Newsletter 18 August 2016 – #24

Principal’s Report

Friday Assembly Announcement

At last week’s assembly Ms Tinetti very excitedly announced that Mrs Lexie Boomsma, together with her husband Sion, have welcomed the arrival of their beautiful baby boy, Oliver Edward Boomsma on Thursday, 11 August.

Everyone is doing really well and we look forward to Lexie sending us a photo for the newsletter very soon. It was great news!

Scientists and Mathematics in Schools 2016Illustration of STEM education word typography design in orange theme with icon ornament elements

Congratulations to Ms Kamila Krauze who has been invited to attend the SMiSposium 2016: Partnering for the future event in Sydney.

Ms Krauze submitted her expression of interest to represent the current SMiS program partnership. The program which will run over several days will involve attending sessions and workshops delivered by thought leaders in Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) and SMiS program.

The program provides Ms Krauze with a package that covers travel expenses, accommodation and teacher release. It is an amazing opportunity and one which Ms Krauze is to be commended for attaining. We look forward to hearing about the experience on her return.

She will be on leave from Monday 5th September and returning at the end of the week.

NAPLAN 2016 National Assessment Program

If you are the parent of a student in Years 3 or 5, you will have received an individual report of your child’s results for the tests they sat in May. These tests in key areas of literacy and numeracy provide parents and educators with a snapshot of how students are progressing- individually, as part of our school community and nationally. The national standards are the standards that have been agreed upon by all state and territory governments.

At GHPS we will be using the results to celebrate success, inform our planning and address areas requiring improvement by incorporating future goals into student’s Individual Learning Improvement Plans and across the school.

Your child’s teacher or myself should be your first point of contact for any concerns you might have about your child’s results. Further information and analysis about whole school achievement will be reported to the community at School Council and in the coming newsletters.


Anything Goes Cabaret

All is going extremely well in preparation for the Anything Goes 2016 Cabaret. Thank you to the parents who have already returned their child’s permission form to participate in the whole school Cabaret Rehearsal at the Kingston Town Hall. Please make sure you return your child’s money and permission form if you haven’t done so.

Tickets for entry to see the Evening Cabaret performance cost $20 for each person except students from GHPS and pre-schoolers who are free. Tickets are available from the office or at the door. 

Victorian Curriculum F-10 – Implementation for 2017

Implementation plans are being developed by the Department of Education & Training which focus on the Victorian Curriculum (VELS).

For 2017, the VELS curriculum will realise some changes in areas of essential learning requirements/standards and capabilities for each year level. Staff have been undertaking professional learning to further strengthen their knowledge of VELS.

In addition to this, Principals will meet over the next two weeks to attend South East Victoria Regional forums where the Regional Director will present Education State updates and Senior Education Leaders will focus on Collective Responsibility and Efficacy:

The effects of Instructional Leadership on Student Achievement.

Schools will also carry out a Self – Assessment to understand what areas are fully, partially or not developed. This will provide an overview of the overarching concepts/ideas/topics to be developed across the years of schooling.

School Uniform

A reminder to please ensure all students are in correct uniform every day. The school really does pride itself on all students wearing the uniform correctly, and does not want this spoilt by some students continuing to wear non-school colours. Please contact the office if you need any further assistance.


Can parents please ensure all students arrive at school every day on time. There is a noticeable number of students who are arriving after 9am and this is disruptive to the start of the school day and subsequent learning.

Parents need to check their home routines, including evening and morning to see that everything is as organised as possible to get their child to school on time.

We also reiterate with parents the importance of booking your child into before school care if this is needed as we also note some senior site students who arrive well before 8.45am when there is no teacher on yard duty. The yard duty teacher commences at 8.45 -9am and this ensures that all students are safely supervised in the event of an accident.

Please contact the office if you need any further assistance or information.

Support for State Schools’ Relief

Thank you very much to the GPA parent helpers who have volunteered to help make and serve at our annual Soup Lunch tomorrow.

All money raised will go to the State Schools’ Relief, who provide uniforms for Victorian school children, including children from Glen Huntly Primary.

Finance and School Council Monday 5th September

The start time for the next Finance meeting will be 6pm instead of 6.30pm and Council will meet at 6.30pm.

Speaking at Council will be Kevin O’Rourke, Senior Provision & Planning Officer for the Southern Melbourne Area, Department of Education and Training.

I hope all members of Council will be able to attend but please arrive at your earliest convenience if the start time is difficult.

School Review Update

The Leadership team together with the Innovation and Development Leaders has been working to complete the Pre- Self Evaluation Review in preparation for the formal review.

