Newsletter #21 20 December 2018

Principals Report
Higgins Medal: Kelly O’Dwyer
Congratulations to Veer 5R who has been awarded the Higgins Medal for 2018.
This award is given to students who demonstrate excellence in attitude and achievement and are strong and consistent participants in school and community activity.
Christmas Carols Night and Raffle
Last week we enjoyed a fantastic Carols Evening celebration on Tuesday 11th December. The program, organised by Mr David Jenkins, was held on the West Site.
The GPA, who continues to work so amazingly, organised the annual Christmas Raffle, and bbq. Miss de Bruyn had some of her lovely lemon icy-poles for sale and also ran a very successful Art Auction with the help of the fantastic Ruth Roberts of Woodards.
Thank you to everyone who attended to make the evening so nice and congratulations to all the lucky raffle winners.
Semester 2 Student Reports
On Wednesday 19th December, parents received their child’s Semester 2 Report. The report provides information on each child’s progress this semester including effort, behaviour and academic achievement. The teachers have put a great deal of time into writing these reports and I am very proud of the achievement levels across the school. I have read many wonderful student reflections and appreciate the thought and depth of these comments. I also recognise the high importance of punctuality and attendance and would like all parents and students to note how they have fared.
I have been extremely impressed by so many student’s improvements and outcomes and in recognition of outstanding achievement and/or outstanding attendance in Semester 2, I presented Principal awards at the assembly on Friday to students present in grade 3 to 6. Presentations to students in years Prep to 2 will be made this week.
Grade 6 Graduation
The final week of school has been exciting for all, but particularly for the graduating Grade 6 students who will be heading off to Secondary School in 2019. From Prep students in 2012 to graduates in 2018, we can’t quite believe how quickly their primary years have passed.
At the Graduation ceremony on Monday evening, a most talented, caring and enthusiastic group of Year 6 students made the most wonderful and thoughtful speeches reflecting their time at GHPS. Attending the Graduation Ceremony on Monday at school in the Wendy Wilson Hall were staff, family members and friends.
Thank you to Mr Andrew Aitken and Ms Claire Piscioneri for their extraordinary skill in preparing the students for the night and to all the teachers for their outstanding contribution. Thank you to School Council President, Craig Matthews for attending and making a congratulatory speech and offering such wonderful sentiments to the students.
Awards for academic, sporting, specialist classes, encouragement and civics & citizenship were proudly presented. Congratulations to all our Grade 6 students on their effort and achievement right the way through their primary years and to the following students who received awards for high achievement:
Swimming – Jorja Mentis
Daniel Bell Athletics – Derick Maimarosia
John Beddoe Sports – Derick Maimarosia
Library – Jun Muta and Jessie Wright
Indonesian – Pakhi Joshi
Art – Jun Muta and Isabella Gardiner
Wendy Wilson Music – Alyssa Borrirak and Kamal Jammalamadaka
The Party Hats – Raphi Bloch
eSMART Digital Learning – Oliver Sallay and Pranitha Kumar
Environmental Awareness – Swara Rao
Research and Enquiry – Aarushi Kandula, Ruby Wilson, Isabella Gardiner and Swara Rao
Leadership – Swara Rao and Ronnie Bhuteja
Creativity – Isabella Gardiner and Claudia Ong
Reading – Alma-Mia Marret and Aarushi Kandula
Writing – Alyssa Borrirak and Claudia Ong
Mathematics – Kieran Wolfe, Oliver Sallay and Jun Muta
Ruth Roberts Encouragement – Tahlia O’Keefe
Civics and Citizenship – Alyssa Borrirak
All Grade 6 students will again be acknowledged at the Final Assembly on Friday 21st December.
2019 Student Leadership
The 2019 School, House, Sport, eSmart, Sustainability and Music Captains will be announced by Mr Swanson and Ms Roth and this year’s Student Leaders will present them with their badges at the final assembly on Friday 21st December which is commencing at 12.15 – 1.15pm.
