Newsletter #19 December 16, 2021
Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Principal’s Report
Grade 6 Graduation
The final week of school has been exciting for all, but particularly for the graduating Grade 6 students who will be heading off to Secondary School in 2022.
Who could have imagined what the 2015 Prep class would experience in their graduating year when 2021 was a far off time? And now after 7 years of primary school, with many of them starting at GHPS in Prep and others being welcomed along the way into other grade levels, their final week at GHPS has arrived!
It was highly rewarding to be able to mark this occasion by being present face to face for the final time in the WW Hall. Thank you and congratulations to Ms Claire Piscioneri, Mrs Melinda Oldham, Mr Callum Swanson and Ms Elisha Thorman for their exceptional work in preparing the students, and the planning and orchestration for the night that was very memorable. We acknowledge each of the teachers for their outstanding contribution made to each student’s learning over their P-6 journey at GHPS.
We greatly appreciated Mr David Jenkins for setting up the band, the stage and the sound system, Denise and Tanya for their support and work with the Year 6 team and students, and Ms Juz de Bruyn for displaying the students’ wonderful artworks for us to appreciate. The school is very grateful that the School Council President, Ross Donnan, was able to present the annual speech on behalf of the School Council and community to congratulate the graduation class of 2021 and offer his sentiments to the students.
Awards for academic, sporting, specialist classes, and civics & citizenship were proudly presented. Congratulations to all our Grade 6 students on their effort and achievement and we acknowledge that although everyone did not receive an award, they can feel very proud of everything they have accomplished this year.
John Beddoe Sports Award | Sullivan Jordan |
Art Award | Sharannya Chakravorty |
Wendy Wilson Music Award | Nefeli Tsimprailidou |
The Party Hats Award | Arnaud Ong |
Digital Learning Award | Hari Krishna Mani |
Science and Sustainability Award | Austin Voges |
Japanese Award | Hasini Vinjamuri |
English Award | Emma Gracey |
Mathematics Award | Varshini Balaji |
Civics & Citizenship Award | Marko Le |
All Grade 6 students will again be acknowledged at the Final Assembly on Friday 17 December.
Staffing 2022
Once again it is with mixed emotions that we acknowledge that some staff are moving on from GHPS or changing their direction for next year: Ms Liv Fourniotis, Mrs Ashleigh Casas and Ms Elisha Thorman.
We thank them very much for their incredible teaching of our students at GHPS in their various teaching roles whilst they have been at GHPS in either the Prep, Year 2, 3, 4 or 5/6 classrooms, or taking Choir. They have all contributed so vibrantly to the lives of our students, families and staff and we are so grateful to each of you. It has been a privilege and joy to have worked with you and you have all added so much to our school. Whether you are commencing at new schools or taking up a new career, we all wish you best for a wonderful start wherever you may be.
We are very happy to announce that Ms Becky Broxham will be joining the Year 5/6 team for Semester 1 in 2022 and wish her the best. Ms Broxham has been at GHPS this week to welcome the students over the two days we held transition and has been planning with Ms Ristos and Ms Fox.
Capital Works
Stage 1 works of the project will be completed before the commencement of Term 1, 2022. It looks amazing!
On Thursday and Friday, we started to move the contents of the offices of Principal, Assistant Principal and Business Manager to the new area. We look forward to being fully operational for the start of the school year.
Stage 2 is the relocation of the English Language School (ELS) to the Southern end of the oval past the Year 2 classrooms and near Lyons Street car park.
Stage 3 construction for the new Gym building works will commence in January 2022. Please note it is anticipated that demolition of the existing hall building, outbuildings and playground will commence on the 4th January and continue until 27th January 2022.
The build is forecast to be complete by Term 4, 2022.
The final assembly for 2021 will be held at 9.15am with the Year 5 & 6s attending and all other classes will view it via live streaming. Thank you to Ms Kasambalis for coordinating this event and to all staff and students hosting and taking part in making presentations and reports. Thank you to Ms Piscioneri who will be providing a link on Friday morning to view the Assembly.
2022 Student Leadership
The 2022 School House, Sport, eSmart, Sustainability and Music Captains will be announced by Mrs Melinda Oldham and this year’s Student Leaders will present them with their badges at the final assembly.
The process which the Grade 5 students have gone through to apply for these leadership positions has been provided to all Year 5 parents and students.
