Newsletter #8 – 30 May 2019

Principal’s Report
It’s time to CELEBRATE!
We received notification yesterday that Glen Huntly Primary School would receive $500,000 in this year’s state budget to enable us to complete the planning of upgrading the schools existing facilities and to get early works underway. It will be followed up with a further $4.5 million for the major works. This is in addition to the funding last year for our new school oval.
We are extremely grateful that Glen Huntly Primary School has been included in this year’s budget and in future budgets. I will be going to Bricks and Mortar training on Friday to find out more information on this funding. As I receive information we will notify the school community of the next steps. This funding will allow us to continue to improve our fantastic school!
Education Week:
Last week we celebrated Education Week and had many different events throughout the week. We had out New Prep Parents 2020 Information morning and evening sessions. We had many new parents come and hear all about GHPS and everything we have on offer to develop not only the academic achievements of their children but also to build them as citizens of the world. Our school captains Imogen and Veer spoke at our morning session and did a marvellous job, I was extremely proud of them. We have put videos of their speeches on our school website under the “School Tours” tab, I encourage you all to go in and have a watch! Thank you to our Prep Team Olivia Fourniotis, Mikaela Ristos, Ivana Novakovic and Ashleigh Smart for being there to share the prep program with our new families.
It was lovely to see so many families at our Open Evening and Community Breakfast. It was a great chance for our students to share with their parents all of their learning achievements so far this year. All of our teachers had fun cooking breakfast for all of our families and we were very lucky to have such a beautiful morning weather wise.
Grandparents Morning Tea began with our Year 3 and Year 4 choir showcasing the songs they have been learning this year.
We had so many helpers on the day and also with bake goods. Thank you once again to GPA for all of their hard work and dedication to making our Grandparents Morning Tea a HUGE success!
Traffic Management:
It is very disappointing to see that parents are still driving into the school and parking.
Parents and visitors are NOT to park in the school grounds.
This is for the safety of your children and staff at GHPS. This also includes parents who are using our Before Care and After Care service. Children are using the playground at all different times throughout the morning, during the day and in the evening. There are many alternative places for parents to park including Grange Rd, Garden Ave, Wattle Ave, Lyons St and Munro Ave. Please refer to our Traffic Plan Policy and our Traffic Management Plan on our school website for further information.
Amy Tinetti
Acting Principal
School Council Report
School Council met for the first time in Term 2 on Monday 20th May.
Key items covered at the meeting included;
* NAPLAN online worked very smoothly for GHPS despite many media reports of schools experiencing issues – reports should be available in August
* Mother’s Day stall was a resounding success with a great mix of items available
* Election Day bbq and cake stall were also highly successful with in excess of $3500 raised. A big thank you to TheirCare, our out of school hours service provider, for their generous donation towards goodies for the bbq.
* Fete planning continues apace with rides now confirmed and booked, and a new Fete banner on the way.
* 6 new LED TV’s have been organised for the portable classrooms that will enhance these teaching spaces. This was made possible via some of the funding we receive from TheirCare.
* 5 updated/new policies were reviewed and discussed – Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Dogs at School, Assessment & Reporting, and Yard Duty.
* A new kitchen in the East Site staffroom was installed over the Terms 1 holidays. The result is the staff now have access to kitchen facilities that have brought them out of the 90’s into 2019 and is greatly appreciated by all.
* Oval redevelopment is progressing well, with the cricket pitch and grass around the goal posts the final stages for completion. All going well we should have the oval available for children’s use in term 3. There will also be some re-seeding of the grass areas on the West Site taking place which should spruce this area up.
* Our new school slogan “Learning Today Leading Tomorrow” has been approved and will be utilised widely within the school’s publicity & marketing agenda.
* A new reporting/payment/communication tool is currently being assessed for use from 2020 onwards. More details will be provided as we get closer to a decision.
If there is any issue any member of the school community would like to raise with School Council, please email glenhuntly.ps@edumail.vic.gov.au
Craig Matthews
School Council President
Congratulations to the following students who have received a Student of the Week award
Sai 0F – For trying his best to read out the ‘ng’ sounds during our guided reading session this week.
Vydiut 0F – For his focus and engagement during Monster Maths this week. You are an Addition star.
Ulemj 0N – For staying on task and putting effort into all his work this week. Keep it up!
Safwan 0N – For working hard to remain on task and complete his work to the best of his ability.
Ryan 0R – for trying his best during recount writing this week.
Henry 0R – for his improved handwriting skills. I can tell you have been practising.
Praneedh 0S – For reading fantastically during book club and for always being a positive role model in Prep S.
Dynani 0S – For her amazing persistence in learning all of her golden words. Well done.
Samson 1A – For always coming to school with a smile on your face! You are a positive role model in our class who always adopts a growth mindset.
Ruby 1A – For working really hard in writing this week. You are showing great improvement!
Rudra D 1E – For his impressive manners in and out of the classroom.
Sriram 1M – your impressive retell of ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ and using lots of punctuation including exclamation marks and talking marks.
James 1M – your excellent problem solving skills and using skip counting strategies to work out our maths problem yesterday.
Mahia 2C – her impressive narrative Chocolate Land. Her writing and spelling has improved so much.
Pranavi 2L – For her consistent positive and can do attitude towards learning!
Nicholas 3F – His impressive knowledge of subtraction with trading.
Roshini 3F – Her beautiful and creative flair that shines through in all her writing.
Athulya 3F – Her positive attitude and consistent effort she puts into all classroom activities
Avanish 3K – Continually improving his writing – I really enjoy reading your well-constructed stories!
Daiwik 3K – Always being kind and helpful in the classroom to others and showing determination and success in Mathematics!
Sid 3S – His beautifully written narrative about ‘When the Aliens attack’. Excellent use of vocabulary.
Archie 4J – Excellent effort applied in your persuasive writing with great results.
Het 4R – For applying yourself during our unit on ‘Chance’ and acing your post-test as a result!
Sam 6J – Excellent and intelligent reading and comprehension during your Term 2 Reading assessment.
On Friday 24th we had our Lightning Premiership Winter Round Robin day with some great results!
Well done to the T-ball girls team who finished first in their division. Great work!
Another big congratulations to Mr Swanson’s Division 1 Football team who lost in the grand final 1-0. Mr. Swanson was proud to have coached such a good side. There are still 3 more Winter friendly rounds to go.
Also, we thank the football star academy for running their awesome sporting schools program with grades 2-6.
Congratulation to those who competed at district cross country on Tuesday, 28th May.
Amazing results from Will, 6P, who finished 5th and Jaikiah, 6J, who finished 10th.
Both will compete at the Kingston division cross country event in June.
Miss Kasambalis
Families holding a valid means-tested concession card or foster parents are eligible to apply for the Education State Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund.
To be eligible for the fund, a parent or legal guardian of a student attending a Victorian Primary School MUST hold a Pension or Concession Card or Centrelink Health Care Card.
This form is available from the office and must be filled out each year.
For more information, contact the office
The 2019 | 2020 Entertainment Memberships are here, with exclusive offers for everything you love to do. It’s our best Membership yet, packed with amazing offers for activities, attractions, shopping, travel and all kinds of tasty treats – from cool cafes to fabulous fine dining.
With Entertainment there are thousands of experiences you can enjoy, while raising funds for the things you care about.
Notices distributed to parents
May 17 All Students Hot Dog orders
Mon 11 Queen’s Birthday Holiday
Fri 28 Term 2 ends