Newsletter #2 February 16th, 2024


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow.

Three weeks down and everyone has settled into the routines and expectations of 2024.

For me this has included weekly assembly, breakfast club and all the new lunchtime clubs.

Communication is so important and at GHPS our main official means of communication between school and our families are;

Compass: This is used for payments and permission and whole school and class notification, reminders, and updates.

Instagram/Facebook: Reminders, updates, and celebrations

Newsletter: Fortnightly updates on whole school events, community events and celebrations school life.

Website: Information about our school, enrolments, policies, curriculum overview, uniform, and lunch orders.

Information Video: At the start of each year GHPS has traditionally held an information evening for families to come along to and hear about the year ahead from their class teacher.

This year teachers have instead created information videos that will outline this term’s expectations, important dates and curriculum content.


These will be made available to families later today and accessible on the school website. Families will be able to watch these clips at their own leisure.

An accompanying newsletter will also be sent out. I hope you enjoy them.

Community Fundraiser

Food bank has been supporting breakfast club at GHPS since 2020.

Their generous support ensures many families enjoy a nutritious breakfast on Tuesday and Thursday mornings under the guidance of our own Ruth Kinyua-Smyth and her volunteers.

To give back to Food Bank a ‘Food Fight’ fundraising event has been planned this term on Friday March 8 at 2.30.

Today your child will bring home an information pack explaining everything you need to know to contribute to the event and make it a fun and successful one.

I sincerely hope your family can support this important fundraiser.

School’s Privacy Policy

Our school collects and uses student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy and the Schools’ Privacy Collection Notice.

Our Permission for Release form 2024 describes how we use photographs of students. The form also asks for parent consent. For more information about privacy, refer to: Schools’ Privacy Policy — information for parents. This information is also available in ten community languages:

  • Amharic
  • Arabic
  • Dari
  • Gujarati
  • Mandarin
  • Somali
  • Sudanese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

Apart from the enormous amount of waste created by unclaimed lost property, it takes precious time for staff to be managing lost items of clothing, toys and lunchboxes that could be otherwise used for educational purposes.

Please help us by clearly writing your child’s name on all removable clothing items, lunchboxes and drink bottles and toys.

When collecting your children at the end of the day, please check with them to ensure they have all clothing, lunch, and other items such as toys that they brought to school in the morning. You may even consider a reward system, so they take responsibility for their property.

It is a great life lesson and will also reduce the waste of time and rubbish created.

Getting To Know You Interviews

Next week families will have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher during our ‘Getting to Know You Interviews’.

This meeting is for parents to provide information about their child so that their class teacher has a better understanding of them with the goal of working together to provide the best support and educational and wellbeing outcomes for each child. Questions families may be asked will include.

  • What are you child’s interests?
  • What are your child’s strengths?
  • What are your child’s challenges?
  • What do you want for child for this year at school and beyond?

This discussion is also about forming a positive connection between school and home so that communication channels are open an effective. We want to provide the best education for each of our students at GHPS and this is a great starting point.

Please ensure you have booked your time on Compass.

Exciting Developments at the Senior Campus

We are thrilled to announce the commencement of our landscaping project at the south end of the oval on the Senior Campus. This project is designed to enhance the space, making it more inviting and aesthetically pleasing.

Planned features include seating areas, garden beds, a winding path, and an amphitheatre capable of accommodating an entire class.

Thanks to funding from an inclusion grant, we anticipate completing the project by the start of Term 2.

Welcoming New Feathery Friends

In other news, we’re delighted to introduce two new hens to our school’s chicken coops, bringing our total to four.

As our new arrivals settle in, they’ll be housed separately until they’re fully acclimated.

We have a roster in place for students interested in becoming chicken monitors. These monitors will be responsible for tasks such as egg collection, daily release of chickens into their run, feeding, and ensuring fresh water is available.

School-wide Twilight Working Bee

Mark your calendars for Friday, March 15th, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm for our whole-school twilight working bee.

We have a variety of tasks planned, including spreading mulch on the playground, replenishing sand pits, weeding, painting, adjusting school desks’ heights, and general tidying up.

Families are encouraged to join us for this community effort, with certificates and icy poles awaiting all children who lend a hand. Please note that children must be accompanied by an adult.

We look forward to seeing you there for an evening of teamwork and community spirit!

Nerida Burns and Cameron White

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Eden 0A – For consistently raising his hand to contribute to class discussions. Your knowledge is valued in our classroom.

Harrison 0A – For persisting with challenging tasks, particularly when using scissors. Keep up the great work!

Coco 0B – For demonstrating creativity in your learning activities. You created a magnificent portrait of your family in inquiry this week. Keep up the amazing artistry!

Lena 0C – For always arriving at school with a big smile on your face. You have shown care and respect towards your teachers and classmates. What a fantastic start to prep!

Caleb 0C – For demonstrating teamwork while playing a counting game with your partner. You were able to take turns, play fairly and congratulate your friend at the end of the game. Keep up the great work!

Elaine 1A – For a fantastic start to Grade 1! You always demonstrate our school values of Respect, Pride, Resilience, Teamwork and Creativity. Keep it up superstar.

Gus 1A – For always bringing lots of energy and a positive attitude into our classroom. You make our classroom a happy space!

Jett 1B – Jett will be receiving the student of the week award this week during assembly in the gym at 2:45pm on Friday.

Kiara 2/3A – For always getting started on her work straight away and being a superstar helper around the classroom. Well done Kiara!

