Newsletter #8 May 27, 2022


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow.                                                             

GPA & Election Day

Thank you to everyone in our community who supported the wonderful work of the GPA on this day.

It was great to have cakes or goodies provided for the cake stall, help on the bbq, or generally doing what needed to be done. It was a great fundraiser and we made $3945 profit!


Education Week

Open Night and Performances: Once again, it was fabulous to be able to have families attend with their children to visit classrooms, and the specialist Art, Music, and Science classrooms across the school.

Students were very proud and excited to be able to share their work or perform in the Choir, Party Hats or Second Chairs Band.

Thank you to the wonderful GHPS teaching staff and everyone who attended to make it a successful night.

At the Community Breakfast held on Thursday morning, we were highly appreciative that TheirCare provided a delicious array from which to select, including a coffee/hot chocolate van.


Thank you to the TheirCare Team! Thank you to Mr Jenkins who also cooked the bacon on the bbq for the egg and bacon rolls! Families were able to stay on and visit their child’s classroom.


National Sorry Day

As you may be aware, yesterday was National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week starts today. National Sorry Day is about recognising First Nations people and all that has taken place throughout Australia’s history. This is a time for important conversations to help with healing and we, as a community, can check-in with our people to help recognise and give voice to their thoughts and feelings.

National Sorry Day acknowledges and raises awareness of the history and continued effect of the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people from their families, communities, and culture.

The first National Sorry Day was observed in 1998, a year after the first “Bringing Them Home” report — the result of a government inquiry into the forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families. Among that report’s recommendations was the consideration of an unreserved apology and a formal apology was delivered in 2008 by the then Prime Minister, Kevin Rudd.


National Reconciliation Week

This commences today Friday 27 May to Friday 3 June 2022 and celebrates and builds on the respectful relationships shared by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians.

The dates commemorate and bookend two significant milestones in the reconciliation journey — the successful 1967 referendum, and the High Court Mabo decision, respectively.

Thank you to the Year 3 representatives, Siena and Radha for sharing their perspective on this important week at this week’s assembly.


Attitudes To our School Student Survey for Students in Years 4, 5 & 6 (AToSS)

The dates that our students will be undertaking this survey will be before June 17. In the Annual Implementation Plan 2022, there are targets for this year. The school is working on improving the following:

· Increase the positive endorsement of learning confidence for Grade 4-6 from 77% -79%

· Increase the positive endorsement of emotional awareness and regulation from 69% to 74% (similar school)

The school is guided by the Framework for Improving Student Outcomes (FISO 2.0) Evidence base, November 2021.


Grade 5/6 Lamington Fundraiser

A big thank you to the Grade 5/6 students and teaching team for their lamington fundraiser initiative which is underway.

Remember that the pre-orders will be closing on Sunday the 29th of May, so get your orders in soon! Make sure to bring cash only on the day.

You can purchase the lamingtons from either the Senior or Junior side, but make sure that if you pre-ordered lamingtons, that you collect them from the same side from which you ordered them.

On the West side, purchases will be available near the library, and on the East side the stall will be set up outside the main building on the asphalt.

For more information check earlier Compass notifications.


May School Council Meeting

At the meeting held on Monday, Mr Cameron White made a presentation on the Annual Implementation 2022 to the members of School Council.

During this term, I have been meeting with all staff to discuss the 2022 AIP and their Statement of Expectations (SOE)which has been an opportunity to align the school’s expectations as detailed in the AIP with each teacher or staff members’ contribution, including how these can strengthen the outcomes for each student.

The three goals support the key areas for improvement:

1. Teach and support each student at their point of need

2. To improve student outcomes in Literacy

3. To improve student outcomes in Numeracy

The key improvement strategies are being actioned through staff attending and subsequent up taking of the professional learning which will be implemented and revisited throughout the year.

Leaders have a collective responsibility for supporting, planning, and scheduling the activities for staff and for evaluating progress against the indicated milestones and reviewing current practices.

The School Council President, Nicole Verginis will provide a report of the meeting in the 17 June Newsletter.


State-wide Principal Leadership Conference

I will be attending the State-wide Principal Leadership Forum on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 May.

The theme of this year’s Education State Principals Conference is: Stronger Together: Every Student, Every School. DET acknowledges the importance of Principals’ prioritising their own professional learning and connection with your colleagues at this time.


Long Service Leave

All the best to Laura in the Office who will be taking 10 days LSL. We hope that she has a wonderful time.

The next newsletter will be uploaded on 17 June when Laura returns.

Libby Alessi        Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Dominik 0H – for demonstrating his insightful knowledge of the world during our Inquiry Unit ‘It’s Alive!’ It was great to hear you discussing with your peers different animals and their habitats. Great work, Dominik!

Akari 0H – for displaying her kind and caring nature towards others particularly by opening their containers and lunch boxes. Thankyou for being so helpful!

Uma 0S – for doing an amazing job during our first guided reading session. You are a

Vedhika 0S – for always showing attentive listening and contributing to class discussions and for having a cheery disposition and positive attitude towards all tasks.superstar at sounding out words!

Jaina 1D – For writing interesting and exciting sentences using a variety of sentence openers. You are becoming a very confident and creative writer. Well done!

