Newsletter #9 14 July 2023


    Learning Today.                     Leading Tomorrow.

Welcome back to everyone and we hope that you had some time to relax and enjoy time with your family during the school holidays.

It has been great to see all the students arriving back at school this term so happy and enthusiastic.

Maintenance and school improvement work over the holidays 

Thank you to Cameron White for organising the following school improvements during the break:

  • Over the holidays new split system air conditioning units were installed in Room 1, 2 and 8. These replaced the old box window mounted air conditioning units and are far more efficient.
  • A new hot water system was installed for the West staff room.
  • Blocked roof spouting cleaned in student toilets on the West Site
  • School tree safety audit conducted.
  • The door to the library near the decking was repaired.
  • The painting was redone for the handrails outside the library, main building, and Grades 2, 3 and 4
  • Mowing of the grass and whipper snippering by our Garden Service Team: Mitchell and Max – all areas looked much neater for the start of term:)

Term 3 promises to be a busy and exciting term and we can look forward to many upcoming events. All families will have received a Term 3 Events flier outlining what is on this term.

First up, we are very grateful to the members of GPA for booking a much sought after spot for a BBQ fundraiser at the Moorabbin Bunnings on Sunday 16 July.

Parent helpers are needed to cover 2-hour shifts between 7am – 5pm. Please support the fundraiser by signing up, heading down on Sunday to buy a sausage or make a donation to cover the cost of purchasing the yummy BBQ food. All contributions will be greatly appreciated! Please head to the signup page which has been distributed in Compass on Monday.

Last term, GPA and the Wear Colours Casual Dress Day raised funds for States Schools Relief.

We are very proud of the way our community has supported this and able to raise $603.15. Thank you to everyone who made a donation.

Feel welcome to send your child to school to enjoy our Breakfast Club which is open to all students each Tuesday and Thursday morning from 8.15am to 8.45am.

The breakfast is free and if they want some fruit for snack or have forgotten their lunch they can drop by and ask for something to be made up.

Thank you very much to Ruth, Lisa, Bindu and Liz M who have helped out each week in providing food to our students.

New club at lunchtime Grade 2-6


Each Monday at lunchtime between 2.00 and 2.30pm we will be running a Chess and Lego club in Room 1.

Any student in Grade 2 to Grade 6 is welcome to join.

ThinkUKnow online Safety Session for Grades 2-6

GHPS is hosting an online safety information session on Wednesday 19 July between 6-7pm.

This will be a free face-to-face session held at school by ThinkUKnow, a national evidence-based education program.

A booking is essential, and attendance is for parents ONLY due to the sensitive nature of the content being discussed.

Preparing for Three-Way: Teachers – Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences Semester 2

The parent teacher student interview booking system will be set up on Compass at the end of week 2 (Friday 21 July). The interviews will take place on Tuesday 25 July between 2:30 and 6:40pm, with the last interview being available at 6:30pm.

Teachers may then determine their own schedule for any remaining three-way conferences, between 8:00am and 8:45am on either Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday morning of this week, however teachers do not have to be available for all of these times and Staff will have the flexibility to select the times that suit them.

Parents can be offered a choice of face-to face times or Webex online forums.

Parents will have access to the interview times when they go live on Friday 21 July at 1.30pm, including the teacher’s Webex address for parents.


Whole school assemblies are being held again this term on Fridays in the Gymnasium on the East Site, with the exception of week 3 which will be on Tuesday 25 July (instead of Friday 28 July) and week 10 when the term finishes at 2.30pm on Friday 15 September.

The final assembly will be on Friday 8 September.

2024 Prep Enrolments: Foundation (Prep) Enrolment Pack for parents/carers

If your child is turning 5 years old by 30 April 2024 and is eligible to start school next year, it is time to submit your child’s enrolment form.

The new Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline set by the Department of Education now applies and we invite you to submit your enrolment application by Friday 28 July. You will be notified of the outcome of your application by Friday 11 August 2023 and need to accept it by Friday 25 August.

All children of compulsory school age are guaranteed the right to enrol at their designated neighbourhood school and priority will be given to siblings.

We look forward to receiving your enrolment form and thank the families who have already sent theirs to the Office.

If you’d like any assistance with the enrolment, please contact us and we will help you.

Gourmet Kids Cooking Classes

Cooking classes for Term 3 start up again next week.

Susan, the Chef from Gourmet Kids, will be coming in each Tuesday and Wednesday for the next six weeks teaching the students the art of cooking and food preparation.

