Newsletter #6 April 26th 2024

Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Welcome Back!
We have had a great start back to school, with all our students and staff energised and ready for Term 2. This term is quite a long term of 11 weeks and we have a huge amount of work to pack into this timeframe. Some upcoming events include:
- School Tours for Foundation 2025
- School Photos- April 30
- Cross Country – Prep -grade 6- May 8
- Attitude to School Survey- May
- Japanese Children’s Day celebration- May 7
- Mother’s Day Stall – May 10
- Education Week- May 13-17- Open night, open morning, and community breakfast
Our very pregnant and talented music teacher, Claire Piscioneri began her family leave yesterday as she awaits the arrival of her second child. We thank Claire for being an amazing music teacher and leader of the specialist team. We wish Claire, her partner and daughter Penny, health, and happiness as they move closer to having a new bundle of joy in their family.
We have appointed Miss Moya Strain to be our music teacher for the remainder of 2024. She is highly experienced and has worked casually in the role earlier this year. Miss Strain will continue to take choir at lunchtime.
Our grade 2/3 teacher, Miss Marie Kasambalis will be taking extended leave from our school starting on May 3rd for the rest of the year. She will be joining her partner in London as he begins a new appointment with a legal practice. Marie has been a valued member of our teaching staff as both a PE and class teacher, and her departure will be felt by the school community. Marie has shown passion and dedication in her role, and she has had a positive impact on the students she has taught.
Please join me in wishing Marie all the best in her life in London.
Message from the Education Minister
The Education Minister, Hon. Ben Carroll, has created a video message to all parents and carers across Victorian state schools, reflecting his passion for schools, learning, and working with parents and carers in supporting the best educational outcomes for all students.
Please click the link: short video message.
Attendance and Punctuality
A good education gives a child the best possible start in life. We must ensure that all our pupils have an equal chance to make good use of the education that the school offers by providing a positive and encouraging atmosphere. To achieve this, it is important that each child attends school regularly and punctually. When a child does not attend school regularly and on time they will have difficulty keeping up with their work and will therefore underachieve.
The school recognises that parents/ carers have a vital role to play in supporting and encouraging good attendance and punctuality. By accepting responsibility in partnership with the school, we can work together to ensure the children’s right to a full education.
It is very important for all children to attend school every day and to arrive on time. To have the best possible beginning to the school day we have a soft start, which works as follows:
- The playground opens at 8.45am and parents/carers are welcome to bring their children in the playground from this time.
- The start time for children is between 8.50am and 9.00am.
- All children in the playground go up to their classrooms independently from 8.50am.
- There are staff members in every class to welcome the children and start them getting ready for the day and reading independently.
- Lessons start promptly after the roll at 9.00am.
- Please note that any child arriving after 9.05am must report to the school office and is marked late.
Attendance remains the single largest factor in influencing your child’s academic and social outcomes as well as long-term perspectives regarding the value of education. The 2023 student attendance data for GHPS continued to trend positively with the average number of absence days being 23.6 down from 26.5 days in 2022. However, GHPS was still above similar schools, 17.4 days, and state average of 20.5. Whilst we strongly encourage you to keep your child home if they are unwell and understand that sometimes there are other reasons your child misses school, I ask you to consider the cumulative impact of unnecessary time off.
If your child is away 3 consecutive days without a stated reason on Compass, or if there are ongoing unexplained absences, a member from school leadership will call to discuss this issue. Our goal is to work in partnership with our families to have our students at school and learning.
Foundation Enrolment 2025 for Siblings
The enrolment process for Foundation 2025 has begun!
We are now taking enrolments for next year. If you have a child starting Foundation, please fill out the enrolment on the school website.
Alternatively, come to the office for a paper copy.
ANZAC Day, a time of solemn remembrance and reflection, was commemorated with reverence and respect at our school this week. On Wednesday, our students, staff, and families gathered for a poignant ANZAC Day service, a moment to honour the sacrifices of those who served our nation.
At the heart of the ceremony was Piper Keith, whose stirring rendition of “Scotland the Brave” and “Waltzing Matilda” on the bagpipes echoed through the gym, evoking the spirit of courage and camaraderie that defines the ANZAC legacy.
Led by our students, the service delved into the profound meaning and significance of ANZAC Day. Through thoughtful speeches and presentations, they paid homage to the courage, sacrifice, and mateship exemplified by the ANZACs. The Last Post was played, and a minute of silence allowed us to collectively reflect on the sacrifices made by our service members, past and present.
In the days leading up to ANZAC Day, our students immersed themselves in learning about its historical importance. Classroom discussions centred on the heroic deeds of individuals like Simpson and his Donkey, illustrating the selflessness and compassion that epitomize the ANZAC spirit.
Continuing our commitment to honouring the ANZAC legacy, representatives from our school laid a wreath at the Bentleigh War Memorial.
This symbolic gesture, performed on behalf of our entire school community—students, staff, and families—served as a tangible expression of our gratitude and respect for those who have served and sacrificed for our nation.
As we commemorate ANZAC Day, let us remember the courage, resilience, and sacrifice of all who have served.
May their legacy continue to inspire us to strive for peace, unity, and a better future for generations to come.
Lest we forget.
School Council 2024
The newly elected 2024 School Council met for the first time last Tuesday evening and nominated office bearers.
Congratulations and a big thank you to the following parents and staff for accepting the nomination and taking on the role of office bearers.
