLC Leadership is fine tuning class organisation, teacher placement and numbers of classes.
At this time, we have been notified by some families that they will be moving to new homes and not returning to GHPS, however there may be some families that are yet to advise us, so we ask that you do so immediately before Monday 28 November.
As the numbers of students at each year level impacts this organisation, we need to know how many students will have enrolled to make up each year’s level and then how we can best organise grades and compositions.
We endeavour to maintain even class sizes from Grade Prep -Grade 2 and the same for grades 3-6. If we know where numbers of enrolments will be or are leaving, we can do this in the most effective way possible.
With only 17 school days left it’s getting close to the end of the year. Last minute notification of families makes this really challenging so please advise if you know that you are moving.
Thank you to the families who have contacted the office already with this information. We also have new enrolments still coming in, particularly in Prep. At this time, we are closely tracking and monitoring the enrolments and will confirm the staffing with the community before the end of the year.
Student Disco
How fantastic to be able to have a Student Disco next week! On Thursday 1 December, students can finally get back to having the disco at school. We have been waiting ages to be able to do this again, so please purchase your tickets quickly so GPA can get everything arranged. Tickets can be purchased through Compass for only $12.50
Come along, have some fun in the new GHPS Gymnasium (entrance from the laneway).
Date: Thursday 1st December
Time: Junior Disco Prep – Grade 2 will take to the dance floor from 5pm to 6:15pm
Senior Disco Grade 3 – Grade 6 will party from 6:30pm to 7:45pm
Cost per child is $12.50
Entry fee includes a hot dog (vegetarian option available), bottled water and a goodie bag.
Please book/pay or decline on Compass where it is listed as an event under each student before 4pm on Monday 28 November.
For the GPA to run fun events like this for our children, we need parent helpers. If you are able to volunteer, please sign up online using
Love our Library
We love our Library and our books do too, but many are missing out there in your homes. Please send them back.
New sand for the GaGa Pit
New sand has been delivered and shovelled into the Ga Ga pit.
Thank you to Liz’s sons: Dylan and Chris for being so helpful and getting this job done:)
Installations of East Front Gate and West Car Park Fence
This week, there has been new gates and fences installed. Thank you to Mr White for organising these works.
It really makes a difference to the entrance to the office and separating the car park from the front area of the West Site.
School Council
The meeting for November School Council will be on Monday 28 November at 7pm. The Finance and Building Fund Committees will meet prior at 6.15pm
Libby Alessi Principal
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.
Daisy 0H – For her dedication to her writing. You have done a fabulous job sounding out words in your writing!
Aaradhya 0H – For her detailed insights into the life of a 6 year old. Your stories and adventures are a delight to hear!
Maddie 0S – for your vivacious and happy attitude towards all tasks and for putting a smile on everyone’s face including your teachers! You are a shining star and we are so lucky to have you in Prep S!
Sofia 1D – For working creatively during our persuasive writing task. You were able to form an opinion then come up with reasons why the pigeon should drive the bus. Well done!
Armaan 1B – For the effort you put into your narrative story based on the Magic Lantern. You worked hard to structure your story and include characters and setting elements. Awesome work!
Advik 2M – For your enthusiasm and dedication to improve your handwriting. Keep it up, you are a star!
Winston 2S – His impressive understanding of Figurative Language. I’m impressed!
Sienna 2S – Her improvement and persistence in all areas of the curriculum. You are a super star!
Siena 3M – For being a super responsible student on Year 3/4 camp. You represented GHPS and all our values beautifully! Keep it up!
All 4S Campers – Throughout our time at Camp Rumbug, you were resilient, caring and fully engaged in all activities. You should all be very proud of yourselves!
Clancy 5/6F – His exceptional oral presentation about the 3Ds. Your passion and energy was engaging and your facts and opinions were well constructed. Great work!
Avikam 5/6J – For another sensational week of learning in the classroom. Thank you for the effort you apply!
Anuhas 5/6J – For being such a positive, hard working, and caring student. You always try your best at every challenge. It is an admirable quality to possess. Congratulations!
Oishika 5/6R – for her hard work displayed this week while completing various assessments. You are forming excellent time management skills in preparation for year 6, well done!