Thank you to Ms Amy Tinetti, Mr David Jenkins, Mr John Jacobs and staff for the amazing amount of work they have undertaken so far in readiness. Thank you also to the very hardworking Curriculum and Policy Sub Committee for reading and making amendments to the large number of policies required to be included as part of the current registration requirements for VRQA.

The Pre- Self Evaluation document is almost finalised and will be presented to the Council and Senior Education Improvement Leader, Stuart Andrews.

Meeting Reminders:

Publicity & Marketing: Tuesday, 30th August at 7pm in the East Site Staff Room
Finance and School Council: Monday, 5th September at 6.30pm and 7pm
End of Term 3: Early Dismissal 2.30pm Friday, 16th September

Exciting Events (see our news and events page)

Cabaret: Thursday, 25th August Kingston Town Hall
Literacy & Numeracy Week 29th August
Prep – and 3-6 Disco: Saturday, 10th September
Responsible Pet Care P -2 – Monday, 12th September
Science Night for Parents, Students and Staff – Tuesday, 13th September
Book Character Parade P -3 – Friday, 16th Sep- 12-1pm

Libby Alessi


Stimulating Learning at GHPS:

Student Wellbeing Prep to Year 2-

As part of our Student Wellbeing program at GHPS our Prep to Year 2 students are building their skills and awareness around mindfulness. Evidence shows that primary-aged children who practise mindfulness are more focused and resilient. As little as 5 minutes of mindfulness first thing in the morning, or after lunch, helps settle them down and improves concentration. Our students are exploring mindfulness in many different ways:

Prep: Meditation each morning and they have their very own calming jars.
Year 1: Go Noodle Yoga and meditation.
Year 2: Exercise each morning (students are enjoying running) and meditation.

Our teachers are using the ‘Smiling Minds’ app for their meditation sessions, this is a free app that you can download too! You can use this as a tool as part of your ‘bed time routine’ to help your child calm down before sleep.

Amy Tinetti      
Student Wellbeing Coordinator


Student Wellbeing Years 3 to 6

At GHPS we aim to cater for Student Wellbeing as significant and extremely important aspects of our whole approach to providing our students with stimulated and secure learning environments. In relation to this it is worth noting the following:

“A learning community that understands that relationships matter to learning and that exclusion from participation is one of the key reasons for students finding it difficult to experience academic success, will seek to embed the following principles into practice:

  • Students learn best when they experience belonging and significance
  • Wellbeing is intrinsic to learning
  • Student learning occurs in the context of social groupings
  • Schools are a major social learning environment”

(Source: An Integrated Approach to Social Competencies, Department of Education and Training)

Teachers and our teaching and leadership teams work very hard to cater for every individual’s wellbeing situations by being constantly aware of their current needs. We aim to provide stimulated learning situations where each student’s learning styles and modes of learning are acknowledged and where each student is able to feel happy, safe and accepted for who they are. Following these essential principles means that optimal learning situations can then be prevail for each student.

David Jenkins
Assistant Principal



Assessment and Reporting – 2016 NAPLAN results

Yesterday parents/carers of students in Years 3 and 5 were sent home their child’s 2016 NAPLAN results.  You would have received an envelope containing two documents. The A3 size double sided document shows your child’s results in Reading, Writing, Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation and Numeracy, measured against national benchmarks which are indicated by

The other double sided A4 document explains how your child’s achievements can be interpreted and provides background information to the NAPLAN process and assessments, to further assist you with understanding the whole program.

What is important to note is the following information: “NAPLAN results enable parents/carers to see how students are progressing, not just within their class, but also against national standards that have been agreed upon by all state and territory governments.”

Other aspects covered by the information sent home yesterday refer to:

  • How do I read the results?
  • How do I read the achievement scale?
  • How does NAPLAN help my child and my school?
  • What impact will the results have on my child’s future?
  • Where can I go for more information? eg:
  • Who else will see the results?
  • What if the results are not what I expected?

On the fourth side of the A3 Student Report, there is also an information table which details a summary of the skills assessed by the NAPLAN testing program.

If you have any queries or would like further elaboration on your child’s results, please contact your child’s teacher or myself and we will be happy to provide you with more information.

David Jenkins
Assistant Principal





Lunchbox Salepacked lunch

This Friday morning, before and after assembly, we will have uncollected lunchboxes available near the hall entrance for anyone who would like to buy one. All you need is a gold coin donation and you can choose your lunchbox.