Mr Swanson, Mrs Oldham, Ms Piscioneri and I have been extremely impressed in the way the students have prepared their applications, and then how the shortlisted students have spoken in the interviews. There have also been prepared speeches made to their peers in Grade in 3 – 6 and also had an interview with us for their role.
I look forward to congratulating these students on Friday.
Transition for Students and Staffing 2022
All students in Grades Prep – Grade 5 have taken part in moving to their 2022 classroom area and finding out who will be their teacher next year. It was affirming to hear that the news was welcomed by both the students and staff.
Semester 2 Student Reports
All the teachers have worked incredibly hard to write the Semester 2 Student Reports. It is highly rewarding to read about the students’ effort, behaviour and achievement and to read all about the impact of everyone’s teaching. The dedication of all staff is a standout and all have worked tirelessly to bring out the very best in every student every day.
Thank you to Mr David Jenkins for monitoring and coordinating the Reporting process which will go live for parents and students on Thursday 16 December via Compass. David has notified parents via Compass on Wednesday noting the directives for this reporting cycle from Department of Education and Training (DET)
I have been extremely impressed by the students’ improvements and outcomes and in recognition of high growth or outstanding achievement in Numeracy or Literacy I will be awarding three Principal Awards per class. The certificates will be presented to each recipient in their classroom this week.
Fantastic Community
Thank you to everyone for your amazing contribution this term! It’s always such a busy one and every year we seem to have more to do, so thank you for displaying such a positive attitude and your support for GHPS.
Have a great holiday, a lovely break and we look forward to seeing you back at school on Monday 31 January for all students.
There will be a morning tea provided by GPA for parents in the Library to welcome families so mark this in your phone or calendar and we look forward to seeing you.
Appreciation of School Council
It has been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with the 2021 GHPS School Council and sub-committees through some wonderful live meets and what seemed quite a few more online meetings. But you came online or you came onsite; whatever we could do and we are so very grateful.
They are truly a very passionate group of parents and staff who work so optimistically and enthusiastically to make our wonderful school even more so. Thank you to Gunjan Gosain Oberoi (Jashn year 6) who joined Council this year, only arriving at the school in 2020 in semester 2 during lockdown. Gunjan has been a positive and appreciative member of Council who has enjoyed the opportunity to contribute and learn about GHPS.
I would like to acknowledge the special contribution made by Ross Donnan (Amber year 6) who has been president for the past two years, vice president prior to this and on the Finance and Publicity & Marketing Sub- Committees. Ross has generously provided his skills to bring out the best ways to promote our school and been an amazing advocate and supporter of pushing forward and dreaming big to enhance the 2014 Building Works Master Plan which we worked on to attract the Capital Works Funding that we are reaping the rewards from in 2021- 2022.
Arthur Le (Marko year 6) has twice been a member of School Council returning this year and who has also made contribution as Secretary and on the Publicity and Marketing. Both Ross and Arthur have been fabulous at Fetes and supported so many school events over their children’s 7 years at GHPS.
A very special thank you to Heidi Powell (Riley Year 6) who has been a wonderful member of GPA. She has added her name to so many rosters and volunteered during weekly callouts, special events and Fetes. She has been a true champion in so many ways and we have loved her smiley face popping up to help wherever she can.
We hope you all have enjoyed helping us as much as we have enjoyed having you as part of our special GHPS community. Thank you Ross for your final report as President which is included in this newsletter.
Casual dress day and dismissal for the end of term 4
Students have been very keen for a casual or free dress day on Friday 17 December at 1.30pm, so please do so if you would like to.
A gold coin donation will go towards the new outdoor project that is currently being quoted on for the West Site play areas. We will keep you updated on this as soon as possible. It is exciting as it is separate from the Capital works project.
