Newsletter #2 13 February 2020

Principals Report
2020 Notice of Election and Call for Nominations
13 February, 2020
An election has been called for members of the
School Council of Glen Huntly Primary School
Nomination forms need to be received and lodged by:
4.00 pm on Friday 6th March.
The terms of office, membership categories and number of positions in each membership category open for election are as follows –
Nomination Forms are included with the 13 February, 2020 Parent Newsletter. Please complete the self-nomination form Schedule 5A or have a member of the school community nominate you Schedule 5B. Additional forms and also available:
East Site: At the Main Office and at TheirCare Before/Afterschool Care in the WW Hall.
West Site: In the corridor.
Five parent Vacancies are needed to be filled for School Council in March.
Thank you very much to outgoing Parent Members of the School Council whose term of office will finish in February :
Lara O’Grady (Henry 1E & Emma 5O), Lance Voges (Austin 5O), Cassandra David-Shields (Evan 6P). There are two parent places which have been left by Craig Mathews and Nola Woo whose children both graduated year 6 at the end of last year, which is a total of 5 places.
This is an opportunity to participate in the activities of the School Council and the school highly values your contribution. We aim to continue to create a strong relationship and partnership within our school community. Please consider if you would like to join the fabulous GHPS School Council as we really need great parents to help out.
One Staff Member Vacancy: Thank you very much to Ms Amy Tinetti whose term of office will finish in February.
I look forward to receiving all nominations on Council and please feel free to contact me if you require any other advice or information.
If the number of nominations is equal to the number of vacancies, there will be no further call for nominations. It was also not necessary to hold a ballot.
School Support and Parent Information Night
We greatly appreciate the very good turnout of parents to the Information Night which was held for each year level on Tuesday night. We provided information covering a broad and extensive range of material to help you understand how and what all students will be learning this year and how this can assist students to feel confident for their next phase of their learning. We have high expectations for each student to achieve success and trust you that you have come away knowing how the teachers will be providing diverse programs for each student and how as parents, you are critical in the partnership.
Within the box below are 5 Questions that we encourage that you ask teachers and your child/ren to explore how your child is learning. Very importantly is the question to your child: What are you most proud of?
1. What is my child learning? 2. How is he or he doing? 3. How do you know? (how she or he is doing)? 4. How can she or he improve? 5. What supports can I provide and can you provide if she or he is struggling? When will we check in again?
1. What did you learn today? 2. How did you do? 3. What did you do if you didn’t understand? 4. How can you improve on your learning? 5. What are you most proud of? |
Source: CLARITY by Dr Lyn Sharratt
All presentations are available for reviewing on the school’s website so please access these throughout the year and thankyou very much to all the teachers for collaborating on this work.
2020 Little Book Worms (LBW) and our Library
The wonderful GHPS Little Book Worms will start back on Wednesday 19 February in Room 9 on the East Site. It will be on at 9.15 – 10.00 am with Lisa and Tania who are absolutely thrilled to be welcoming another group of little book worms to GHPS.
We would love to see little sisters and brothers and friends at LBW each week. It will run until the end of term 3 and then in term 4, it will be for 4 year old kinder kids who are enrolled at GHPS. Children must be 3 in order to attend as the activities are pitched for this age group. I look forward to seeing our current families attending and bringing a friend along too. Spaces are limited so make sure your child is between 3 and 5 and register at the office on 95712933.
School Uniform
Wearing our school uniform is like a badge of pride, creates an identity for our school and is an important part of being a member of our school community. At GHPS we promote a smart dress code, believe that school uniform teaches students to dress smartly and take part in their appearance.
How are you helping our school? Can you self- assess how you are sending your child to school:
Is it….?
- Extremely well – my child wears the correct uniform every day
- Very good – my child wears the correct uniform most days
- Good – but I need to change 1 thing
- Fair – there is more than one thing I need to change.
Our aim is for all parents to be able to self-assess as a one by the end of next week – Friday, 20 February. So do you need to change something? I would ask each parent to look closely at what their child is wearing and make sure they don’t wear other colored leggings or pants or wear a long sleeved top that is not maroon or white. If so, we would like you to make the necessary change/s.
The uniform shop is open Thursday morning from 9.00 – 10.00am. If you can’t make it to the uniform shop you can collect a form from the office and return with payment so the goods can then be taken home by your child.
The uniform is only:
Navy Blue or Maroon Track pants/Bootleg pants
Maroon Long Sleeve Polo
Maroon or White Short Sleeve Polo
Maroon Bomber Jacket/Polar Fleece Jacket
Navy (Grade 6 only) Bomber Jacket – Grade 6 names
Maroon or Navy Shorts / Skorts / Cullottes
Girls Summer Dress
Grade 6 Jackets
It was a very special moment when we called all the Year 6 students to collect their new Grade 6 jacket. They are always picked up with such joy! It gives us so much pleasure to see their appreciation.
Libby Alessi Principal
A message from your Assistant Principal:
Compass is HERE!
Hopefully all parents have downloaded the Compass app and are beginning to become familiar with it.
Click Here for the Parent Information pages.
We appreciate everyone’s patience as we are all learning how to use this program together.