Important GPA Dates – TERM 3

(11 July – 16 September)

Friday, 19 August 2016 (lunchtime) – Soup lunch, fundraising for State Schools’ Relief
Friday, 2 September 2016 – Fathers’ Day Stall
Friday, 9 September 2016 (2.15PM – 3.15PM) – GPA Meeting in the Art Room (West site) – All welcome
Saturday, 10 September 2016 (8.00AM -1.00PM) – September Farmers Market (Grade 3 Families)
Saturday, 10 September 2016 (afternoon) – Kids Disco – SAVE THE DATE
Friday, 16 September 2016 (lunchtime) – Pie lunch for last day of term
and many more exciting events to come

The Glen Huntly Parents Association (GPA) is the social and fundraising sub-committee of Glen Huntly Primary School.  We are a group of parents who organise fun activities and events for the children and the school community.  We also coordinate fundraising activities which provide much needed funds for our school.  We are always keen to welcome new members

– come along to our next meeting or let the office know if you would like to be added to our mailing list.

Read on to find out about:

  • REMINDER – Soup lunch on tomorrow (orders are closed now)
  • the August Farmers Market on Saturday 13 August – thank you to all the families who volunteered or who came down to support our market
  • Father’s Day Stall on Friday 2 September – callout for volunteers and donations
  • September Farmers Market on 10 September – callout for volunteers from Grade 3 to fill roster
  • Kids Disco on 10 September (5-7 pm) – SAVE THE DATE and callout for volunteers
  • Cadbury Fundraiser – a delicious way to make money for our school
  • Icy-pole and hot chocolates – on sale Friday lunchtime

Find a list of open SIGN UP rosters at the end of this newsletter and SIGN UP!

Soup Lunch on Friday 19 August

Don’t forget that the soup lunch is on tomorrow (Friday) for all those who have submitted orders. All funds raised from this lunch will go to support State Schools’ Relief, which provides uniforms for Victorian school children in need.



Last Saturday it was the turn of Grade Two families to fill our roster, and they did a wonderful job. The roster was about 65% filled before we had to turn to the broader school community to step up. Thank you to the following wonderful teachers, parents and children (in order of appearance):

Jenn Knight, Perry and Eden, Yvonne Balfour, Ben Shields, Bill Manuel, Melanie Birkby, William, Caitilin Hawkins, Amy Tinetti, Alla and Ben, Saritha and Tarini, Heidi Powell, Arthur and Marko, Angela Maglis, Margo and Anara, Shan, Alice and Emily, Debbie Field, Caitilin Hawkins, Fiona, Michael and Luke, Ita Puspitasari, Rara, Rosie Eppinger, Deepa Kolhar, James Blair, Priya Krishnappa, Pranav, Chandramohan. C. S, Vikram.

It was fantastic to welcome some new volunteers to our Farmers Market roster.


Father’s Day – Friday 2 September

The GPA will be running its Father’s Day Stall on Friday 2 September in the Art Room (on the West Site). We will stock the stall with some great gifts organised by the GPA, supplemented with any gifts, plants and of course baked goods donated by our school community.

We need your help:

  • Baking (40+ spots available)
  • Setting up the Art Room on Thursday 1 September from 1pm (6 spots)
  • Selling gifts to students in the Art Room on Friday 2 September between 9am – 1pm (multiple spots)

Simply follow the Father’s Day Stall link below in the SIGN UP section at the end of this newsletter and choose one spot or more. Alternatively, you can email to find out how you can help.

You don’t have to sign up to bake, but it will help us plan if you do and you will receive a handy reminder.

Instructions for Bakers

If you can help, please:

  • fill your cellophane bags with home-made items (such as chocolate balls, biscuits, fudge or gingerbread) or you can make a batch in a named container (so we can return it to you later) and we will bag them up for you. The options are endless – but please, no fresh cream or custard.
  • include information in each bag (or inside your named container) about what you have made, the ingredients you used, when it was made and who made it.
  • leave your home-made items at the Office before school starts on Friday 2 September, or bring them direct to the Father’s Day Stall.

Other donations

If you have any other items that you would like to donate or re-gift, you can also send these items into the school before Friday 2 September, or bring them direct to the Father’s Day Stall.


September Farmers Market – 10 September 2016 – CALLOUT FOR VOLUNTEERS

The roster is now open for the September Farmers Market. This month we are calling on Grade 3 parents and children to fill the roster. Let’s see if you can go all the way and fill every single spot (show us how it’s done!).

Simply follow the September Farmers Market link below in the SIGN UP section at the end of this newsletter and choose one spot or more. Alternatively, you can email to find out how you can help.