Maggie 2/3A – For being a superstar during our Guided Reading session this week. Your contributions to the discussion were superb! Well done Maggie!

Daisy 2/3B – For settling in so well in 2.3B. It has been a pleasure to watch you demonstrate all GHPS values and be a role model to others. Well done!

James 2/3B – For being a kind and caring member of our 2.3 B community. You uphold all the school values everyday! Well done!

Nina 2/3C – For demonstrating respect and teamwork. During your short time at GHPS, you have contributed to class discussions, supported your peers and made many friends. Your positive attitude and collaborative spirit have contributed to a vibrant and inclusive learning environment. Keep inspiring and uplifting those around you 🙂

Rishaan 4/5A – For demonstrating responsibility and initiative by completing his class job without needing to be reminded. Thank you, Rishi!

Audrey 4/5A – For consistently displaying all of the school values, and, in particular, taking pride in her role as one of our class library leaders. You are fab!

Dion 4/5B – For displaying manners and kindness towards his peers consistently over the past 2 weeks. Thank you for setting an example for others, well done!

Gauthamie 4/5B – For your efforts and enthusiasm displayed this week during reading groups. This award celebrates your outstanding dedication to enhancing your reading experiences and remaining focused on all tasks, well done!

4/5C – For settling into our grade so beautifully, creating a fantastic Mission Statement and being kind to each other. Congratulations!

Zac 4/5C – For writing a detailed sizzling start and descriptive introductory passage during our Narrative writing session and sharing it confidently with the class. Well Done!

Shantanu 6A – For an excellent and focused start to the year in 6A. It is fabulous to have you on board and see you enjoying yourself with your friends. Keep up the great work, and keep smiling!

Sophie 6A – For being such a valued team member of 6A this year, from the start! Your active participation in our learning activities has been a delight to witness. Loved seeing you in the Senior Choir tryouts too!

Ewan 6A – For an exceptional week of dedication to your learning. In every task you have proven your ability to focus in order to get the best out of yourself. Proud of your work, Ewan!

Dear Parents,

We are delighted to inform you that Glen Huntly Primary School will again be participating in the world-renowned and internationally credentialed ICAS exams this year.

What is ICAS?

ICAS is an online academic exam competition that is designed to assess students’ higher order thinking and problem-solving skills in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling Bee and Digital Technologies.

Each assessment celebrates students’ accomplishments by providing opportunities for recognition, development and diagnostic feedback. Every student who participates will receive a printed certificate and an online results report. Highly ranked performers will be eligible for medals.

We encourage you to consider entering your child into the ICAS exam program this year. Last year we had approximately one hundred students participate in the ICAS assessment process.  I urge you and your children to again be involved this year if you were last year and for those who were not, consider participating this year. You will be provided with valuable analytical information about your child’s academic progress in the Learning Areas listed below.

Learn more about ICAS here:

The exam Learning Areas in which Glen Huntly Primary School students can participate for 2024 are:

Writing: Years 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sitting window: 5 August – 9 August 2024

English: Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sitting window: 12 August – 16 August 2024Science: Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sitting window: 19 August – 23 August 2024Mathematics: Years 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Sitting window: 26 August – 30 August 2024

Please note that the Writing exam is only available for Years 3 to 6, not Year 2. In relation to the English, Science and Mathematics exams, these are available for participation for Years 2 to 6.

How to participate in ICAS

If you wish for your child to participate in ICAS this year, please:

1.     Read about ICAS subjects and prices here:


2.     Go to Parent Portal here

3.     Enter our school’s access code GLY647

4.     Enter your child’s details, select the tests you would like to purchase, then proceed to payment.

The Booking system is only open until the end of Term 1, 2024.

Please note that the ICAS tests shown for selection are at the school’s discretion.  After payment is made via the Parent Payment System, you will receive an order confirmation email. Please keep this for your records.

We will notify you of the dates that we run ICAS at the school and when your child’s ICAS results are ready. You and your child can access the results once released via the Reports Portal using the TAP ID and pin found on the back of the ICAS certificate.

Zoe Marini

Science News


Glen Huntly Primary School were very excited about winning the Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grant.

This money is being used to create a wildlife passage in our large garden pots and to celebrate our new indigenous House Teams – Kurwan, Bael, Pike and Garrawang. It has also allowed us to engage renowned Indigenous artist Simone Thomson and her son Sean.

Simone is a Melbourne based Aboriginal artist who draws inspiration from the abundant textures and colours of this beautiful land, along with the ancestral bonds she has to the Birrarung (Yarra River) and Dhungala (the Murray River).

Simone painted one of our large concrete pots with earthy tones and depicted gathering places that also represented suns. She drew smaller circles which represented the students travelling from far and wide, from their own diverse backgrounds to our gathering place – our school. The curves represent people sitting from a bird’s eye view.

Simone did an incredible artwork and even drew a boomerang hoping she can one day return for more painting when possible. We hope so!

Commencing on Tuesday 5th March in the library.

TheirCare News

GHPS Facebook




Wed 21     “Getting to Know You” interviews


Mon 11       Public Holiday

Fri 15         Year 3-6 House Swimming

Mon 18     Family Fun Night

Thu 21       Harmony Day

Fri 22         Yr 5/6 Lightening Premiership

Mon 25      Yr 5/6 Camp

Thu 28      Final Day of Term 1 (early finish 2.30pm)

Fri 29       Good Friday



Mon 15    Term 2 commences



Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.