The process which the Grade 5 students have gone through to apply for these leadership positions has been provided to all Year 5 parents and students. Mr Swanson and Ms Roth, Ms Tinetti and I have been extremely impressed in the way the students have prepared their applications, and then how the shortlisted students have spoken in the interviews. There has also been prepared speeches made to their peers in Grade in 3 – 6 and also had an interview with myself, Mr Swanson, Ms Roth and Ms Tinetti for all other roles. I look forward to congratulating these students.
Staffing Update 2019
Congratulations to Ms Olivia Leung who has been appointed to teach Grade 2 in 2019 along with Ms Amandine Lucas -Lely to teach in the Library with Grades 1-6. (Ms de Bryun is teaching Prep in the Library as well as Art) We look forward to them joining staff on Friday 21 December for Induction with their teams.
Transition for Students and Staffing 2019
All students in Grades Prep – Grade 5 have taken part in moving to their 2019 classroom area. They will no doubt be excitedly looking forward to next year and seeing who their teacher will be.
As per the usual, there will be new families arriving or leaving over the holiday period that we don’t know about as yet. We will still be confirming classes when staff return on 29th January, so we ask for your support in announcing their class when the students return. The 2019 staff organisation was in the 6th December newsletter.
Moving day
Teachers who will be relocating to a new teaching space in 2019 have been assisted to move items this week. Enormous thanks to Ms Tinetti and all the members of staff for moving everything so efficiently. The updated classroom levels and locations are as follows:
2019 Classroom locations and new numbering
East |
2019 Room |
Current 2018 Room |
3F: Mrs Fox | 1 | 4J |
3S: Mrs Sassos | 2 | 4O |
3K: Ms Krauze | 3 | 3S |
Butterfly/Tree Houses: Mrs Boomsma & Juliet Brianton | 4 | 3F |
4J: Mr Jacobs | 5 | 5S |
4R: Ms Roth | 6 | 5R |
6J: Mr Jenkins | 7 | 6A |
6P: Ms Piscioneri | 8 | 6P |
Library: Ms Lucas-Lely Gr 1-6
& Ms de Bruyn – Prep |
9 | Library |
5O: Mrs Oldham | 10 | new mod 5 East |
5S: Mr Swanson | 11 | new mod 5 East |
Music/Japanese/ Mr Aitken | WW Hall /Office | WW Hall |
Cooking: Fiona Davey | WW Hall | WW Hall |
PE/Office: Ms Kasambalis | WW Hall | WW Hall |
West |
2019 Room |
Current 2018 Room |
1A: Ms Atkin | 12 | 2K |
1E: Mrs Murnane | 13 | 2E |
1M: Ms Makksi to be Mrs Moran | 14 | 2M |
2M: Mr Manuel | 15 | Prep F |
2C: Ms Chau | 16 | Prep R |
2L: Ms Leung | 17 | Prep N |
Prep R: Ms Ristos | 18 | Butterfly/Tree H |
Prep N: Ms Novakovic | 19 | Mod 5 |
Prep S: Ms Smart | 20 | Mod 5 |
Art Room: Ms de Bruyn | 21 | Art |
Prep F: Ms Fourniotis | 22 | Activity Centre |
Thank you to the GHPS Staff for your amazing contribution this term!
It’s always a huge one and every year we seem to have lots to do, so thank your professionalism, dedication and for displaying such a positive attitude every day. It makes going into the last week even more exciting as we near the much anticipated last day! We look forward to Friday 21st, the final Assembly and then having a fabulous and well earnt rest.
Speaking of fabulous, the very fabulous Mrs Mandy Zent is resigning and we are really going to miss her as well. Mrs Zent has been a teacher at GHPS since 1992 and certainly has earned her right to “retire”. We just really can’t believe it, but definitely hope she can be a CRT for us next year.
We hope Ms Yasmin Makksi and her fiancé Mr Johnny Moran have an awesome Wedding Day in January and we wish you a wonderful day. When we return in the new year, Ms Makksi will be Mrs Moran!