President- Supriya Arikarevula
Vice President- Nicole Healy
Secretary- Becky Broxham
Treasurer- Sharbani Dhar
Monday May 13 Annual Reporting Meeting (ARM)
The school is required to hold an Annual Reporting Meeting to formally present the 2023 Annual Report, which was endorsed by the School Council on April 16.
The report has been submitted to DET and once endorsed we can present it to our school community, which is planned for Monday May 13 at 7pm.
Please join us in the staffroom on the East side if you would like to attend. Following the ARM the report will be uploaded to the school’s website for all to read.
Curriculum Day April 26
Today our staff spent the morning with Dr John Pardy who is a Data Coach from the Performance and Development Division of the Department of Education.
He presented our school data across learning, wellbeing, and engagement. There was a particular focus on Measurement and Geometry (an Annual Improvement focus) and what actions we need to take as a school to further improve our results.
The afternoon was spent preparing assessments and data for the upcoming semester 1 reports.
He will be running through some practical data sources, how to read our data on Panorama and look closely at Measurement and Geometry (an AIP focus)
Nerida Burns Cameron White
Welcome to Term 2 – 2024 at GHPS! We had our second School Council meeting on Tuesday, 16 April 2024.
Key highlights
- GHPS welcomed new 2024 councilors and we were also pleased to have some returning councillors.
- GHPS has also welcomed our new Office Manager, Pip Lewis who has taken over from Liz Howard. We’ve gratefully acknowledged Liz’s contributions to our school community during her tenure over the past few years. We wish her well as she settles into her new role.
- Our Principal, Miss Nerida Burns presented her report and also presented the Annual Implementation Plan to the committee.
- Finance Update: School is in a sound financial position.
- Buildings and Grounds Update: Most work taken up in the last year has been completed leaving some outstanding items that the School is still looking at.
- ELS Garden – some seating will be put in the garden that they received a grant for.
- Thank you to the families who turned up to Woking Bee. I will have the list at the next newsletter!
- Glen Huntly Parents’ Association Updates – A huge thank you to all parents and staff members for their kind contributions towards icy poles, sushi lunch, Harmony day and Friday’s cake raffles!
- Upcoming GHPS upcoming Events: Mother’s Day Stall, Education Week, Sushi Lunch, Grandparents / Special Persons morning tea
- TheirCare – With growing number of students at before and after care, it appears Their Care will operate from the Library premises in the coming weeks. Further info will be provided to all families upon confirmation.
- General Business – The council has approved Introduction of UJEB at GHPS, an optional after hours program for interested families. United Jewish Education Board, UJEB’s principal purpose is to provide the highest quality formal and informal Jewish education to learners outside the Jewish day school system.
- Student Free Days – June 7 and August 27- student free days to support professional learning for teachers.
Wishing your children a great collaboration and wonderful learning experience in Term 2, 2024!
Supriya Arikarevula
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.
Sonny 0A – For always participating in group discussions and asking insightful questions, particularly this week when listening to the story Harry the Dirty Dog.
Sebastian 0B – For showing creativity in our writing sessions this week. Sebby, you shared fantastic examples of nouns and verbs when making sentences about a picture. Keep it up, Sentence Superstar!
Nilan 0C – For having an amazing start back to term 2! You have been so focussed and have been able to work independently this week on tasks such as our Shape Sort. Well done!
Harnish 1A – For working on your confidence to participate and share in our class discussions. We love hearing your valuable ideas!
All 1B students – returning to school smoothly, remembering all the routines and behaviours for being in Year 1.
Hannah 2/3A – For your excellent reading this week during our Literacy Circle group. You read confidently and clearly and sounded out challenging words beautifully! Keep up the great work superstar!
Ernest 2/3B – For demonstrating out school values of resilience and teamwork this week. What a great start to the term for you! Let’s keep it going!
Nitisha 2/3C – for always showing respect and kindness towards your peers and teachers. Your warm smile and welcoming attitude help create an inclusive classroom for all. Keep shining bright!
Wyatt 4/5A – For having a great and positive start to the new term. You have done a fantastic job staying on task and offering to help your classmates when they’ve needed it. Keep up the great effort!
Sadra 4/5B – For his participation and engagement displayed during Literature Circles. You read with expression and had good pace. Thank you for your insights into our book!
Shivika 4/5C – For outstanding effort every day and during the Four Operation mathematics unit. Your interest and problem solving shone through your complex BODMAS equations, brackets included! Congratulations!
Hanish 4/5C – For outstanding library mentoring, delivering clear hand over instructions to the new term monitors. Also, for being an excellent summarizer during Reading Groups, clearly and concisely writing your information in dot points.
Alexa 6J – For a truly excellent beginning to Term 2 From your exquisite letter writing prowess, to your meticulously planned prank, to your great teamwork representing data, to your inclusiveness of those that are shy and afraid. It’s been a ripper return! Congratulations, Alexa!
TheirCare News
GHPS Facebook
Fri 26 Curriculum Day
Tue 30 School Photo Day
Tue 7 Japanese Children’s Day
Wed 8 House Cross Country
Fri 10 Mother’s Day Stall
Mon 13 – Fri 17 Education Week
Fri 7 Curriculum Day
Fri 21 State Schools Relief Lunch
Fri 28 End of Term 2 (Early finish 2.30pm)
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.