Newsletter #6 April 29, 2022
Learning Today. Leading Tomorrow.
Welcome back to Term 2, I hope you have all enjoyed the Easter holidays.
It was lovely seeing the children back at school this term, they seem well rested and excited for the term ahead. This term is a nine-week term and as usual at Glen Huntly, filled with exciting events.
We have the House Cross Country, Mother’s Day Stall, Family Fun Night, various school excursions, NAPLAN, semester one reports and Education Week to name a few.
The new gym and music room building works are progressing nicely with the foundations and frame completed.
The builders report they are on schedule for their completion date in November.
Some of our Grade Six students led a very moving school ANZAC Day Service on Wednesday. The whole school attended and listened to the students explain the meaning and history of ANZAC Day, listen to the Last Post, and observe a minute’s silence.
A highlight was our special guest, Piper Keith Heale who spoke to some of the students and played Amazing Grace on the Bag Pipes.
It was very pleasing to see the respect and understanding that our students displayed during the service.
The Glen Huntly Primary School Parent’s Association is welcoming new parents.
The Parent’s Association consists of current school parents and helps to organise school social and fundraising events such as the Family Fun Night.
If you are interested in joining the Parents Association, please contact Abbi on 0432 346 841 or
CLICK HERE to subscribe and for more information and sign up links.
We had another delivery of twenty-two air purifiers that have now been allocated around the school. Every classroom, office and learning space now has at least one air purifier. Larger spaces like the library and after school hours building has multiple air purifiers.
The whole School House Cross Country Event will take place next Wednesday morning on Lord Reserve, starting about 9.15am and finishing at 10.45am.
Students are encouraged to wear their House colours on the day and cheer on their House.
All students will take part with the Preps and Grade 1 students running about four hundred metres in distance while the older students will run about three thousand metres.
Parents are welcome to attend.
The GHPS Parent’s Association will be running a Mother’s Day Stall next Friday 6th of May.
Students can bring along some money and pick up a lovely present for their mother. Gifts range from between $1 and $10.
We are very excited to welcome back Ms Jasmine Roth who has returned to Glen Huntly from parental leave. Jasmine is taking PE, Health and Sport on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays.
Jasmine is very experienced and a much-loved teacher by the students, and we are incredibly lucky to have her back on staff.
The school’s Buddy Program is up and running after being delayed because of COVID.
The Buddy Program matches Prep students with a Grade 5 student buddy and matches a Grade 1 student with a Grade 6 student buddy.
The buddies do a range of activities together throughout the year including lunchtime catchups, reading and writing together.
Cameron White Assistant Principal
Prep News
Year 4 Physical Science
During Term 2, year 4 students will explore how forces can be exerted by one object on another through direct contact or from a distance.
They will use contact and non-contact forces to describe interactions between objects.
This week, students explored the concepts of gravitational pull and the centre of gravity using our ‘Crazy Balloons.’
Anzac Day
On Thursday Mr White visited the Year 5/6 cohort to do a presentation about WW1 and the significance of ANZAC Day.
He explained to us how WW1 started using a cool presentation that involved role playing and interesting images.
We learnt about how Australia became involved in the war, the role they played and devastating loss of life.
It was very interesting and entertaining and we all learnt a lot. Thank you Mr White for sharing your wealth of knowledge that is all things History related.
Clancy and Daniel 5/6F
Sport News
Jump Rope for Heart kicks off this term!
This term, Glen Huntly Primary School is participating in Jump Rope for Heart – a fantastic fundraising and physical activity program by the Heart Foundation.
Over the coming weeks your child will learn new skills, increase their activity levels, and learn about heart health. By participating in Jump Rope for Heart, we expect to get our students moving. They will be skipping throughout P.E. lessons and will have access to ropes during lunch time.
The program will end with our school wide ‘Jump Off Day’, which will provide a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their newly learned skills. More details to come!
We encourage everyone to help raise funds towards the Heart Foundation’s lifesaving research and support programs. Register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising. Simply follow the link to get started:
Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program and getting our students skipping!
Ms Roth
Cooking has commenced for Term 2.
4S students had a wonderful time making delicious scones.
Well done to the Year 4 students who initiated fund raising activities, selling fresh juice to raise money for the people affected by flooding in NSW and QLD , and also to Ukraine Children.
