Newsletter #6 26 April 2018

Principals Report
Welcome back to everyone to term 2. I hope you had a wonderful break and enjoyed the Easter holidays. It was very nice to see everyone looking so refreshed and invigorated for the term ahead, which will be very busy. The students have settled back into school extremely well and I commend them for their excellent behaviour and effort. Student Leader hosts gave a report at last Friday’s assembly about what is coming up this term which is included in the newsletter.
An official welcome to Mrs Fiona Davey who has commenced cooking today, with the first classes being the Grade 6 students. We also welcome Ms Amy Spilkin who is working as Education Support assisting on both the East and West Site. We are delighted that both are joining GHPS as staff and wish them great times ahead!
Anzac Day
This year we commemorate the 100th Anniversary of the Anzac tradition. Students have been commemorating ANZAC Day through class discussions, poetry, baking ANZAC biscuits and poppies. At the whole school assembly on Friday 27 April we will pay tribute to the Anzacs.
Congratulations Mahathi Mahesh 5S – Finalist 2018 Higgins Schools Anzac Poetry Competition.
We are very happy to announce Mahathi has been selected as a finalist in the 2018 Higgins Schools Anzac Poetry Competition. The judges had an extremely difficult task to choose winners from over 300 entries, which were all of a very high standard. The awards will be presented by Kelly O’Dwyer Federal member for Higgins on Friday 4th May and we look forward to hearing about Mahathi’s experience at the Awards Presentation. We are very proud of her writing and submitting her poem, which we hope she will read at Friday 27 April Assembly.
Winners and runner-up in each category will receive a book prize and all finalists will receive a certificate.
Respect for our School Uniform
The uniform for GHPS looks absolutely fabulous on all students. When worn correctly, the colours are maroon, navy and white (polo shirt only). I ask that parents respectfully adhere to these 3 colours ONLY and do not send their children in other colours. Primarily, there is a problem when other colours are interchanged, such as sending your child in black or grey leggings or any other colour which is not part of the school uniform. Please do not dress your child in other coloured long sleeved tops under the maroon or white.
Please ensure that you adhere to our uniform code and only dress your child in the colours as stated. Parents have the added convenience of the uniform shop operational at school every Wednesday morning or completing the uniform order, which was attached with last week’s newsletter. Students not wearing the correct uniform colours are required to do so and I ask for all parents’ support in this matter. Please contact me if you require further advice or help with the uniform.
Extra Curricula Activities at GHPS
GHPS is delighted that our Active After School sporting program has been funded again by the Australian Sports Commission and will be recommencing this term from Monday 30 April. The program will run for 5 weeks and children may participate in Athletics, Football and Golf. Thank you very much to Ms Marie Kasambalis for organising the term 2 sports.
Mother’s Day and Stall at GHPS
Thank you to everyone who will support the up and coming Mothers’ Day Stall on Friday11 May and huge thanks to Andrea Carveth (William 6A) and everyone on the wonderful GPA team who will be working to organise and source a great range of gifts and goodies. If you are able to help setting up, baking or donating gifts for the stall, please sign up: http://signup.com/go/yXrBiwN if you would like to help.
The stall will be on the East Site in the WW Hall and I hope all the students enjoy this opportunity to personally select something nice to purchase and I know they really enjoy the time their class has at the stall.
Up and coming events, dates & meetings:
- Curriculum & Policy Monday 30 April at 6.30pm
- Publicity & Marketing Tuesday 1 May at 6.30pm
- Working Bee on Sunday 6 May
- 2019 Prep Parent Information 9.30-10.30 and 7-8pm on Tuesday 8 May in the WW Hall
- ICAS Digital Learning Year 3-6 (some students only)Tuesday 8 May
- Teeth on Wheels Tuesday 8 May
- House Cross Country Friday 11 May
- Mother’s Day Stall Friday 11 May
- Finance Committee 6.30pm, Monday14 May followed by School Council 7pm
- Grade 1/2 Excursion to Cheltenham Sustainability Centre Wednesday 16 May
- GPA meeting at 9.45am on Friday 18 May in the WW Hall
- Naplan for Grades 3 & 5 Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16 & Thursday 17 May
- Jump Rope Jump Off Thursday 17 May
- National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 18 May
- District Cross Country Grades 3-6 Tues 22 May
- Education Week program Monday 21 -26 May
Libby Alessi
Students of the Week
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the last 2 weeks.
