Newsletter #19 22 November 2018

Principals Report

Thank you to the students who wore casual dress for Diwali and brought a gold coin donation, which raised $193.10 to contribute to the GPA fundraising priorities. We greatly appreciate your support.


2019 Prep Parent Information Night and Transition

Capping off a highly successful 2019 Prep Transition program, staff were delighted to welcome current and new 2019 prep parents to a very well attended Information Session on Tuesday night.

The presentation made by Liv Fourniotis, Mikaela Ristos, Ivana Novakovic, Juz de Bruyn, Marie Kasambalis, Bill Manuel, Melinda Oldham, Amy Tinetti, Lara O’Grady (Emma 2M and Henry – 2019 Prep), Jacqui (TheirCare) and I provided a broad range of very valuable information and perspective about our wonderful school.

We introduced newly appointed staff member Ms Ashleigh Smart who will join the Prep team next year. Ashleigh has been a pre –service teacher at GHPS this year and is well known by many students in the Junior school.

Thank you very much to everyone who attended and for the positive feedback we have received about the night.


East Site Mod 5 Classrooms and Safety

In preparation for the arrival of the Mod 5 two classrooms this term on the East Site, barriers have been erected to keep the area secure and all members of our school community safe.

Pedestrians, please use the office entrance to walk through and for students who are wheeling their bikes to the bike shed, the safest access is via the school gate off the laneway or via the gate off Lyons Street and oval.


No ASSEMBLY for two weeks: While both Swimming and Grade 5/6 Sport is on, there will be no assembly. The next Assembly will be on Friday 7 December.


Phone lines down: On Wednesday and today, the school has experienced problems with our phone lines. We are Working with Telstra to rectify the situation which we are unable to control. We hope to have things fixed as soon as possible.


Meetings and Reminders:

Finance and School Council: Monday 26 November at 6.15pm/7pm.


Exciting Events

Election Day BBQ and Cake Stall: Saturday 24 November

Libby Alessi

Ms Julie Bruce – 30 Years

Ms Bruce joined the GHPS staff in Sept 1988 as an integration aide.  In 1994, she transferred to the school office as a School Services Officer 1 helping Mrs Mirams with newsletters and general office duties.

In Sept 1995, she was promoted to SSO2 in the School Office and in May 2000, upon Mrs Mirams’ retirement, was appointed Business Manager.

In the whole history of the school, no one has served GHPS longer.  Ms Bruce has been in continual employment for 30 years. We congratulate and thank Ms Bruce on her dedication to the School.

Where would we be without Ms Bruce?

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks.

Sean 0F – trying his best during our Subtraction lesson.

Vivaan 0F – being caring and helpful by assisting Bob with his bag in the mornings.

Ruby 0N – excellent progress in reading.

Anvay 0N – working well with his partner in our measurement activities.

Krithik 0R – working hard during class time.

Lucas 0R – improved independence and problem solving.

Abraham 1J – working hard to improve his reading and writing.

Aditya 1J – thinking outside of the box in our critical thinking task.

Shiva 1J – working hard to use punctuation in his story about “The best day of my life”.

Levi 1M – having a positive attitude and always trying his best.

Srutha 1M – carefully editing writing and always trying your best in each class.

Kasish 1M – excellent teamwork skills and always supporting your classmates.

Ridhaan 2E – excellent comprehension and fluency when reading.

Luke 2E – an interesting and engaging presentation about Australia.

Stephanie 2E – excellent results in all areas of measurement.

Sahana 2E – an interesting story called “Tex becomes famous”.

Senuth 2E – an interesting presentation about Sri Lanka.

Amelia 2E – an engaging and delightful story about a dinosaur.

Lucas 2K – fantastic assistance on the computer.

Nicholas 2K – an excellent presentation about Australia.

Sreehari 2E – an impressive presentation about India.

Nandini 2M – writing a great story on dinosaurs.

JP 2M – creating a fantastic poster on the culture of his family.

Byron 2M – great improvement in all subject areas.

Sahasra 2M – always trying her hardest in all subject areas.

Arnaud 3F – his imaginative and creative use of ICT to bring his fable to life.

Rafael 3S – being extremely helpful, helping classmates log on to ICT programs and assisting teachers.

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Principal’s award’.

2018 UNSW Global ICAS Mathematics

Sreehari 2K

Varnit 2K

Aarushi 3S

Michael 4J

Asher 4J

Aidan 4J

Evan 4O

Shoma 5S

Mahathi 5S

Emma 5S

Mango Orders

Mangoes will be arriving at school on Wednesday 28th November.

If you have put in an order, we will ring you to let you know they are here.

Little Book Worms – This week we made crowns.


Notices distributed to parents

Nov 9  –       All Students                 Disco

Nov 12  –     All Families                  Working with Children Check information

Nov 12  –     Year 2K                         Ms Krauze leave

Nov 13  –     All Families                  Election Day Cake Stall

Nov 15  –     Year 6 Students           Graduation Mementos

Nov 16  –     Year 6 Students           Graduation Ceremony

Nov 21  –     All Families                  No Assembly 23 & 30 Nov



Fri 23  –  NO ASSEMBLY
Fri 23  – 
Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 23  –  Year 5-6 Sport
Mon 26  –  Prep – 2 Swimming
Tue 27  –  Prep – 2 Swimming
Wed 28  –  Prep – 2 Swimming
Thu 29  –  Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 30  –  NO ASSEMBLY
Fri 30 
–  Prep – 2 Swimming
Fri 30  –  Year 5-6 Sport


Sat 1 –  Kids Disco
Mon 3  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Tue 4  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Wed 5  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Thu 5  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Fri 7  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Mon 10  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Tue 11  –  Carols Night
Wed 12  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Thu 13  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Fri 14  –  Year 3 – 6 Swimming
Mon 17  –  Year 6 Graduation

Fri 21  –  Last Day Term 4 – Early Dismissal 1.30pm.