Kids Disco – 10 September 2016

5-7pm in the Wendy Wilson Hall

The popular Kids Disco will be returning this year on Saturday 10 September. We need your help:

  • Setting up the Wendy Wilson Hall on Saturday 10 September from 2-4.30pm (6 spots)
  • Supervising on the door from 4.30-7pm (5 spots)
  • Helping in the kitchen (serving hot dogs) (4 spots)
  • Cleaning up the Hall afterwards from 7-7.45pm (6 spots)

Simply follow the Kids Disco link below in the SIGN UP section at the end of this newsletter and choose one spot or more. Alternatively, you can email to find out how you can help.

For more information please see the Kids Disco page on our website.

Cadbury Chocolate Drive

Cadbury chocolate boxes went home last week – thank you to all the families who took them home and to those who supported our fundraising by making a donation instead.  All money raised will go towards our Capital Works Project and assist with the purchase of split system air conditioners and classroom furniture.



Icy-poles and hot chocolates can be purchased every Friday for $1 each. Children who bring their own cup receive a free marshmallow!  Thank you to Melanie Birkby, Fiona Davey and Yoko Muta for helping out last week. The roster has been filled for this term (see below).

Date Volunteers
19 August Yvonne Balfour Lavanya Vidya
26 August Nicole Verginis Fiona Davey Cassandra David-Shields
2 September Yvonne Balfour Cassandra David-Shields Dianne Mentis
9 September Melanie Birkby Fiona Davey Cassandra David-Shields
16 September Melanie Birkby Yvonne Balfour Dianne Mentis

We need your help on the following open rosters

EVENT Date(s) SignUp link % Filled
Father’s Day Stall 1 and 2 September 7%
September Farmers Market 10 September 0%
Kids Disco 10 September 19%

We are now using the SignUp website to coordinate upcoming events. Here’s how the website works:

1) Click on the event specific link, or copy it into your browser to see the roster. The links to open rosters will also be provided on SkoolBag.

2) Review the options listed and choose the spot(s) you like.

3) Sign up by entering your name, email address and phone number! It’s Easy – you will NOT need to register an account or keep a password on SignUp.

SignUp does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address or if you need help, you can contact and we can sign you up.

The SignUp website will send you a reminder, and will let you change or cancel your spot if your circumstances change, or you can contact and we can change it for you.

Cake raffle

Congratulations to Abzel 1E on winning Julian Pecer’s delicious Chocolate Cake and strawberries at last week’s assembly and thank you to Karen for joining our bakers’ list.

This week’s creation is from Craig Matthews so don’t forget to bring your $1 coin and have the chance to win something delicious.

Craig Matthews
Briana Price- Robertson
Rose Agnew
Cassandra David-Shields
Nicole Verginis


Students of the week

Harper 0B – fabulous effort to improve his reading.Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ during last week’s assembly.
Amelia 0B – fantastic fluency and expression when reading.
Macy 1E – drawing a wonderful self-portrait and showing pride in her work.
Pragya 2M – impressive story writing.
Lakshmi 2M – impressive use of descriptive language in her writing.
David 2T – his impressive attitude and determination he is showing to improve his reading.
Tiya 2T – the awesome effort she is showing during “Monster Maths”.
Om 3F – fantastic knowledge and enthusiasm he brings to all of his learning.
Daniel S 3F – great knowledge about BMX riding during sharing time.
Dash 3S – impressive improvement in learning tables facts.
Etai 3S – an awesome effort with his classwork this week.
Hrithik 3S – looking after school resources by being the most amazing sand pit monitor.
Surena 4/5K – helping classmates with computer problems and showing patience.
Shuban 4/5K – a detailed recount of his travels and experiences in India.
Jun 4/5P – a wonderfully descriptive sensory poem about the colour black.
Raphi 4/5P – greatly improved handwriting.

Notices distributed to Parents

16th Aug       All Students   Cabaret costume information
11th Aug        All Students         Chocolate Drive
16th Aug       Choir Students        Choir costume
18th Aug       Grade 1 – 6 Students    Poetry Performance


National Asthma Week

1-7 September:

Asthma app:

The new Asthma Australia asthma app brings together a raft of resources in one convenient place to help you ensure your child’s asthma is managed as well as possible.  Sections include information on medications, device technique videos and Asthma First Aid in an emergency.  The app is free at the iTunes store (Android coming soon).

For primary aged students:

Asthma Kids

Looking for a way to help your child understand more about their asthma or about a friend with asthma?  Asthma Kids is an online, interactive tool to help primary school aged children understand what it’s like to have asthma and what they can do to help. Check it out at



To purchase uniform please see the uniform page on the website.

martial arts littleaths