Darshika 0F – excellent listening during the introduction of our “You Can Do It” program.
Rudhraa 0F – always beginning her day with a positive attitude.
Ruchika 0F – being super brave after a fall.
Max 0F – fantastic teamwork during his first Book Club session.
Jahnavi 1J – display and number lines in Monster Maths.
Shreyash 1J – improved comprehension during reading.
Asher 1J – imaginative ideas during story writing.
Emily 2E – exceptional comprehension when reading.
Eva 2E – wonderful expression when reading.
Diya 2E – your awesome creative writing ideas and great sizzling starts.
Clancy 2M – enthusiasm and impressive knowledge displayed during a lesson on coding.
Ayaan 3F – exceptional knowledge and work ethic about the Jump Strategy during our Maths Groups.
Stella 4J – intelligent input in class discussions.
Arjun 4J – brilliant beginning to Term 2. Impressive work in all areas of your studies.
Hrithik 5S – For presenting an excellent Mappen “Community” presentation in front of the class. You spoke clearly and showed clear understanding of the project.
Soham 6A – impressive work ethic during all learning tasks.
Jorja 6P – excellent research skills for her MAPPEN assignment and ability to use this research when being asked the tough questions.
Chloe 6P – active participation and focus in our Maths groups.
Principals Award
Jack 6P – a wonderful act of kindness that will enhance the well being of others.
Student Leaders – Assembly
Jamie: Welcome to this week’s assembly. I am Jamie and this is Swara. We are the hosts for today.
Swara: This term we will be having interschool sports, House cross country and Naplan for grade 3 and grade 5.
Jamie: Also, we have Techspert, education week and the founders of resilience project are coming to work with students, staff and parents.
Jamie: Thank you everyone for attending this week’s assembly.
Together: Thank You.
Hi Kids!
Thanks for joining your schools Jump Rope for Heart team. Together, we can have fun and help others. Your school Jump Off day is on Thursday the 17th of May, so get skipping! Simply ask family and friends to help you raise money for a great cause! Why not try to use the internet to get sponsors. It’s fun! Log on here and follow the directions! All you need to do is Click, Flick and Skip!
Hey Mum and Dad
Our school is participating in the Jump Rope for Heart program.
You can help your child support valuable research into heart disease by registering them online. It’s easy, safe and secure.
NAPLAN Practice and Preparation – Reading and Viewing
What can I do to support my child?
If you are looking for free NAPLAN practice tests, you can download example tests from the NAPLAN website or access online tests via Improve.
However, it is interesting to note that research shows practice tests have only a small effect on students’ subsequent results.
How else can I support Reading and Viewing every day?Focus on vocabulary. Identify unknown words together and discuss their meaning/context within the text.
- Practice comprehension strategies. Ask your child to summarise and identify the main ideas within the text.
- Read and analyse non-fiction texts.
- Discuss strategies to determine multi-choice answers, for example process of elimination.
The most important thing we can do as parents and carers is to ensure our children consistently read at home. Reading Stamina is building upon focus levels at every given opportunity. Choose a range of varied text types to ensure your child is engaged and most of all, promote an environment fostering a love of reading.
Melinda Oldham Learning Specialist
Notices distributed to parents
16th April | All Families | Chess Club |
16th April | Prep – Year 4 | Tennis & Cricket classes |
16th April | All Families | Tennis & Cricket classes |
16th April | All Families | Jump Rope for Heart |
18th April | All Families | Important Health information |
18th April | All Families | email address update |
19th April | All Families | After School Activities |
19th April | All Families | Ice Blocks / Hot Choc orders |
23rd April | Year 1-2 students | Excursion notice |
24th April | Year 5-6 students | Inter-school sport |
Entertainment books
are for sale in the office for $70.