All the very best to Education Support staff member Amy Spilkin who will be taking up a new position teaching at Bayside SDS. We have loved having you at GHPS and you will be much missed. We wish you a wonderful 2019.
And to Mr Jake Mackie who is taking Leave Without Pay we hope you really dont enjoy it nearly as much as teaching at GHPS and we can’t wait for you to come back in 2020.
End of term Dismissal Friday 21st December, 2018
Following the final assembly, ALL students will be dismissed at 1.30pm from the East Site and students who are attending TheirCare OHSC will be collected as usual.
We are very grateful for the work and dedication of all members of School Council and sub-committees and, of course, our fantastic students!
I look forward to all of the happy faces returning next year and hope you have a great holiday.
Libby Alessi Principal
A message form your Assistant Principal Amy Tinetti
What a year 2018 has been at GHPS! Our students have made great gains across all areas of the curriculum. There has been so many amazing events throughout the year and it’s always such a pleasure seeing the smiles on our students and teachers faces!
Thank you to all of the parents who volunteer their valuable time at GHPS, weather it’s to listen to reading, sell an icy pole, bake a cake or coming to the working bee. We are so appreciative for every member of our GHPS community, you are what makes our school AMAZING!! I hope you all have a safe and fun holiday break!
Here are some interesting facts on daily reading:
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks.
Damon 0F – very neat handwriting and trying his best during his letter writing to Santa.
Ruchika 0F – being a kind friend and using the 5 finger strategy to resolve problems.
Hiya 0F – being Oscar Organised and arriving at school on time.
Daksha 0F – always being helpful in the classroom and kind to her classmates.
Ewan 0R – a superstar cook.
Shiva 1J – always working hard on any task and being helpful.
Eswar 1M – wonderful reading and sounding out of your words.
Adishree M – always being a great helper and having a smile on your face.
Nicholas 2K – interesting factual information about cicadas.
Stella 2K – working well with the Preps.
Gowri 2K – working well with the Preps.
Bilva 2K – great recount about swimming.
Arnaud 3F – an impressive presentation about the Corpse Flower.
Thomas 3F – an interesting presentation about Old Mans Whiskers.
Jinia 3S – a happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work.
Varshini 3S – an excellent story about “There’s a Possum in Our School”.
Amber 3S – a beautifully illustrated book about “A possum in our school”.
Pranav 3S – consistent effort in all areas.
Congratulations to the following Year 3-6 students who received a Principal’s Award and the Prep – 2 students who will be presented tomorrow.
for Reading, Writing and/or Mathematics
0F – Max, Sriram, Sophie
0N – Anvay, Ishaan, Samson, Sahara, Rishikesh, Rhea, Abigail, Ruby
0R – Aashritha, Ewan, Ashley, Emily, James, Aadhitya, Tharini, Aishani
1J – Connor, Elka, Bridget, Rory, Ayush, Aarya, Jahnavi, Tilly, Gautham, Asher, Jessop
1M – Oishika, Kasish, Rui, Max, Owen
2E – Arnav, Luke, Emily, Diya, Sayuri, Stephanie, Amelia
2K – Neha, Suhas, Nicholas, Lucas, Siddhant
2M – Genevieve, JP, Emma, Sahasra, Nandini, Brody, Rei
3F – Misha, Vivi, Archie, Bela, Marko, James, Krishna, Arnaud, Ayaan, Abzel, Thomas
3S – Aarushi, Varshini, Amber, Siddharth, Rafael, Ayaan
4J – Asher, Rhapsody, Michael, Lucas, Boris, Alex, Anara, Aidan
4O – Clara, Samarth, Evan, Ari
5R – Casper, Dash, Devna, Dakota, Sam, Romani
5S – Emma, Nicholas, Mahathi, Imogen, Rahul, Aditya, Shoma, Chris, Aarushi
6A – William, Isabella, Metteya, Jun, Claudia, Amit
6P – Ronnie, Alyssa, Aarushi, Pranitha, Oliver, Joshua, Eden, Ruby, Kieran
Attendance Awards will be presented during our final assembly tomorrow.