Our annual book fair will be held in the library from 16th to 19th May.
Open 8.30 to 9am each morning and 3.30 to 4.15pm each afternoon.
Maths Olympiad/Explorer Squads 2022
Over the course of 2022, a select group of GHPS students in Years 3 – 6 will be taking part in the Australasian Problem-Solving Mathematical Olympiads (APSMO) for 2022. This year, there will be two teams of 30 students participating in Maths Olympiad (Years 5/6) and Maths Explorer (Years 3/4).
Every year, since 1987, schools from all over Australia, New Zealand and other neighbouring countries have taken part. Approximately 70,000 students participated in 2021. Five separate contests will be held approximately six weeks apart between March and September of this year.
The overall aim is to encourage students to develop important mathematical problem-solving skills in an enjoyable environment. Although students are competing against other members of their class and teams from other schools, they are primarily competing against themselves. As the contests are six weeks apart, there is plenty of time for practice and improvement.
All students from years 3-6 were given an opportunity to participate in the first Maths Olympiad/Explorer contest, to determine whether they had made the final squads for both teams according to their score.
Maths Olympiad (Years 5/6) 2022 Squad
Student | Grade | Student | Grade |
Siddhant Shirgaonkar | 5/6F |
Manaswi Behara
5/6F |
Anushka Bhat | 5/6F | Anisha Behl | 5/6F |
Zoya Faruqui | 5/6F | Bindu Jetty | 5/6F |
Krisha Kapoor | 5/6F | Charvi Manas | 5/6F |
Rui Pinto Correia | 5/6F | JP Geveaux | 5/6F |
Sara Ema | 5/6R | Sanvi Sood | 5/6R |
Shrestha Pulaparthi | 5/6R | Daiwik Majeti | 5/6R |
Bilva Hemant | 5/6R | Diya Patel | 5/6R |
Aanya Panwar | 5/6R | Adishree Singh | 5/6R |
Sanjeev Ananth | 5/6R | Srishti Suresh | 5/6R |
Pratham Thakkar | 5/6R | Emily Jayaweera | 5/6R |
Nicholas Giouris | 5/6R | Viraj Choudhary | 5/6B |
Stephanie Verginis | 5/6B | Riddhi Ranjan | 5/6B |
Harshitha Prasanna | 5/6B | Amelia Zhu | 5/6B |
Elizabeth Yeung | 5/6B | Mahia Farhana | 5/6B |
Maths Explorer (Years 3/4) 2022 Squad
Student | Grade | Student | Grade |
Samson Bloch | 4S | Rhea Madhu | 4S |
Srivaishnav Upputuri | 4S | Rudra Dongaonkar | 4S |
Tengyi Bian | 4S | Twisha Amin | 4S |
Aarna Patel | 4S | Javin Santos | 4S |
Aarush Kesarkar | 4S | Ewan Boushel | 4A |
Alexa D’Aquino | 4A | Mia Karipis | 4A |
Rishikesh Kuppalashokkumar | 4A | Suria Pinter-Campbell | 4A |
Aoi Mizuta | 4A | Sahara Jordan | 4A |
Ruby Wajnberg | 4A | James Gilbert | 4A |
Johan Balaji Rajasekar | 4A | Sahasra Gudala | 4A |
Hanish Myala | 3K | Albert Nesterets | 3K |
Avyaan Dhar | 3K | Ivy Layton | 3K |
Harvey Clift | 3K | Harrison Zhou | 3K |
Gordon Zhou | 3M | Henry Gracey | 3M |
Vidit Dhole | 3M | James Chaffey-Blackwell | 3M |
The remaining contests will be taking place over the following dates
Contest 2) Wednesday 4th May 2022
Contest 3) Wednesday 15th June 2022
Contest 4) Wednesday 27th July 2022
Contest 5) Wednesday 7th September 2022
Congratulations to all of those who have made the final squads for either Maths Olympiad or Maths Explorer!
Mr Swanson
TheirCare News
Wed 4 – House Cross Country
Fri 6 – Family Fun Night
Fri 3 – Lightning Premiership
Mon 13 – Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Tue 14 – Curriculum Day
Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.
All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.
Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.
Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.
This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.
If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.
CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass
Thank you.