Zoe 1D – For being such an enthusiastic reader. You are showing great improvement in your sounding out and expression which is wonderful to see. Well done!

Aryan 1PB – For his outstanding retell of our Mentor Text, the Dress Up Box. Well done for including the events in order and using sentences with full stops and capital letters!

Sonika 1PB – For using great questioning this week in Literacy Groups about the text, ‘Amazing Gardens’. You really are a Question Master!

Thomas 2M – For coming to school with a positive attitude each day this week. Your smile in the mornings have brightened up our classroom!

Shreyan 2S – For his excellent understanding of ‘Time’ and being able to solve problems about the duration of time! An impressive effort!

Lewis 2S – For his superb use of interesting vocabulary in his narrative writing. You are a star!

3K – To the whole grade for a second week in a row for outstanding effort completing your first NAPLAN. Congratulations!

Visakan 3K – Enthusiasm in mathematical problem solving activities and clearly sharing his workings out with his class! Well Done!

3M – for completing their first naplan! You guys did amazing and I am very proud of you all!

Zac 3M – Creating an awesome comic using dialogue and punctuation. Well done!

Lucas 4A – For following all steps and showing your working out to solve worded problems involving fractions. Fantastic work!

Shenaya 4A – For consistently showing respect, kindness and a cheerful attitude. We love having you in 4A!

Javin 4S – For embracing your new role as the ‘Time-Monitor’ for 4S. Your ability to keep our class on track has been outstanding. Well done, Javin!

Srivaishnav 4S – For always having an upbeat and positive mindset. Your hard work and determination is really paying off. Well done, Vaishnav!

All Year 5’s in 5/6R – For smashing your naplan assessments over the past 2 week! I am so proud of you all for pushing through and trying your best on all your tests. Well done to my fabulous Year 5’s!

Charvi 5/6F & Pihu 5/6B – For their support in helping to mount artworks ready for the Open Night.

Bilva 5/6R – for working impressively with her group this week to co-construct and present a video highlighting all the changes she would make if she was prime minister. Excellent work Bilva, you raised some excellent points!

Science News

Year 5/6 Science – Physical Sciences   

The year 5/6 students have had many ‘light bulb moments’ as they participate and engage in group, hands on rotations to explore electricity, energy and light.

Students have trialled experiments relating to processes which have allowed them to explore how electrical circuits provide a means of transferring and transforming electricit

Creating a simple circuit                                  Diffraction Glasses (splitting light)

Buzzers and Motors                                                           Static Electricity

Lemon Clock                                                                    Group Challenges

Melinda Oldham

Sport News

Keep those hearts jumping!

Jump Rope for Heart continues at Glen Huntly Primary School! Students have been learning a range of individual skills, as well as partner and group skills. It has been excellent to see improvements across all year levels, as students have been practising and working together to achieve their skipping goals.

Our Jump Off Day will now be held in the final week of Term 2. Families are still able to donate until this time. So far Glen Huntly Primary School has raised $697 as a school – and counting! Don’t forget to share your online fundraising page with friends and family to raise money for a great cause and win some awesome prizes!

Still need to sign up online? It’s easy – just follow this link and enter your details.

Keep up the great work, everyone!

District Cross Country

On Tuesday 24th May, Glen Huntly Primary School participated in the annual District Cross Country event held at Caulfield Park.

We competed against several other schools in the district including Carnegie P.S., Caulfield South P.S., Caulfield Junior College, Malvern P.S., Malvern Central P.S., Malvern Valley P.S. and Lloyd St School. Cross Country is an individual endurance event, however it was great to see the collective enthusiasm of all the competitors on the bright and sunny morning!

48 students from Glen Huntly Primary across Years 3-6 qualified from our House Cross Country earlier in the term, and went on to represent our school at districts.  A big congratulations to all the individual performances on the day – you should feel very proud of yourselves!

A special mention goes to Lucas 5/6F for finishing in 12th place for his age group. A brilliant achievement!

Thank you to Mr White and Mrs Fox for helping on the day, Miss K who assisted in organising the event, and to the parents who came down to support their children and the school community. I look forward to next year!

Ms Roth          Physical Education Teacher

TheirCare News

School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership.  All are a part of a healthy curriculum.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.

If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per student is:

  • $125 for primary school students

New applicants should contact the school office to   obtain a CSEF application form or download from the website below.
If you applied for CSEF at your child’s school last year, you do not need to complete an application form this year unless there has been a change in your family circumstances.
You only need to complete an application form if any of the following changes have occurred:

  • new student enrolments; your child has started or changed schools this year.
  • changed family circumstances; such as a change of custody, change of name, concession card number, or new siblings commencing this year.

Check with the school office if you are unsure.
The closing date for Camps Sports and Excursions Fund (CSEF) applications is 24 June 2022.

For more information about CSEF visit:



Wed 1 – Year 2/3 Excursion

Thu 2Student Free day

Fri 3 – GPA Meeting

Fri 3 – Lightning Premiership

Mon 13 – Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Tue 14 Curriculum Day

Fri 24 – Term 2 Ends (early dismissal 2.30pm)


Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.