Best wishes for a wonderful break to everyone ☺
Libby Alessi Principal
Goodbye from School Council President
Hello all,
At the beginning of 2021 it was looking like smooth sailing and that 2021 would be a year of normality. That wasn’t to be. Just like in 2020, the School community rallied around each other and supported parents, teachers and most importantly the students. That support has resulted in a year of achievement in the face of adversity. Some highlights from the School Council for 2021 include; • Farewelling Ms Amy Tinetti into a new role at another school, and welcoming Mr Cameron White in the role as Assistant Principal. Cam has hit the ground running and achieved so much in the short time he’s been at the school. • Farewelling Ms Julie Bruce who was a much loved member of staff and welcoming Ms Elizabeth Howard who has also hit the ground running in a challenging year. Her incredible work for the 2022 budget has left the school in a very strong financial position. • Beginning the long awaited capital works on the east side with the work in the existing building, followed up by demolishing works of the Wendy Wilson Hall beginning in January 2022. • Being successful for the $25,000 shade sail grant which will be installed early 2022. • Very strong academic results from the students in all year levels, which shows the work that goes on behind the scenes with strategy, professional learning and reviews really does make a difference to the students learning results. • The change of house names for the School and the beginning works of a new logo/brand which will be delivered and rolled out early 2022. I had the pleasure to attend the Year 6 Graduation on Monday night, where I got to not only see my own daughter graduate, but many of the students I’ve known since Amber first started at Prep. It was a very proud and emotional night and an absolute joy to all get together in person to celebrate the wonderful achievements of the students. The School Council had an end of year dinner in Carnegie which was lovely. Thank you to Mrs Alessi and the entire School Council Team for being such a huge support for me in my time on School Council, particularly in the last 2 years as president. It has been a very rewarding time for me personally, and I’ve enjoyed getting to know everyone on School Council and being involved in the inner workings of the School. I would highly recommend any parent to get in touch with Ms Alessi to find out more. There are roles for everyone regardless of time commitment. You won’t regret it! So we come to the end of my family’s time at the School. I feel so fortunate that we had the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful School and wish everyone the very best for the future. We’ll be back at the next fete, opening of the new gymnasium. Stay safe and well, and have a wonderful 2022. Ross Donnan, School Council PresidentMaths Olympiad/Games 2021
Over the course of 2021, students ranging from Years 3 – 6 participated in Maths Olympiad and Maths Games competitions. These tests were specifically designed to stimulate and challenge students at primary school level. It teaches major problem-solving strategies and strengthens students’ mathematical intuition. The following students participated –
2021 Maths Olympiad Participants |
2021 Maths Games Team Participants |
4R – Vhrinda JAIN, Riddhi RANJAN, Elizabeth YEUNG, Max TAYLOR, Rishi NANGUNOORI
5/6S – Rafael ROTH DUVDENVANI, Ashton MARTY, Siddhant SHIRGAONKAR, Alexander PETRESCU, Randheer THOGATA, Sharannya CHAKRAVORTY, Hiranmayi TANIKELLA, Ishaan JAGTAP 5/6P – JP GEVAUX, Diya PATEL, Reiko NODA, Varshini BALAJI, Anna-Lucia MARRET, Arthur DUTRIEUX, Lucas HIJLKEMA, Hasini VINJAMURI, Amber DONNAN 5/6J – Jashn OBEROI, Marko LE, Carlos BARBADILLO, Bela KANSARA, Tasha SIOUKAS |
3F – Tengyi BIAN, Sriram MASIMUKKU
4R – Manaswi BEHARA, Bindu JETTY, Sanjeev ANANTH, Yuvan RAJAVEL, Atharva BORSE, Sana TSUJI 4N – Apolline JOALLAND, Manu MAMIDI, Shresta PULAPARTHI, Yoshi NODA, Ganeeth THOGATA 5/6S – Luke DAVEY, Siddhanth RAO, Stephanie VERGINIS, Harper KRINGAS 5/6P – Vivi HE, Brody SMITH, Nicholas GIORIS, Coco NOGUCHI, Viraj CHOUDHARY, Sara EMA, Emily JAYAWEERA, Abzel VELOSO, Hetansh THAKKAR 5/6J – Bilva HEMANT, Clancy CONQUEST |
Special Mentions
Top 20% – JP GEVAUX (Maths Star Badge) Top 30% – Jashn OBEROI (Maths Star Badge) Top 30% – Diya Patel (Maths Star Badge) |
Special Mentions
APSMO Highest Individual Score – Tengyi BIAN (Trophy) Top 10% – Sriram MASIMUKKU (Maths Star Badge) Top 10% – Luke DAVEY (Maths Star Badge) |
TheirCare News
Fri 17 – Final Day Term 4 (Early Dismissal 1.30pm)
Term 1 2022
Fri 28 – Staff Commence Term 1
Mon 31 – Students Commence Term 1
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.