Newsletter #9 June 18 2020

Principal’s Report
On Wednesday 17 June, the Student Council were able to finally meet again! The first thing the representatives from each of the grades who attended reflected upon was about what had been their most wonderful moment since coming back from Home Learning.
The number one reason hands down was to see and socialise with their friends. We all missed everyone’s faces and seeing them in real life!
A very close second reason was to learn again at school with their teachers. While they had some fun with Home Learning, everyone agreed it was great to learn at GHPS! They missed the playground and playing outside.
The second thing we discussed was the ideas we had compiled in March from what the classes wanted to discuss. Some interesting suggestions came about which we put into categories and can look at the possibilities throughout next term.
The students would like to bring a gold coin donation and have a free dress day for the end of term 2 on Friday 26 June. The funds raised will go towards one of the suggestions from them which was to purchase a set of library books that they are keen to read. Ms Lucas- Lely will consider the options and provide us with a recommendation that will be suitable for students to read.
William and Charvi 3K have prepared a report about the meeting which we have discussed together:
Hey everyone, this is the 3K student council representatives. In the meeting of 17 June, we discussed how we have helped Sandy Primary School. (Max 3F has written about this further down.)
We also talked about how the school will be able to build a better hall and have new toilets and that the plans are being worked on. (Mrs Alessi helped us with this part and in the School Council Report next week, Ross D will elaborate). Also thought about casual dress day, (which we will have), a milkshake lunch and new play equipment which we would like to have but is still to be worked out, (which we still need to get more information about).
We also discussed the problem with parents not responding to “excuse me” (when students are trying to get past them at Gate B & A), so a teacher is going to stand outside and help the children/parents. Also, we know that parents had a situation with the crowds outside Gate B and A so we’re going to ask for your help to try to fix it.
Ms Tinetti will make a sign that is between Gate A and B and right on the bend that says:
ATTENTION Parents and Students:
Please do not stand here, as it is too narrow to get past. Thank you for helping.
Please see the picture below that Ms Tinetti has taken to show where we are talking about.
Letter for Sandy P.S by Max 3F
Dear Sandringham P.S,
We hope that the money we have raised for you today will help you improve your school grounds and make it a better place.
Thank you.
When Mrs Pam Bernau from Sandy Primary came to GHPS this morning, Max read her the letter and she asked him what he thought the Grade 3 or 4 students would like to play with as they did not have much after the fire.
She also explained that since it was only their second day of school for the year, most of their IT equipment was still locked away in the area that was burnt out. They lost all their archives and documentation and many irreplaceable items that will not be covered by insurance.
The staff, students and families have been very sad but supportive and will greatly appreciate our donation of $310. Thank you very much also for the generous donation by the Faruqui family (Zoya 3F) who donated $500 to Sandy P.S.
In addition to donating to Sandy P.S., they have kindly donated $500 to GHPS and we are very grateful for this and will put the money towards new readers for our students.
Semester One Student Report
A final reminder that the semester one report will be available for parents in Compass on Thursday 25 June.
Tania Casonato has been successful in being appointed to a new Education Support position as of next term at Moorabbin P.S.
Thank you very much to Tania for supporting students, staff and programs at GHPS since 2014. She has provided us with wonderful expertise, skills and a very vibrant approach to all that she has assisted and accomplished.
Tania has worked with students, in LBW and with helping with the Cabaret and Costumes. We are very sad to lose Tania and know that she will embrace the new opportunities at her new school with much energy.
We also farewell Ariane Mazis who has been taking Tree House Reading. Thank you Ariane for all your achievements and working with our reading program.
Ariane will be working with Mrs Oldham and Ruth next week to provide handover information and look at where the students will be working.
We wish you both the very best for your new pathways.
End of Term
Just a reminder that Term 2 finishes on Friday 26 June and students will be dismissed early at 2.30pm.
Please wear free dress and support with the gold coin.
The School Council Report for June will be included in a short final term 2 newsletter.
Libby Alessi Principal
Congratulations to the following students who received a ‘Student of the Week’ award during the past 2 weeks.
Thomas 0N – For working hard to stay on task and do his best work! Keep it up, Thomas!
Emma 0S – For consistently trying your best in all tasks and always being a great helper in the classroom. Keep up the great work!
Isaac 2L – For the tremendous improvement in your handwriting and taking so much pride in the presentation of your work.
Manaswi 3O – For being a kind, considerate and helpful member of 30. You are always looking for ways to help your teacher and peers. Well done.
Tyler 3O – For his excellent work in Maths this week. You are now a wiz at telling the time to the half hour and quarter hour.
Sanjeev 4C – For consistently submitting work that is to the best of your ability, and for always communicating professionally and respectfully on Google Classroom, Microsoft teams and e-mail. Keep up the phenomenal work.
Aanya 4C – For always trying your hardest and being eager to improve in all learning areas. Your determination is admirable. You should be proud of yourself!
Aadi 4C – For your increased focus on all learning tasks and carefully listening to instructions before starting your work.
Brody 4C – For writing a well structured biography on Albert Einstein. It was entertaining, informative and radiated your unique writer’s voice. Well done!
Michael 6J – For demonstrating excellent work habits upon his return to school. Fantastic Mike!
Preps Celebrate Milo’s Birthday
Library News
Exciting updates for the Premiers’ Reading Challenge!
Glen Huntly Primary School have now read a total of 2,079 books and 23 students have completed the Premiers’ Reading Challenge.
Well done to the Grade 4 students again for reading the most number of books, with 4J leading with 245 books read by the whole class.
Congratulations to all those who have been reading at home and keep up the excellent work!
Thank you and keep up the great reading everybody!
Miss Lucas-Lely
Fri 26 End of Term 2 Early Dismissal – 2.30pm
Mon 13 Term 3 Commences