Parent / Teacher Interviews:
You can now book your Parent/Teacher Interviews using Compass. This feature went live today. Go into your App, click top right hand corner then click “open in browser”. Book interview. If you have 1 or more children at GHPS I recommend you leaving a 10 minute block between each interview, so that you do not miss any valuable time with the teacher.
If you are having any problems using Compass, please come and see us in the office.
Road Safely:
I have spoken to our wonderful School Crossing Team and they have both mentioned their concern with the number of parents with their children, who are NOT using the designated school crossing, especially in Garden Avenue. Can parents please use the School Crossing Zone, as this will help us to teach all the students about road safety. I will also be out in Garden Ave to help spread the road safety message!
“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.” Helen Keller
Amy Tinetti Assistant Principal
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks.
Max 1E – for his exceptional reasoning when estimating. You’re a thinking superstar.
Dion 1E – for his exceptional reasoning when estimating. You’re a thinking superstar.
Abigail 1M – an excellent start to Grade 1! You are an enthusiastic learner and a joy to teach.
Rhea 2C – your fantastic start to Year 2. You are an incredible role model and I love your passion for learning.
Siyana 2L – For settling into grade 2 with great confidence and helping her peers reach success!
Palak 3F – Her happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work. She is a kind and responsible member of 3F.
Manu 3O – For showing initiative in the classroom and making sure her workspace is neat and tidy.
Vhrinda 3O – For her excellent “Possum In The School” Narrative this week. We hope no cheeky possum enters 3O!
Senuth 4C – For your focus and determination to complete tasks in a timely and well-completed.
Jayden 4C – For being a confident, enthusiastic and positive student in your first week as a Year 4 student at Glen Huntly Primary School. We look forward to getting to know you and watching you grow.
Stephanie 4J – For inspirational and impressive enthusiasm and for being will and able to take on any challenge.
Nandini 4J – For impressive and inspiring results in Mathematics, showing precision and accuracy, including all assessment tasks.
Bilva 4R – For actively participating in our classroom discussions. Keep up the great work!
Siddhant 4R – For contributing enthusiastically to our classroom discussions, and for generously donating books to our classroom library. Great work!
5S – Starting the 2020 year with great enthusiasm, respect and care for one another. You’ve made an excellent first impression. Well done 5S!
Advaith 6J – For demonstrating his personal best when completing all tasks. Excellent start to 2020!
Hugo 6J – For following a logical process when identifying prime and composite numbers.
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.
To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.
This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.
For more information, contact the office
Sport News
House Swimming for Year 3 – 6 is on tomorrow!
Please remember to wear your house colours, hats, and sunscreen. If you are swimming, remember your bathers.
Bring a snack and your drink bottle as we will not be back until lunchtime.
Good luck and have fun everyone!
Dogs on School Grounds
Pet dogs
Glen Huntly Primary School is not a public place, and our principal has the authority to permit or decline entry to school grounds and impose conditions of entry.
Whilst Glen Huntly Primary School understands that many families in our school community keep dogs as pets, to ensure that our school remains a safe and inclusive place for everyone, we have in place a number of rules that we expect all families to follow if they wish to bring their pet dog onto school grounds:
- pet dogs must be leashed at all times and in the control of a responsible adult
- pet dogs must not be tied up on school grounds or left unaccompanied
- families that bring dogs to school that exhibit signs of aggressive behaviour, bark, or jump may be asked to leave.
- pet dogs will not be allowed at whole school events such as; School Fete, Carols, Family Fun Night etc.
The principal has the authority to prohibit certain dogs from school grounds or modify this policy to ensure the safety and wellbeing of staff, students and members of our school community at any time.
Stray dogs
Unaccompanied or stray dogs sighted at our school should be reported immediately to the school office. School staff will contact municipal authorities and/or Victoria police for assistance in managing and removing a stray dog from school grounds, and ensure staff and students remain safe at school.
Assistance dogs
Glen Huntly Primary School understands its obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic) and will make reasonable adjustments for members of our school community with a disability who require an ‘assistance animal’ to help alleviate the effects of their disability. Assistance animals are permitted to attend our school with their handler. Our school principal can lawfully ask a person to produce evidence that an animal:
- is trained specifically to assist a person alleviate the effects of a disability (eg seeing eye dogs)
- meets standards of hygiene and behaviour appropriate for a school environment.
We understand that in some circumstances, students may require an assistance animal to attend school to help them to participate in their educational program. Glen Huntly Primary School will consider a request by a student with a disability to allow an assistance animal to attend school with them on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact the Principal.
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop will be open on Thursdays, 9.00am – 10.00am.
Please remember to write your childs name on their belongings, and check lost property.
Notices distributed to parents
Feb 1 All Students Icy Pole orders
Feb 2 Yr 3 – 6 Students Guitar Lessons
Feb 3 Yr 3 – 6 Students House Swimming
Feb 6 Yr 5/6 Students Camp
Feb 7 All Students Cooking Dietry Requirements
Feb 11 All Students Walk-a-thon sponsor sheet
Feb 12 All Students Getting to know you questionaire
Feb 13 Yr 3 – 6 Students Student Council Policy
Fri 14 Year 3-6 House Swimming
Mon 9 Labour Day
Fri 13 Family Fun Night