I believe pasta is on the menu this term!

Congratulations to Ms Roth

Families in Year 3 have been told of Ms Roth’s exciting news earlier this week. Ms Jasmine Roth and her husband Mike are expecting their second baby in November 2023.

Jasmine will be taking maternity leave in term 4 and her last day is anticipated to be Wednesday 18 October. We will keep you informed as to who will be appointed to teach 3RK closer to the date.

It is very exciting for Jasmine, Mike and their son, River and we congratulate them on sharing their wonderful announcement.

Libby Alessi         Principal

Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award.

Eleanor FB – For the superb effort that you put into your Weekend Writing and your own retell of the fable, The Three Little Pigs. Elly, you have shown great tenacity in coming up with ideas for your sentences and having a go at spelling tricky words. Keep it up you Wicked Writing Warrior!

Navya FD – For returning to school this week with such a positive attitude and for approaching every task with enthusiasm. During writing this week you were able to create two interesting sentences for our Three Little Pigs retell. Keep up the great work!

Nora 2M – For a fantastic first week at Glen Huntly Primary School! You make a wonderful addition to our class.

Charli in 2S – For your focus this week in our class activities and achieving your literacy goals by having a go at all spelling words in our test this week. Great effort Charli!

Makayla 3C – For your unwavering commitment to learning and your energetic spirit this week. Your enthusiasm and dedication to learning tasks has truly stood out. Keep up the amazing work!
Vedesh 3C – For your exceptional skills and enthusiasm when describing and representing number patterns on a number line. Keep up the fantastic work!

Candice 3RK – Welcome to GHPS Candice! 3RK is lucky to have a person like you in our class. You are a star!

Raha 3RK – For writing a fantastic acrostic poem about a tissue. You turned an everyday object into an entertaining piece of work. Well done!

Winston 3RK – For writing another very creative acrostic poem about a computer. We loved listening to you share your poem with the class. Top notch effort!

Jonah 4A – For your consistent effort across all areas this week. I was particularly impressed with your use of expression during our guided reading session. You are a star! Keep up the great work!

Harvey 4SJ – For always being honest and truthful, showing rock solid integrity and for always participating in all school activities with inspiration and enthusiasm.

John 5/6J – For terrific dedication to your learning tasks this week. You have managed yourself maturely with all of your work, demonstrating excellent collaboration skills with Hudson when working in teams. A great start to the second semester. Great job!

Hudson 5/6J – For terrific dedication to your learning tasks this week. You have managed yourself maturely with all of your work, demonstrating excellent collaboration skills with John when teamed up. A brilliant beginning to your final semester of primary school!

Isaac Chachashvili 5/6K – For your wonderful contribution to all classroom discussions, eagerness in learning activities and for sharing your fantasy paragraph about the dragon and the boy!

Twisha Amin 5/6K – For outstanding care towards her classmates, regularly sharing her thoughts and feelings in classroom discussions and showing leadership in reading groups!

Nafas 5/6R – For settling into our class with ease. Well done and welcome to GHPS!

William 5/6R – for sharing his extensive knowledge of Australian colonisation with respect during inquiry this week. I look forward to our discussions this term.

Sport News

This Term we will be running our House Athletics. Training will soon be under way.

Wonder Bread Recycle Rewards Competition.

We can earn P.E equipment for every 5 kg of wonder bread packaging collected!

Follow the link for more information.

Ms Kasambalis

TheirCare News

GHPS Facebook





Sun 16       Bunnings BBQ

Wed 19      ThinkUKnow online safety presentation

Tue 25       Parent/Teacher meetings

Fri 27        100 Days of Prep

Mon 31     School Council Meeting


Fri 11        Yr 3-6 House Athletics

Fri 11        School Disco

Mon 28    School Council Meeting


Wed 6      Junior House Athletics

Thu 14      R U OK Day

Fri 15        Footy Pie Lunch

Fri 15        Final Day Term 3 Early dismissal 2.30pm



Fee payments and Excursion Permissions and Payments.

All Communication notices regarding excursions will be sent through COMPASS.

Permissions are to be given through COMPASS.

Preferred payment method for Fee payments and Excursions is through COMPASS.

This will allow us to always keep all the correct information available to staff whilst on an excursion.

If you have any questions, please contact the office or see Guide below.

CLICK HERE for Parent’s Guide to Compass

Thank you.