Congratulation to the following students for their outstanding achievements:
Qixin Chen for being awarded a Glen Eira College Academic scholarship for Year 7, 2019.
You have been a marvelous school captain and we are very proud of you.
We wish you great success in the future.
Austin, 3S, for being a finalist in the Young Australian Art Awards.
Yashvi, 5S, awarded the Goldstein Award.
Tim Wilson, Federal Liberal Member for Goldstein, has introduced a school-based community service and citizenship award for each school in Goldstein. The purpose of this award is to encourage young leaders to consider the contribution they can make to our community.
We have had a very successful year raising funds for our fabulous school! At the Art Show we sold students’ artwork and Crazy Camel products; and then the super fun Art Auction at the Carol’s night, and we have raised just over $1200!!!
I’d like to say a big thank you to Ruth Roberts from Woodards for auctioning the year level artworks. Big thank you to Their Care and Forman Art & Framing for professionally framing some of the work. And finally thanks to the community for supporting these fundraisers as it not only helps our school but contributes to the value of art in the world and in the students.
In the new year, we will be seeing some new, fancy, fun display boards around the school to show off the wonderful students’ work in the future!
Thanks and see you next year! Miss de Bruyn
Aboriginal For a Day incursion
On Tuesday the 18th of December, the Prep-2 students participated in an Aboriginal For a Day incursion. The day included face painting, listening to Dreamtime stories, learning about and creating Aboriginal art and doing some special Aboriginal dances!
We all had lots of fun immersing ourselves in Aboriginal culture and the program left us with a better understanding of Australia’s indigenous people.
Miss Ivana Novakovic
The year seems to have flown by, as did the students’ busy time in the kitchen. We kicked off the year making breakfast with Yvonne in Term 1 and I have had the pleasure of sharing lunch, dinner and dessert with your children across the remainder of the year. They all did a fantastic job! With great enthusiasm they have learned new cooking skills, tried new foods (sometimes reluctantly) and hopefully taken their new knowledge home to help you in the kitchen.
Our 2018 recipes can be found under the Learning/Curriculum/Specialist Programs section of the GHPS website or using this link https://www.glenhuntlyps.vic.edu.au/specialist-programs/
Term 1 – Corn Fritters, Granola, Smoothies, Pancakes
Term 2 – Savoury Scrolls, Apricot & Oat Muffins
Term 3 – Beef Pie, Chicken Pie, Bolani Katchalu (Afghan Potato-Filled Pastries), Mini Quiches
Term 4 – Apple Cake, Chocolate Self-Saucing Pudding
It is difficult to achieve as much as we have without the support of kitchen helpers. I’d like to thank the classroom teachers, support staff and pre-service teachers for their assistance each week. It has also been great to have mums, dads and grandparents from the GHPS community come along to help. The children always love it when they have a family member working alongside them in the kitchen. Once again, special mention must go to Tharana Surireddy (Raghav 2M) who provided great support each week.
This term I finished the class asking the students for recipes I should consider when planning next year’s menu. They were really keen to contribute and came up with lots of interesting ideas, ranging from black pudding to ice cream to pasta to steak and back to ice cream. So, watch this space!
Fiona Davey
Gingerbread House
4O had a wonderful experience building a Gingerbread House. It looks lovely and very delicious.
Thank you to Mrs Melinda Oldham for organising this fun activity.
Notices distributed to parents
Dec 10 All Families History of GHPS Book
Wed 19 All Families Final Day information
Fri 21 – Last Day Term 4 – Early Dismissal 1.30pm.
Tue 29 – Curriculum Day
Tue 29 – Book Selling Day
Wed 30 – Curriculum Day
Thu 31 – Students First Day
Thu 31 – Prep 2.30 finish
Fri 1 – Prep 2.30 finish
Thu 14 – House Swimming