Adishree 5/6R – for your fantastic submission of your student report comment this week. It was lovely to read your mature reflections of the year!
Sara 5/6R – for her exceptional hard efforts displayed in Maths Olympiad this year! Congratulations for making into the top 25% of our school!
Diya 5/6R – for her exceptional hard efforts displayed in Maths Olympiad this year! Congratulations for making into the top 25% of our school!
Alyx 5/6R – for setting up and running a successful Earn and Learn business during Trading this week
Art Show and Science Fair
What a great turnout we had for the Art Show and Science Fair of 2022.
It was wonderful to see so many families braving the cold to come out and support our Specialist programs.
As we walked around the event, we could hear students explaining processes to creating their mind-blowing artworks, sharing their own learning of Science concepts, becoming swept away in the world of virtual reality or bopping away in the ‘Glow Room’ complete with student artwork.
Boost your Creativity
Unlock your Curiosity
Year 3/4 Camp Rumbug
Last week, our year 3/4 students enjoyed three days at Camp Rumbug.
After our scenic journey to Foster via Koo Wee Rup, students got straight into their activity rotations.
Some of the fun-filled experiences included:
Giant Swing
Flying Fox
Raft Building
Low Ropes and more….
We would like to commend the students on their resilience, persistence and willingness to give everything a go.
What an enthusiastic group of campers the 3/4 students were.
Here are some student reflections….
At camp we did lots of activities. In my group we first did archery. I got 3 out of 6 arrows on the target.
Next we did the giant swing. It was scary at first but when you get the first swing done it is fun!!!
We did much more but my favourite was – dun dun duuuuuuun……. the flying fox! It was scary but fun.
We had lots of dishes that were yummy such as sausages, chicken, watermelon and more.
I went on a bottom bunk and my best friend slothy was above me. He underestimated the bed size, so I got the extra blanket as a curtain
James 3M
My favourite thing at camp was the giant swing because it went so high then it dropped you.
I also liked the zipline because you fly with a seatbelt thing.
I liked the food, like pasta and mousse for dessert.
The sleep was really bad. We had a triva night with a lot of questions.
We also had a campfire where we sang songs and told stories. I mostly liked archery because I like shooting arrows at the board.
Zac 3M
Maths Olympiad/Explorer 2022
Over the course of 2022, students ranging from Years 3 – 6 participated in Maths Olympiad and Maths Explorer competitions.
These tests were specifically designed to stimulate and challenge students at primary school level.
It teaches major problem-solving strategies and strengthens students’ mathematical intuition.
The following students participated –
2022 Maths Olympiad Participants | 2022 Maths Explorer Participants |
Diya Sara Bilva Sanvi Aanya Emily Pratham Daiwik Srishti Sanjeev Shresta Nicholas Adishree
5/6F JP Zoya Siddhant Bindu Anisha Anushka Charvi Manaswi Krisha
5/6J Riddhi Elizabeth Stephanie Harshitha Viraj Amelia
No longer enrolled at GHPS Rui Mahia
Rhea Javin Aarna Aarush Twisha Samson Srivaishnav Tengyi
4B Ruby Johan Sahasra Suria Aoi Alexa James Ewan Rishikesh Mia Sahara
3K Hanish Ivy Harvey Harrison Albert Avyaan
3M Henry Vidit Gordon James
No longer enrolled at GHPS Rudra |
Special Mentions
Highest Scorer + Top 10% – JP Top 25% – Diya Top 25% – Zoya Top 25% – Siddhant Top 25% – Sara Special Encouragement Award – Daiwik |
Special Mentions
Maths Star Award – Rishikesh Maths Star Award – Rhea Maths Star Award – Henry Maths Star Award – Ewan Maths Star Award – Srivaishnav Maths Star Award – Vidit |
All students will receive a certificate of achievement prior to the end of the school year.
For those who have participated, you should be extremely proud of your efforts and continual striving to improve your mathematical knowledge.
Mr Callum Swanson
Maths Olympiad/Explorer Coordinator
TheirCare News
Sat 26 – State Election BBQ
Tue 29 – Final Little Book Worms 2022
Thu 1 – Disco
Tue 6 – Carols 5pm – 7pm
Wed 14 – Year 6 Graduation
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.