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.
To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.
This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.
For more information, contact the office.
NDIS Family Information Session
This information session is designed to help families and carers get ready for the National Disability Insurance Scheme which will commence in Bayside Peninsula area from 1 April 2018.
The session will cover topics such as:
- What is the NDIS and how does it work?
- The transition arrangements for students
- What kind of support can I access through the NDIS?
- Accessing the NDISThe session will be delivered in partnership with the Department of Education and Brotherhood of St Laurence (our community partner). This is an opportunity for you to bring your questions along and have them answered by our team members.
Save the date! National Walk Safely to School Day.
Friday 18 May 2018
Primary school aged children across Australia will make those important steps towards a healthier future by participating in National Walk Safely to School Day on Friday 18 May 2018.
National Walk Safely to School Day is a community initiative that aims to raise awareness of the health, road safety, transport and environmental benefits that regular walking (especially to and from school) can provide for the long term well-being of our children. Apart from the physical benefits, regular walking also has a favourable impact on their cognitive and academic performance.
The annual event, now in its 19th year, encourages primary school aged children to build walking into their daily routine, by walking to and from school, not just on Friday 18 May, but every day.
Harold Scruby, Chairman and CEO of the Pedestrian Council of Australia said: “The extremely disturbing childhood obesity epidemic continues to affect 1 in 4 children at critical levels across Australia.”
“Unless teachers, parents, carers and the community generally get behind this event and its objectives, it is expected that numbers will reach 1 in 3 by 2020. The best exercise for all of us is regular walking. Children require at least 60 minutes per day of physical activity. We should encourage them to include walking at the beginning, during and end of each day”, he said.
The national initiative also promotes improved diets (by asking schools and P&Cs to Host a Healthy Breakfast), positive environmental action, better use of public transport with reduced car-dependency and the vitally important road safety message: “Until they are 10, children must always hold the hand of an adult when crossing the road”.
It also encourages parents and carers to walk more, reducing dangerous traffic congestion around schools, while minimising the risk of Australian children developing heart disease and diabetes.
English conversation groups
English conversation groups at St Paul’s Anglican Church, 530 Dandenong Road, Caulfield North, every Tuesday 10.15 – 11.45am and Thursday 6.00 – 7.30pm in term time. You are warmly invited to join us to practice and improve your English. For more information please call 9576 1477.
Transition to secondary school for students with a disability
Transition to secondary school can be an exciting and challenging time for you and your child. Association for Children with a Disability (ACD) will facilitate this workshop and discuss strategies and supports for parents to help prepare children for this change.
This workshop will cover:
- transition planning;
- developing a positive partnership with the school;
- independence;
- advocacy
Date: Wednesday 9 May
Time: 6.30pm–8.30pm
Location: Glen Eira Town Hall — Caulfield Cup Room, corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads, Caulfield
Cost: free
Places are limited. To register, email metroaccess@gleneira.vic.gov.au or contact Council’s metro access officer on 9524 3333.
APRIL | ||
Mon 30th | Sporting Schools After School | Athletics |
MAY | ||
Tue 1st | Sporting Schools After School | Football |
Thu 3rd | Sporting Schools After School | Golf |
Mon 7th | Sporting Schools After School | Athletics |
Tue 8th | Sporting Schools After School | Football |
Thu 10th | Sporting Schools After School | Golf |
Mon 14th | Sporting Schools After School | Athletics |
Tue 15th | Sporting Schools After School | Football |
Thu 17th | Sporting Schools After School | Golf |
Mon 21st | Sporting Schools After School | Athletics |
Tue 22nd | Sporting Schools After School | Football |
Thu 24th | Sporting Schools After School | Golf |
Mon 28th | Sporting Schools After School | Athletics |
Tue 29th | Sporting Schools After School | Football |
Thu 31st | Sporting Schools After School | Golf |